CERIC guide will address impact of career development practice on client mental health

CERIC will publish a book in the new year that makes the case that career development practice is a mental health intervention, and provides skills and strategies to support career development practitioners in their work. Written by Dave Redekopp and Michael Huston, Strengthening Mental Health Through Effective Career Development: A Practitioner’s Guide explores how practitioners…


Virtual Cannexus videos now available for free online

A selection of top-rated presentations from past Cannexus conferences (a “Virtual Cannexus”) are now available for free viewing online, offering high-quality, no-cost learning for career professionals and their teams. Virtual Cannexus consists of videos from 37 education sessions at the 2012 and 2013 Cannexus National Career Development conferences.

Colourful speech bubbles floating on white backgroundCareering

Top 10: Advancing career development in Canada

We asked people working in career development across Canada: In the next 10 years, what do you think is most needed to advance career development in Canada? Here’s what they had to say. A multi-faceted spectrum of diversity that comes with individuality, where identity diversity and cognitive diversity go hand in hand; where we dedicate…

Announcing winter-spring webinars: Social Enterprise, Youth Career Development & Clinical Supervision

CERIC along with its partner associations will be offering a variety of webinar series in the next few months to support the career development community on a range of timely topics. The upcoming calendar includes: Exploring Social Enterprise: A Solution to the Challenges of Supportive Employment presented by David Lepage, Buy Social Canada, in partnership…