Announcing your Cannexus19 Mega speakers

Taking place January 28-30, 2019 in Ottawa, the Cannexus19 National Career Development Conference will feature this just-announced lineup of Mega Sessions with well-known presenters on highly pertinent subjects – from Indigenous youth to values-based leadership. Mega Sessions: Kofi Hope, Founding Executive Director, CEE Centre for Young Black Professionals – Values-based Leadership Herky Cutler, President &…


Strengthening Mental Health Through Effective Career Development: A Practitioner’s Guide

Author(s) Dave E. Redekopp and Michael Huston Publisher CERIC ISBN 978-1-988066-45-5 Buy on Amazon Buy on Indigo  Articles: "Book review: Strengthening Mental Health Through Career Effective Development" CareerWise, July 31, 2020 Michael Huston and Dave Redekopp "Career development and mental health: How can I practise ethically?"Careering magazine, Winter 2020 Kris Magnusson "Review: Mental health…

Announcing Spring Webinars: Future Careers, Career Learning, Social Determinants of Mental Health, and More!

CERIC is excited to announce an enriching lineup of spring webinars designed to equip career professionals, educators and counsellors with cutting-edge insights and practical strategies to enhance their practice. Join us for an engaging series of webinars this season, covering topics from future career trends to the integration of AI in career services. Navigating 2040…


Research & Learning

CERIC has a strategic priority to: Invest in an ambitious research and learning agenda that, through encouraging thought leadership, advances the career development field and builds its knowledge and skill base. Encourage project proposal submissions from more and varied career development stakeholders Expand opportunities for knowledge and skills development among career professionals Increase awareness of…

Career Briefs

Google launches new job search feature in Canada Google has introduced new search capabilities for Canadian users, allowing jobseekers to browse postings that can be filtered by commute distance, job title and time commitment within the Google search engine. It works in conjunction with employment sites, including Monster, LinkedIn and GlassDoor, to offer a “one-stop…


Only 2 weeks to go until virtual Cannexus21

Cannexus is Canada’s largest bilingual National Career Development Conference and will take place on January 25 & 27 and February 1 & 3, 2021 online. This year the conference will bring together more than 2,000+ professionals from across the country and around the world to reimagine career development, refresh skills and renew hope in 2021.…