Career Services Guide: Supporting People Affected by Mental Health Issues

CAREER SERVICES GUIDE: SUPPORTING PEOPLE AFFECTED BY MENTAL HEALTH ISSUES MAY 26, 2017 Employment is a cornerstone of social inclusion, yet people living with mental health problems face the highest unemployment rate of any disability group. Although people want to and are able to work, employment for many remains an illusive goal. People living with mental illness…

CERIC on the road this fall to introduce its programs, build local networks

CERIC will be travelling to locations across Canada starting this month for a series of free networking breakfast meetings. Attendees will be introduced to CERIC’s programs and services and connect with like-minded professional peers. Roadshows are inclusive events, designed to allow conversations between all who have a stake in career development, including career practitioners, educators,…


New Programs and Initiatives

By Robert Shea Announcing The Launch of the Canadian Journal of Career Development On November 26th, 1999 the first call for papers was announced by the Canadian Journal of Career Development (CJCD). The CJCD is a peer reviewed on line journal which has been designed to be as inclusive of those involved in career development…


Career development for LGBTQ communities the focus of new CERIC literature search

Individuals who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or queer (LGBTQ) experience unique challenges in the workplace. Career professionals can support these clients by providing effective career guidance and interventions. In the new CERIC literature search, LGBTQ and Career Development, we highlight emerging research and best practices to support LGBTQ clients to build inclusive work…


Upcoming Events

Vocational Designing and Career Counseling September 13-14 University of Padova – Padova, Italy Diversity 2011 Conference: The Power of Inclusion October 2-3, 2011 Workforce Diversity Network – Rochester, New York Futures Conference October 19-20, 2011 First Work – Collingwood, Ontario Going the Distance Conference October 20-21, 2011 Saskatchewan Career Work Education Association – Moose Jaw,…

hands typing on keyboard with code overlaid over top imageCareering

How technology can support career professionals in addressing social justice issues

Virtual tools such as gamification can help bring personalized career development to underserved populations Ronda Ansted Providing ethical career services requires that practitioners be inclusive in their approaches and understand the challenges facing all of their students and clients. By integrating social justice concerns into the career development process, practitioners can uphold the values that…

Anu Pala

Anu Pala operates her own consulting business, A-Nu Vision Coaching & Consulting, where she offers disability awareness training to organizations who want to create inclusive environments, computer training to blind individuals using assistive technology and coaches clients using the coactive coach model. Anu also is a freelance writer. She sits on various committees and takes…


Summer 1997

A Quarterly Publication of Contact Point What’s New Conference Sketches Snapshot Practitioner’s Corner Hot Sites Job Ads The Contact Point Team New Programs and Initiatives Upcoming Events Publications + Products If you have an idea for an upcoming issue or would like to contribute a piece for inclusion in an upcoming Bulletin, please send…


Role of Career Education on High School Students’ Education Choices and Post-Secondary Outcomes

Project Partner: Social Research and Demonstration Corporation (SRDC) Language: English COMPLETE Finding ways for young people to achieve their full potential is a universally shared political objective, whether the ultimate goal is economic growth, innovation and competitiveness, or promoting social inclusion and reducing social and health inequalities. Many from disadvantaged groups will need to pursue…