By Miranda Vande Kuyt “Start packing.” After five cross-country moves, 10 cities and 13 houses – the news was old. Seems every year my family newsletter […]
Cannexus15: Early Bird registration ends on November 3 The Cannexus National Career Development Conference is taking place January 26-28, 2015 at the Ottawa Convention Centre. You […]
By Deirdre Pickerell A reflection on 10 of the past and future trends of career development in Canada
By Roberta Neault Who works across borders and why? A primer What do you think of when you hear about international or global careers? Most Canadian […]
A Quarterly Publication of ContactPoint What’s New This Issue’s Theme: Social Media and the Career Development Field Face(Book) It – There’s a Link(edIn) in […]
Winter 2011 A Quarterly Publication of ContactPoint What’s New – Updates and Information from ContactPoint and CERIC This Issue’s Theme: The Balancing Act Intentional Practice: […]
By Dr. Roberta Neault and Deirdre Pickerell There are thousands of websites, blogs, and articles offering tips for finding balance. Canadians are working longer hours (23% […]
by Roberta Neault, PhD, and Deirdre Pickerell, MEd In an increasingly global workplace, more of our working relationships are entirely online.
By Krista Maydew, MA, GCDF, and Roberta Neault, PhD, CCC, RRP, GCDF When you hear someone talking about diversity in the workplace, people often assume the […]