Project to map Canada’s career services landscape awarded to Challenge Factory and CCDF
September 6, 2022Award-winning career development leader Dr. Candy Ho becomes Chair of CERIC Board
September 13, 2022CERIC will be offering three new webinar series on its fall calendar. The first series will help career practitioners to understand the foundation of strategic resume development. The second series will address clients’ motivation and how they can develop skills to remain energetic, enthusiastic and effective. The third series will guide career development professionals on effectively integrating reflective practice into experiential learning.
- Real-World Resume Strategy: What Do CDPs Need to Know in 2023? | Wednesdays, October 12, 19 & 26, 2022 | Presented by Gabrielle Leclair & Barb Penney, in partnership with Career Professionals of Canada (CPC)
Today’s employment market demands a new standard for resumes that a template cannot deliver. Strategic resume development is vital for career professionals to provide customized and valuable support, address individual client backgrounds, objectives and needs, and help their clients meet their goals.
This webinar series will introduce participants to techniques that leading Canadian professional resume writers use to attract employer attention, appeal to hiring managers, deal with barriers, and optimize for ATS (applicant tracking systems).
- Motivation at Work: Helping Your Clients to Develop Skills for Energy, Enthusiasm and Effectiveness | Tuesdays, October 18, 25 & November 1, 2022 | Presented by Dr. Jason Cressey (, in partnership with the Canadian Association for Supported Employment (CASE)
Motivation is the most important driver behind achieving goals. If someone is not motivated, they achieve very little – or nothing at all. Developing the skills to motivate others is not a mysterious game of chance – rather, new research from the field of psychology reveals how we can help others to work more enthusiastically towards their goals and remain focused even when obstacles appear.
These webinars offer a range of valuable tools for professionals to pass along to clients in their career development journey. Participants will engage in a rich and varied learning experience with the opportunity to test their knowledge in the third and final webinar of the series through small group exercises.
- How to Effectively Integrate Reflective Practice in Experiential Learning for Career Development: Tools, Framework and Map | Tuesdays, November 15, 22 & 29, 2022 | Presented by Mark Franklin & Rich Feller (OneLifetools) and Sean Elliot (CEWIL) in partnership with the Co-operative Education and Work-Integrated Learning Canada (CEWIL Canada)
With increasing investment in and expansion of Experiential and Work Integrated Learning programs, you want to ensure the most successful outcomes. But one of the stickiest challenges remains how to integrate quality Reflective Practice to help learners make meaning of their experience, and better translate their learning to their next steps in work or learning.
This series will move participants from Reflective Practice theory to evaluating specific resources that unlock Career Development’s value within Experiential and Work-Integrated Learning programs.
Registered participants in all the series will receive a video recording of each session. Individual certificates of attendance will be provided to all registered participants who attend the webinars live.
CERIC’s paid webinars are now hosted via the Zoom events platform to provide more interactive learning and networking opportunities. Participants will have access to a lobby where they can interact with other participants before, between and after the sessions, as well as many interaction options during the live webinars. An FAQ answers any technical questions.
CERIC partners with associations and organizations across Canada and beyond to present webinars that offer affordable professional development. Previously, CERIC has also worked with the Association of Service Providers for Employability and Career Training BC, Association québécoise des professionnels du développement de carrière, , Canadian Association of Career Educators and Employers, Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association, Career Development Association of Alberta, Experiential and Work-Integrated Learning Ontario, First Work, Labour Market Information Council , New Brunswick Career Development Association, Nova Scotia Career Development Association, Ontario Association of Career Management, Ontario School Counsellors’ Association, Ordre des conseillers et conseillères d’orientation du Québec, Vocational Rehabilitation Association (Canada), and the US-based National Career Development Association.