Charting the Course: Mapping the Career Practitioner Role in Supporting People with Mental Health Challenges

Project Partners: Nova Scotia Career Development Association (NSCDA) and Neasa Martin & Associates Language: English COMPLETE - 2013 Employment is broadly recognized as an important cornerstone of social inclusion providing identity, purpose, meaning, social connections and the resources needed to participate in one’s community. People living with mental health issues face the highest unemployment rate…

Summer 1997

A Quarterly Publication of Contact Point What’s New Conference Sketches Snapshot Practitioner’s Corner Hot Sites Job Ads The Contact Point Team New Programs and Initiatives Upcoming Events Publications + Products If you have an idea for an upcoming issue or would like to contribute a piece for inclusion in an upcoming Bulletin, please send…


Role of Career Education on High School Students’ Education Choices and Post-Secondary Outcomes

Project Partner: Social Research and Demonstration Corporation (SRDC) Language: English COMPLETE Finding ways for young people to achieve their full potential is a universally shared political objective, whether the ultimate goal is economic growth, innovation and competitiveness, or promoting social inclusion and reducing social and health inequalities. Many from disadvantaged groups will need to pursue…

Upcoming Events

Upcoming Canadian Events Understanding Cultural Diversity and the Economics of Social Inclusion and Participation Conference, Canadian Employment Research Forum (CERF), Montreal QC. May 25 – 26, 2006


Growing the Big Tent: CERIC’s 2019 Annual Report

While 2019 already feels like a lifetime ago, CERIC is pleased to release its Annual Report which focuses on our role in expanding an inclusive and broad-based tent that advances career development in Canada. This role of building community and collaboration continues during the pandemic. As you’ll read, we are striving to create an even…


CERIC on the road this spring to share career development knowledge and resources

CERIC will be travelling to locations across Canada starting this month for a series of roadshows. These learning and networking events introduce attendees to CERIC’s programs and publications and provide the opportunity to connect with like-minded professional peers. Roadshows are inclusive events, designed to allow conversations between all who have a stake in career development,…


Disability in the academy and the academic library profession

By Anna Wilson The United Nations (UN) guiding principles of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD) includes non-discrimination, full participation and inclusion in society (UNCRPD, 2014, para. 9). Unfortunately, many scholars with disabilities are not represented in the academic and library staff in universities. Ableism conceptualizes the superior human condition, connecting…


Mental Health Issues in the Workplace

Updated April 2019 Mental Health Issues in the Workplace 156.38 KB 1 file(s) Topics covered include: Duty to accommodate Stress management Depression Supported employment Return to work and vocational rehabilitation Inclusive workplaces Role of employers Aarons-Mele, M. (2018). We Need to Talk More About Mental Health at Work. Harvard Business Review. Abrams, A. (2017). Mental…