Editor’s Note
June 9, 2020
How COVID-19 is affecting rural communities across Canada
June 9, 2020CERIC to publish French edition of Career Theories and Models at Work
An international team of professors and doctoral students have been working on a project to translate the popular Career Theories publication into a French edition, which will be titled Théories et modèles orientés sur la carrière : des idées pour la pratique. All 43 chapters of the original book will be translated with the addition of a preface reflecting the conceptual and regulatory distinctions in career counselling practices among the Francophonie in Canada and around the world. Louis Cournoyer (University of Quebec at Montreal) is co-ordinating the French-language translation of the book, with the collaboration of Patricia Dionne (University of Sherbrooke) and Simon Viviers (Laval University). It is expected to be available for January 2021.
Learn more about the English edition of Career Theories and Models at Work at ceric.ca/theories
CCDF report highlights career development perspectives on COVID-19
In this analysis from the Canadian Career Development Foundation (CCDF), career professionals weigh in on how the pandemic has affected the field and offer recommendations to ensure the career development ecosystem is ready to respond to the significant demand that is anticipated during and post-pandemic. The report assesses the anticipated impact on:
- Vulnerable individuals
- Youth/young adults
- Public employment services
- How career/employment services are delivered
- Career development professionals
Check out the report at ccdf.ca
CERIC issues Request for Proposals on value of career development within experiential learning
CERIC is seeking proposals from interested resource developers to gain a better understanding of the intersections between career development and experiential learning and determine how and where gaps can best be filled. In particular, CERIC’s interest in this project is to develop an easily accessible resource that supports building reflective practice for career development into an experiential learning program for anyone currently delivering or considering delivering such a program.
Deadlines for this RFP are as follows:
- Intent to submit: June 12, 2020
- Proposal deadline: August 6, 2020
- Anticipated award of contract: October 15, 2020
Visit ceric.ca/rfp_experientiallearning to download the RFP
SRDC report explores youth career decision-making
A report prepared by the Social Research and Demonstration Corporation (SRDC) as part of a CERIC-supported research project aims to clarify when, where and how youth initiate and craft their career aspirations. SRDC has examined the existing literature to consider (a) the stages of youth decision-making and the key influences at each stage, (b) the role of career education in supporting post-secondary decisions, and (c) the kinds of career education resources available, taking into account the strengths and weaknesses of these sources. The research project is an empirical exploration of the long-term effects of career education interventions involving 7,000 Canadian youth in three provinces.
Read the report at ceric.ca/careereducationinyouth
Research examines parents’ role in career guidance
The Warwick Institute for Employment Research has released an international evidence report and a practice report titled The role of parents and carers in providing careers guidance and how they can be better supported. The research seeks to understand how parents and carers can be better supported by schools and colleges to feel more informed and confident with the career advice they give to their children. It includes a review of international evidence, practices and interventions, as well as interviews with practitioners and stakeholders to find out what is going on in practice. The overall aim is to identify interventions and activities that could be developed and piloted within schools and colleges.
Learn more at warwick.ac.uk