Free webinars in November on universal design in career services and settlement counsellor competencies
October 9, 2019Complete your 2019 national Survey of Career Service Professionals
November 1, 2019CERIC is pleased to be partnering with local associations and organizations across the country to present several roadshows throughout November for Canada Career Month.
These FREE breakfast meetings will engage career development professionals as well as related stakeholders in the communities where they work and provide networking and learning opportunities linked to new CERIC research and resources.
The following dates have been confirmed for the roadshows:
Vancouver, BC:
- Career Theories and Models at Work: Ideas for Practice, November 6, 2019
- Retain & Gain: Career Management for Non-Profits, November 15, 2019
Calgary, AB:
- Career Theories and Models at Work: Ideas for Practice, November 8, 2019
- Retain & Gain: Career Management for Non-Profits, November 18, 2019
Ottawa, ON:
- Career Engagement (from Career Theories and Models at Work), November 18, 2019
Toronto, ON:
- Career Engagement (from Career Theories and Models at Work), November 19, 2019
- The Competencies of Frontline Settlement Counsellors, November 20, 2019
Waterloo, ON:
- The Competencies of Frontline Settlement Counsellors, November 19, 2019
CERIC wishes to thank the many local partners who are collaborating with us to host roadshows and share information with their members and networks.
If you’re interested in attending, simply follow the links to register or if you would like to partner with CERIC to host a future roadshow in your community, please contact Cyrielle Filias at