Annual Report 2022


Riz Ibrahim, Executive Director  

Candy Ho, Board Chair

Leadership Message

As we present this Annual Report of activities, impacts and reflections, we do so with a recognition that CERIC’s 18th year of operations was nothing like those that preceded it, and with a sense that it will be nothing like the years ahead. 2022 was in many ways a prelude to transitions for CERIC and perhaps also for the many stakeholder communities we endeavour to serve.

The coming of each new year also brings a new Cannexus conference in January. CERIC and the career development community in Canada look forward to this annual gathering, which helps set the tone and stage for the year ahead for many within the skills, career and workforce development ecosystem. With COVID not yet out of our rear-view mirrors, we had to make a late fall 2021 pivot to implementing an all-virtual conference in 2022. As eager as we were to meet our community face to face, we were mindful that health concerns and travel restrictions were still dominant forces to contend with. We had not yet transitioned out of the pandemic. With an abundance of caution, we convened our second virtual conference.

With over 1,700 delegates in attendance in 2022, it was evident that the knowledge offerings at Cannexus and broader access of a virtual event held strong appeal. These were notable factors as we worked to plan the first hybrid Cannexus for 2023. Holding two back-to-back virtual conferences helped us understand the kind of learning and convening that was well suited to online delivery. It also provided space for us to try to curate different content, including an interactive, in-person consultation for 2023. The evolution from virtual to hybrid was also a prelude to a transition in the future of Cannexus, which 2023 would help us define.

The year was a busy one from a projects point of view. We launched several new research projects and saw the culmination of projects that had run through the pandemic. We continued to conduct important research including a National Business Survey (NBS) and a special Content and Learning survey. Both initiatives would shape our exploration of different kinds of stakeholder engagement as we gauged how learning preferences had changed in the past few years, how our stakeholders wanted to consume content, and how they wanted to share and connect as a community. Webinar activity was reduced to give staff the ability to embrace other forms of learning and connecting, namely virtual community roundtables anchored in the findings of the NBS. Two years of digital-only consumption of content also afforded us the opportunity to start to rethink the future of Careering magazine.

This was also a year to build on existing partnerships and forge new relationships that would hopefully materialize into fruitful partnerships in the future. We engaged with the Future Skills Centre to develop a new stream of programming for Cannexus23. We worked with the Asia Pacific Career Development Association to develop a scholarship program that would provide access to Cannexus programming to individuals from non-high-income countries. We started to explore joint learning offerings with various organizations, and co-led the first North American social media campaign for Global Career Month with NCDA and CCDF with the theme: “Career Development Changes Everything.”

In early 2022, we started to engage in organizational work around equity-centred leadership. This work would immediately start to redefine our Board and Committee composition, increase the focus on equity and access to our learning offerings, and give us an opportunity to explore how the Etta St. John Wileman Award could become a more inclusive, accessible recognition of outstanding achievement in career development in Canada. We knew this would be a long journey; living our EDI values through our work over 2022 was envisioned as just the start of many changes to come in the years ahead.

The year also saw both stability and change on the staffing front. Two staff returned from maternity leave and a new position was created to support the development and delivery of a hybrid Cannexus. CERIC Executive Director Riz Ibrahim announced last fall that he would be moving on to the role of President and CEO of CERIC’s funder, The Counselling Foundation of Canada, in spring 2023. After a national search, we ended the year with a new incoming Executive Director, Kay Castelle. Castelle would join CERIC at the end of February 2023, ushering in a new era for the organization.

As we ended the year, we did so with a deep recognition that the ever-present commitment and humbling resilience of our staff provided the strength that allowed the work to be done, opened up the possibilities of transition and change as well as gave the promise of deeper impact in the years ahead. They remained inspired and engaged for the benefit of career development professionals across Canada. A special thanks also to the CERIC Board and Advisory Committee volunteers who continued to provide their support, guidance and commitment. And lastly, a special thanks to Bruce Lawson and The Counselling Foundation of Canada for their ongoing and unwavering support and commitment to the work of CERIC.  


Riz Ibrahim, Executive Director   

Candy Ho, Board Chair 

CERIC is a national charitable organization whose mission is to advance education and research in career development in Canada. CERIC’s vision is that people in Canada have the capacity to use their skills and talents towards a more fulfilling future for all.

2022 Impact-at-a-Glance

resource downloads
virtual Cannexus22 conference attendees
webinar participants
million impressions of National Business Survey media coverage
supporting organizations
Graduate Student Engagement Program members
unique visitors to CERIC websites
social media followers
subscribers to CERIC publications
engagements in first Global Careers Month campaign


Promoting career development as a priority for the public good

This strategic mandate guides CERIC’s collaboration with diverse stakeholders to raise the profile of career development. Advocating for career development among employers, policymakers and school leaders will enable CERIC to fulfill its mission of “Advancing career development in Canada.” In 2022, CERIC leveraged media coverage of its National Business Survey to advocate for career development as a solution to employers’ recruitment and retention problems. Research projects initiated and awarded in the past year will create a comprehensive picture of the career development field in Canada and clarify the role of career developers amid a changing labour market.

1. Conducting research and activities that demonstrate the value of career development

Project to examine how the changing nature of work will affect career developers

Significant disruptions to the labour market such as the pandemic have changed the nature of work and contributed to the evolving definition of a career. These shifts could affect the role and identity of the career development field as well as the skillsets and competencies career developers need to navigate these changes and effectively support clients/students. In October 2022, CERIC issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) to research how external forces are shaping the changing role and identity of career developers. Through this project, CERIC seeks to increase understanding of:

  • The macro factors that are redefining the changing workplace and career paths;
  • The role and identity of career developers; and
  • What services clients/students need and how career services need to adapt to meet these changing needs.

The contract will be awarded in March 2023 and the project will start in May 2023 with results to follow in about a year.

Landmark research to uncover scope of Canada’s career development sector

Canada lacks comprehensive data on the size, scope and composition of its career development sector. This information is vital for policymakers, Canadians and the field itself while navigating a changing labour market. In fall 2022, CERIC selected Challenge Factory and the Canadian Career Development Foundation (CCDF) to take on first-of-its-kind market research scoping the career development field in Canada. This followed a Request for Proposals (RFP) issued earlier in the year.

A key output of the Scoping the Canadian Career Development Landscape project will be a “Scoping Model” that will provide an evidence base about the structure of the field. This will include insights and recommendations for professional associations, educational institutions, employers and government policymakers. The project will also seek to identify select high-level career services outcome measures and will consider the state of Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Indigeneity (EDII) among career professionals. Project findings are expected by early 2024. 

Survey highlights need for career development to address employer challenges

Amid a fluid pandemic landscape and underlying uncertainty, most Canadian executives (81%) are struggling to find workers with the right skills. However, few have drawn on the expertise of career development professionals to address recruitment and retention challenges, according to CERIC’s Career Development in the Canadian Workplace: National Business Survey. The survey of 500+ executives was conducted by Environics in late 2021 and released in early 2022.

The survey revealed insights into Canadian organizations’ views on skills and talent gaps and hiring underrepresented groups. Compared to CERIC’s 2013 survey, more employers reported challenges finding young talent and a shortage of skilled workers.

The survey also highlighted the importance of investing in career development to address business challenges. While 73% of respondents agreed employers are responsible for providing career management programs for employees, only 27% said they provide these programs. Nearly half had not heard of career development professionals before taking the survey.

The National Business Survey attracted significant media interest, generating 32.6 million impressions in media coverage. In an op-ed for The Toronto Star, Board Chair André Raymond and Vice-Chair Candy Ho leveraged the survey results to urge employers to invest in workers’ careers.

At Cannexus22, a panel of experts from Future Skills Centre, the Toronto Region Immigrant Employment Council and the Canadian Chamber of Commerce reflected on the survey results and considered next steps. Career professionals also explored implications of the survey in four Virtual Community Roundtables held later in 2022.

A few additional CERIC highlights from 2022, showcasing the social and economic value and public benefit of career development:
“Career development is about more than helping students to find a job and build a career. It has an important role to play to help young people manage anxiety, depression, and other manifestations of poor mental health that can make transitions from education into work more difficult…”
(Redekopp and Huston, 2020)
New Brunswick Career Development Framework
2. Amplifying the value of career literacy and a career mindset for Canadians

Media coverage highlights value of career development

Coinciding with Canada Career Month in November and turbulence in the labour market, CERIC published a four-part series exploring the value of career development in The Globe and Mail’s Leadership Lab. The articles, authored by CERIC Board Chair Dr. Candy Ho, explored:

This series stood out as a highlight in a successful year for CERIC’s public relations. With the support of a PR agency, CERIC secured over 200 media engagements (up 325% from 2021) including editorials and interviews. Coverage from mainstream media outlets including CBC Radio, The Toronto Star, BNN Bloomberg and Global News helped CERIC raise awareness of career development in Canada. Trade publications such as Canadian HR Reporter, Academica Top Ten and Charity Village also featured CERIC’s initiatives and expert commentary.

Campaign amplifies career development on global stage

Efforts to amplify the value of career development went international in November, as CERIC, the Canadian Career Development Foundation (CCDF) and the US-based National Career Development Association (NCDA) launched a Global Careers Month social media campaign. The Career Development Changes Everything campaign invited career professionals and the public to share stories illustrating the importance of career development. This initiative generated 469 social media posts from over 130 contributors around the world, with 7,697​ engagements​.

The first-ever Global Careers Month – coinciding with Career Month in Canada – was organized by the Inter-Agency Career Guidance Working Group​.

Careering magazine puts career mindsets in the spotlight

The Winter 2022 issue of Careering magazine explored the many facets of Career Mindsets. Contributors illustrated how career mindsets support students and jobseekers across ages and stages to make purposeful decisions and take action in their careers. Several articles examined how to leverage career mindsets to navigate change and ease anxiety about the future.

In 2022, Careering magazine also explored the themes:

Last fall, CERIC decided to pause Careering magazine following the Winter 2023 issue amid changes in reader behaviour and a challenging advertising landscape.

3. Engaging with stakeholders in the broader career development ecosystem

Advocacy campaign to raise visibility of career development

CERIC began planning a consultation with leaders in the career development field to inform a future National Advocacy Campaign for career development. This initiative would help advance the visibility of career development as a public good during this transitional time for the field.

CERIC invited 50 sectoral leaders from across Canada to participate in a design-thinking lab to be hosted at the Cannexus23 conference in Ottawa. Overlap Associates was brought on to facilitate the consultation that would identify priority themes for a National Advocacy Campaign. Participants will be invited to continue their involvement as CERIC collaborates with the career development community to advance this initiative in 2023.

“It was evident in the advocacy meetings…that Career Development is an economic driver and critical in this changing world of work. It was an exhilarating day of discussions, and I look forward to the next steps.”
Janet Morris-Reade

Careers and Canadians: Connecting career development and public policy

In the second installment of CERIC’s Careers and Canadians series, Lisa Taylor hosted a virtual fireside chat with Nova Scotia Deputy Minister Paul T. Lafleche about how career management can be a powerful tool in public policymaking. The series invites policy leaders to explore how career development contributes to the public good, supporting career professionals to link their work to policy agendas.

Careers and Canadians draws inspiration from CERIC’s Retain and Gain: Career Management for the Public Sector, authored by Taylor. The series began in 2021 with Taylor interviewing former Saskatchewan Deputy Minister of Immigration and Career Training Alastair MacFadden.

Coming together to grow career development

CERIC was fortunate to work with numerous stakeholders to advance the promotion of career development as a public good over the past year, with an emphasis on growing our international and francophone engagement. Examples of collaborations in 2022 include:

Building career development knowledge, mindsets and competencies

This strategic mandate guides CERIC’s collaboration with diverse stakeholders to raise the profile of career development. Advocating for career development among employers, policymakers and school leaders will enable CERIC to fulfill its mission of “Advancing career development in Canada.” In 2022, CERIC leveraged media coverage of its National Business Survey to advocate for career development as a solution to employers’ recruitment and retention problems. Research projects initiated and awarded in the past year will create a comprehensive picture of the career development field in Canada and clarify the role of career developers amid a changing labour market.

4. Mobilizing knowledge and developing training and resources that support career professionals

Toolkit showcases how career professionals can help employers address talent needs

Today’s tight labour market requires new approaches and flexibility to attract talent with shifting jobseeker and employee expectations. To help raise employer awareness of the value of career development and the services of career development professionals (CDPs), CERIC created a toolkit outlining 10 Ways Employers Can Address Their Talent Needs by Partnering with Career Development Professionals. The toolkit and accompanying infographic reflected input from more than 100 CDPs through two Virtual Community Roundtables hosted by CERIC in partnership with ASPECT BC and the Ontario Association of Career Management. The toolkit will be updated in 2023 to reflect contributions from two additional roundtables with the Career Development Association of Alberta (CDAA) and Ordre des conseillers et conseillères d’orientation du Québec (OCCOQ) held at the end of 2022.

Wayfinder enhances reflection in experiential learning

CERIC released a new tool in 2022 to deepen the career development impact of experiential learning through reflective practice. The Wayfinder search site from OneLifeTools is a collection of over 300 resources to support practitioners and learners to engage in reflective practice. It is the product of a CERIC-funded learning project, “Unlocking the Career Development Value Within Experiential Learning.

The Wayfinder site also features a Maker’s Audit & Guide with best practices and prompts, as well as a Literature Search & Abstract defining reflective practice and its connection to career development. Downloads and distribution of these resources reached 7,361 people in 2022.

“Until now, educators and facilitators who sought best practices in career development reflection could not easily and efficiently access best practices. Whether designing for co-curricular or curricular experiential learning, CERIC’s new Wayfinder provides tools to link career development to reflective practice, to help learners make meaning of their experience, and better translate their learning to the workplace.”
Darlene Hnatchuk
Director, Career Planning Service, McGill University. QC

Celebrating 20 years of sharing career development research

This year marked the 20th anniversary of the Canadian Journal of Career Development (CJCD) – Canada’s only peer-reviewed, open-access journal in the field. CJCD has published 40 issues with articles from more than 350 contributors, accumulating over 10,000 subscribers since its 2002 launch.

In 2022, CJCD published two issues, exploring timely research on topics including: Artificial Intelligence and Résumé Critique Experiences; Oppressions and Systemic Barriers in Helping Marginalized Populations; A Needs Assessment of Virtual Career Practitioners; and International Students’ Perspectives About Gaining Canadian Work Experience.

CJCD is a partnership between CERIC and Memorial University with the support of The Counselling Foundation of Canada as well as the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada.

Webinars meet continued need for online learning

While some career professionals were eager to return to in-person learning in 2022, others continued to appreciate the flexibility and accessibility of online opportunities. Over 4,000 participants attended CERIC’s eight free and paid webinar series in 2022. The webinars advanced learning on topics including Employer Engagement, LMI, Mental Health for Youth, Motivation at Work, Practitioner Research, Reflective Practice in Experiential Learning, Resumes and Social Enterprise.

We are grateful to our webinar partners –BCCDA, CASE, CEWIL Canada, LMIC and Career Professionals of Canada – whose support enabled us to reach even more career professionals across Canada.

“I will be able to use the tools and information to better serve my clients. I will be able to better assist them with their search and with researching career opportunities."
Barb Minard,
Job Developer, Options Work, NS

Survey illuminates career professionals’ learning needs in wake of pandemic

As career professionals juggled full workloads and pandemic-related challenges, a majority reported cost and time as top factors affecting their decision-making on engaging in professional development, according to CERIC’s 2022 Content & Learning Survey of Career Development Professionals. The May 2022 survey drew 644 responses and sought to better understand career development professionals’ (CDPs) learning needs, preferences and behaviours. Among the key findings:

The survey informed CERIC’s ongoing efforts to ensure its learning initiatives are supporting career professionals to enhance their knowledge, mindsets and competencies.

CareerWise, OrientAction empower career professionals with insights and resources

CERIC’s CareerWise and OrientAction websites, which provide news, resources and analysis for career development professionals, celebrated their fourth anniversary in 2022. The sites reached a record number of readers last year, with over 180,000 combined sessions and 136,000 users. They strengthened relationships with organizations including the OECD, Future Skills Centre and Brookfield institute, which contributed blogs highlighting practical implications of career development research. Several CareerWise blogs were re-published on Charity Village and shared in Academica Top Ten – connecting a broader audience to the value of career development. OrientAction continued to leverage strong relationships with Quebec associations OCCOQ and AQPDDC to amplify its content. The websites’ credibility among career development professionals continued to grow, seen through more requests from stakeholders to submit blogs and reinforced through the Content & Learning Survey results.

5. Fostering a cross-sectoral community of career development-minded professionals

Cannexus22: Exploring how career development changes lives, communities

The need for adaptability in challenging times was front and centre at the second virtual Cannexus conference in late January and early February 2022. While Cannexus22 was initially planned as a hybrid event, CERIC made the difficult decision to pivot to a second virtual conference amid ongoing pandemic challenges. Still, career professionals’ appetite to learn and connect remained strong; more than 1,700 delegates from Canada and abroad convened for Canada’s largest bilingual career development conference, with a focus on the impact of career development on individuals and communities.

Among the many conference highlights:

Cannexus22 was presented by CERIC and supported by The Counselling Foundation of Canada with a broad network of 36 supporting organizations and partners

“Cannexus22 is the best professional development that currently exists in the field of career development… Getting to connect with professionals from all over the world has been rewarding. It’s great to be in a space with like-minded people who are just as passionate about the work.”
Kirby Krause
Career Development and Life Exploration Program Co-ordinator, Hanover School Division, MB

Virtual roundtables convene career professionals to share learnings on employer engagement

CERIC hosted four Virtual Community Roundtables in 2022 to bring career professionals together to discuss the findings of the National Business Survey and share experiences and ideas around employer engagement. The roundtables were held in partnership with OACM (Ontario Association of Career Management), ASPECT BC (Association of Service Providers for Employability & Career Training), CDAA (Career Development Association of Alberta) and OCCOQ (Ordre des conseillers et conseillères d’orientation du Québec).

Across the four regional events, more than 200 career professionals discussed employer engagement strategies to demonstrate the value of career development and the work of CDPs to mitigate recruitment and retention challenges. Input from participants informed the creation of a toolkit, 10 Ways Employers Can Address Their Talent Needs by Partnering with Career Development Professionals, and infographic.

Lynne Bezanson honoured with Wileman Award

CERIC recognized the remarkable career of Lynne Bezanson at Cannexus22, announcing the CCDF Executive Director Emeritus as the 2022 recipient of the Etta St. John Wileman Award. Bezanson was celebrated for her decades of work strengthening the reach and impact of career development in Canada and internationally. Her many accomplishments include bringing the sector together to build the Canadian Standards and Guidelines for Career Development Practitioners – the first of their kind in the world.

Bezanson was unable to accept her award virtually so was scheduled to receive it in-person in Ottawa at the Cannexus23 conference instead.

The award is given in the name of Etta St. John Wileman, a champion of career, work and workplace development in Canada in the early 20th century. In 2022, the Wileman Selection Committee continued its efforts to evolve the award to become more inclusive and accessible, including shifting the focus from lifetime to outstanding achievement and revising the criteria for nominees.

“From her early days as a teacher and guidance counsellor to her extraordinary work in the federal public service and non-profit sector in areas of research and development, policy consultation and capacity building, (Lynne’s) commitment to this field and to those it serves knows no bounds.”
Jennifer Browne
Wileman Award Selection Committee Chair
6. Advancing the pipeline of future sector leaders and growing sector capabilities

CERIC supports next generation of career researchers to attend Cannexus

CERIC announced four winners of the Graduate Student Award, providing the students with free registration to attend the virtual edition of the Cannexus23 conference and $1,000. The winners were Hannah Celinski (Simon Fraser University), Omotade Owodunni (Royal Roads University), Viviane Poirier (Université du Québec à Montréal) and Mouhamadou Moustapha Sow (Université de Sherbrooke). Students were selected based on their article submission on a career development topic for CERIC’s Graduate Student Engagement Program (GSEP).

In 2022, a total of 19 students were admitted to GSEP. The goal of the program has been to introduce students from career development or related master’s and PhD programs to CERIC and support them in engaging with the field. One benefit of the program in recent years has been a virtual session to learn from leaders Norm Amundson, Spencer Niles and Candy Ho about strategies for graduate school success and advice for life after graduate school. CERIC paused new intake for GSEP in advance of the 2023 deadline in order to reconfigure the program, which is set to re-open later in 2023.

"My experience within the (GSEP) program was wonderful; the opportunity to be able to sit in a national committee and to be able to see not only what is happening in my region, but also broadly across Canada was very eye-opening... Another piece that I was really appreciative of was the opportunity to be able to engage with my peers, graduate students, …to hear the questions they were asking, the problems they are facing, who they are reading, how are they going about doing their research, and I think ultimately it helped me become a better scholar.”
Joel Murphy
PhD candidate Educational Studies, Mount Saint Vincent University, NS and GSEP member

Broadening access to learning for career professionals

CERIC is pleased to offer support in conjunction with our partners to increase the accessibility and impact of our Cannexus conference. This past year, CERIC awarded 41 bursaries for career professionals to attend the virtual edition of Cannexus23. This included 15 recipients of the new APCDA Cannexus Scholarship, awarded in partnership with the Asia Pacific Career Development Association to practitioners or students from non-high-income countries. Thirteen practitioners from community-based employment agencies were awarded The Counselling Foundation of Canada-funded Marilyn Van Norman Bursary. The Young Professionals Bursary – a partnership between CERIC and the Nova Scotia Career Development Association (NSCDA) – was granted to 13 early career professionals.

7. Enabling academic and community-based research that enhances career development practice

Research seeks to equip career professionals to help workers manage career shocks

Career shocks are expected to constitute a significant challenge in the field of career counselling and development in the coming decades. In 2022, the CERIC Board approved funding for a research project, “The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Career Development,” which aims to prepare career development professionals (CDPs) to help workers handle career shocks. The project will be led by Réginald Savard and Elodie Chevallier of Université du Québec à Montréal. It will investigate how the pandemic has shifted workers’ career concerns, and the need for CDPs and workers to develop new skills and resources. The researchers will disseminate their results through journals and conferences throughout 2023.

Popular Career Theories and Models at Work book to get companion guide

CERIC approved funding for a new project to develop a “Career Theories and Models in Practice” guide that will provide career professionals with theory-informed principles for everyday application. It will serve as a companion to the successful Career Theories and Models at Work: Ideas for Practice book. The sequel project will be led again by Dr. Nancy Arthur, Dr. Roberta Borgen (Neault) and Dr. Mary McMahon. The new guide – slated for release at Cannexus in 2024 – is intended for current practitioners as well as those entering the field. Published in 2019, Career Theories and Models at Work features more than 60 authors from nine countries. It has been translated into three languages.

Professors receive award for French adaptation of Career Theories book

The OCCOQ (Ordre des conseillers et conseillères d’orientation du Québec) awarded Louis Cournoyer, Patricia Dionne and Simon Viviers the Professional Award 2022 for their co-ordination of the French translation, revision and adaptation of CERIC’s Career Theories and Models at Work: Ideas for Practice. The jury acknowledged the importance and complexity of this work and emphasized the utility of Théories et modèles orientés sur la carrière : des idées pour la pratique for new and experienced career professionals.

Research explores career-related learning in Canadian elementary schools

Three literature reviews published in 2022 as part of a CERIC-funded research project detail approaches to developing career-related foundational skills in elementary education in Canada. Dr. Lorraine Godden of Ironwood Consulting and Carleton University is leading an international team of academic researchers undertaking the project: Career Development in Children: Identifying Critical Success Conditions and Strategies. This project seeks to understand how foundational concepts and skills that are introduced and developed by teachers in Grades 4 to 6 connect to career-related learning in Canadian classrooms. The documents produced in Phase 1 include a review of scholarly literature; a curriculum and policy review; and a review of business and industry partnerships. Phase 2 will develop a teacher’s toolkit expected to be released in the second half of 2023.

Improving services that support refugees’ workforce integration

An ongoing CERIC-funded research project is seeking to understand how services can better support the professional integration of refugees. The project is led by Université Laval Professor Marcelline Bangali in partnership with the Service d’Orientation et d’Intégration des Immigrants au Travail (SOIT) and researchers from Université de Moncton. The three-year project includes development and testing of an experimental intervention model and will inform policy decisions related to the improvement of services offered to refugees. The team will produce a practical guide for professionals working with refugees with lower levels of education with a goal of supporting them to find decent work.

8. Building capacity to extend our reach and impact

A commitment to justice, equity, diversity and inclusion

CERIC’s Board and Committee members participated a four-part Justice, Equity, Diversity, Inclusion (JEDI) training conducted by Chanel Grenaway & Associates in early 2022, setting the stage for deeper organizational work on equity-centred leadership. CERIC continued to focus on recruiting individuals from equity-deserving groups for its three advisory Committees. Other work included:

CERIC will continue to advance this important work in 2023 in the years ahead, in alignment with our organizational values.

CERIC welcomes new Board chair and committee members

In June, CERIC announced Dr. Candy Ho as the new Chair of its Board of Directors for a two-year term. Ho is the inaugural Assistant Professor, Integrative Career and Capstone Learning at the University of the Fraser Valley in BC, and an award-winning global leader in the career development field. CERIC also welcomed 10 new members to its Practical & Academic Research, Content & Learning and Advocacy & Community Engagement advisory committees.

A new leadership chapter for CERIC

CERIC Executive Director Riz Ibrahim announced he would be taking on the role of President and CEO of The Counselling Foundation of Canada in spring 2023. A national search led to the hiring of Kay Castelle, who will join CERIC as Executive Director at the end of February 2023. In other staffing changes: Two CERIC staff members, Cyrielle Filias and Sandra Francescon, returned from maternity leave; Farzaneh Babazadeh Bedoustani shifted roles to Conference Co-ordinator; and Norman Valdez was promoted to Director, Technology and Design.

Financial Statements

Statement of Operations

Year ended December 31, 2022


We are grateful to all those who help us fulfill our mission of advancing career development in Canada: our Board of Directors; our Advisory Committees; CERIC staff; our funder, The Counselling Foundation of Canada; and the many organizations that support Cannexus, our webinars and our various projects.

Board of Directors

Candy Ho (Chair)
Inaugural Assistant Professor, Integrative Career and Capstone
University of the Fraser Valley, BC

Darlene Hnatchuk
Director, Career Planning Service
McGill University, QC

Meghan Lavallee (Vice-Chair)
Director, Pathway Programs
Manitoba Institute of Trades and Technology, MB

Valérie Roy
Executive Director
AXTRA, l’Alliance des centres-conseils en emploi, QC

André Raymond (Past Chair)
Director, Service du développement professionnel
Université Laval, QC

Rob Shea
Vice-President, Fisheries and Marine Institute
Memorial University of Newfoundland, NL

Sue Watts (Secretary/Treasurer)
Executive Director
Employment + Education Centre (EEC), ON

Lisa Taylor
Challenge Factory, ON

Tony Botelho
Director, Career and Volunteer Services
Simon Fraser University, BC

Barbara Wilson
Owner and Principal
Thrive Career Consulting, ON

Keka DasGupta
Precision Marketing Group, ON

Donald G. Lawson (Honourary Director – Ex-officio)
The Counselling Foundation of Canada, ON

Bruce Lawson (Executive Officer – Ex-officio)
The Counselling Foundation of Canada, ON

Practical & Academic Research Committee

Tony Botelho (Co-Chair)
Director, Career and Volunteer Services
Simon Fraser University, BC

Cathy Campbell
Consultant, NS

Jeff Landine (Co-Chair)
Associate Professor, Faculty of Education
University of New Brunswick, NB

Kathleen Clarke
Assistant Professor, Faculty of Education, Wilfrid Laurier University, ON

Paul Brinkhurst
Innovations Developer
FutureWorx, AB

Tannis Goddard
Mixtmode Consulting, BC

Roxy Merkand
Senior Research Science Analyst
McKinsey & Company, ON

Shalini Sharma
Director, Research & Policy
Canadian Council for Youth Prosperity, ON

Magdalena Mot
Work-Integrated Learning Co-ordinator, Melville School of Business
Kwantlen Polytechnic University, BC

Mouhamadou Moustapha Sow (GSEP)
MA Candidate, Education
Université de Sherbrooke, QC

Joel Murphy (GSEP)
PhD Candidate, Educational Studies
Mount Saint Vincent University, NS

Content & Learning Committee

Andrea Christensen (Co-Chair)
Career Development Practitioner and Learning Specialist
Careers for Life Consulting, AB

Holly Linkert
Co-operative Education Teacher
Eastwood Collegiate Institute, Waterloo Region District School Board, ON

Dinuka Gunaratne (Co-Chair)
Director, Career Development and Experiential Learning
Northeastern University, BC

Felicity Morgan
Director, Career Centre
University of Toronto, Mississauga, ON

Shereen Ashman
CEE Centre for Young Black Professionals, ON

Medina Puskar
Manager of Career Services
Manitoba Start, MB

Meghan Lavallee
Director, Pathway Programs
Manitoba Institute of Trades and Technology, MB

Sashie Steenstra
Manager, iAdvance
ICTC (Information and Communications Technology Council), AB

Omotade Owodunni (GSEP)
PhD candidate, Business Administration
Royal Roads University, BC

Advocacy and Community Engagement Committee

Trevor Lehmann (Co-Chair)
Career Counsellor
University of Manitoba, MB

Akosua Alagaratnam
Executive Director
First Work, ON

Valérie Roy (Co-Chair)
Executive Director
AXTRA, l’Alliance des centres-conseils en emploi QC

Raj Dam
Associate Director, Partnerships and External Relations
University of Toronto, Scarborough, ON

Keka DasGupta
Precision Marketing Group, ON

Jenny Lee Northey
Career Counsellor
Queen’s University, ON

Alastair MacFadden
Director, Executive Education at the Johnson-Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy
University of Saskatchewan, SK

John Sharpe
Executive Director
Partners for Youth, NB

Adriano Magnifico
Career Development Specialist
Louis Riel School Division, MB


Amélie Almonacil
Specialist, Stakeholder Outreach, Marketing and Communications (Bilingual)

Amrita Jhutty
Conference Planning Assistant

Farzaneh Babazadeh Bedoustani
Conference Planning Co-ordinator

Alexandra Manoliu
Manager, Research Initiatives

Diana Castano
Executive Assistant and Office Administrator

Lindsay Purchase
Lead, Content, Learning and Development

Sharon Ferriss
Senior Director, Marketing and Communications

Maria Roscetti
Manager, Events, Learning and Development

Cyrielle Filias
Lead, Programs, Learning and Development (Bilingual)

Rachel So
Specialist, Digital, Marketing and Communications

Sandra Francescon
Manager, Events, Learning and Development

Norman Valdez
Director, Technology and Design, Marketing and Communications

Riz Ibrahim
Executive Director

During 2022, CERIC was also supported by intern Tanisha Batra.

CERIC also wishes to thank Ben Liadsky of The Counselling Foundation of Canada as well as Ruth Cortez, Precious Ogadi and Simran Gill of Foundation House.

Partners and Supporting Organizations

CERIC - Annual Report 2022