Fall 2021:
Career Development Reimagined
(And the other newsletters from CERIC.)
The Winter 2022 issue of Careering magazine will explore the theme of “Career Mindsets.” New contributors are welcome, and can submit in English, French or both languages. Please review our Submission Guidelines and send a 1-2 paragraph proposal outlining your topic idea to Editor Lindsay Purchase, lindsay@ceric.ca, by Thursday, Oct. 14.
This issue will explore questions including, but not limited to:
- What are career mindsets?
- How does this intersect with career literacy?
- What does this concept mean for different groups of people (e.g. newcomers, people who are disconnected from the labour market, etc.) and how can career mindset be applied in those contexts?
- How would you like to see career mindsets shift (e.g. for clients, employers) and how do you see the concept of career changing?
- What is the impact of unexpected events on career mindsets?
- How can you integrate career mindsets into different spaces (e.g. workplace, various levels of education, etc.)?
- How can we help those who aren’t career professionals bring this concept into their spaces?
- How is a career mindset demonstrated?
Views expressed by contributors are not necessarily those of CERIC. Mention of programs, services, products and initiatives is not an endorsement of these items.