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Past Free Webinars & Virtual Events

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RECORDING: Canada’s Career Development Landscape: Hidden Sector, Hidden Talent, and Next Steps Revealed

RECORDING: Career Practice Principles: Bridging Theory and Everyday Practice

RECORDING: Empowering Educators: Exploring Possibilities for Children’s Career Learning in Grades 4-6

RECORDING: Navigating 2040 and Beyond: The Futures of Careers and Career Developer Roles

RECORDING: Decent Work on a Changing Planet: Practical Strategies for Developing a More Equitable World for Our Clients

RECORDING: How to Effectively Support Career Transitions Following a Loss of Meaning at Work? (in French with English subtitles)

RECORDING: Supporting the Integration of Refugees with Low Levels of Education: A Cross-multicultural Perspective on Counselling (in French with English subtitles)

RECORDING: Unlocking Potential with the Change It Up Approach: A Holistic and Strengths-based Approach to Career Development

RECORDING: Global Perspectives in Career Development: Empowering Your Inclusive Practice through Indigenous Knowledge and Worldviews

RECORDING: Using Research for Evidence-Informed Career Development Practice

RECORDING: Building a Bridge: How Employers and CDPs Can Collaborate to Address Workforce Needs in 2022

RECORDING: Labour Market Information Series: New LMI for Career Practitioners in Canada – February 28, March 28 & April 25, 2022 – sponsored by the Labour Market Information Council (LMIC)

RECORDING: Retain and Gain: Career Management for the Public Sector – What We’ve Learned So Far

RECORDING: Free Webinar: A Conversation with Dr. Kris Magnusson on Working With – and Around – Emotions in Career Helping – June, 8, 2021 with Dr. Kris Magnusson

RECORDING: Free Webinar: A Conversation with Zabeen Hirji on Building a Future of Work that Works for All: It’s Your Turn to Ask Questions – April 27, 2021 with Zabeen Hirji

RECORDING: Free Webinar Series: Career Theories and Models at Work: Ideas for Practice – March 29 & April 12, 2021 with Judi Miller, Patricia Dionne & Audrey Dupuis

RECORDING: Free Webinar Series: New Tools and Resources: 3 Experts Help You Navigate Changes in Career Development Practice and the Labour Market – March 1, 8 & 15, 2021 with Katharine Mullock, Sareena Hopkins & Anthony Mantione

RECORDING: Free Webinar: What Influences High School Career Decision-making: New Evidence – November 23, 2020 with Reuben Ford and Audrey Appiah

RECORDING: Free Webinar Series: Career Theories and Models at Work – October 5 & 19, 2020 with authors Jim Bright (Australia), Roberta Borgen (Neault) (Canada) & Deirdre Pickerell (Canada)

RECORDING: Free Webinar: Job Search and Career Exploration During COVID-19 Recovery: Providing Guidance to Newcomers – June 18, 2020 with Yilmaz E. Dinc

RECORDING: Free Webinar: Navigating Computing Career Pathways in 2020: What Advisors Need to Know – June 17, 2020 with Janet Miller, Randy Connolly & Faith-Michael Uzoka

RECORDING: Free Webinar: Gap Years as an Answer to Educational Disruption: Tools and Ideas for Professionals and Parents – May 15, 2020 with Michelle Dittmer

RECORDING: Free Webinar: Going Remote with Experiential Learning and Work-Integrated Learning: A Practical Outcome-Based Approach – May 13, 2020 with Lorraine Godden and Carolyn Hoessler

RECORDING: Free Webinar (In French): Accompagnement à distance : Guider les professionnels en développement de carrière sur la pratique en ligne – 5 et 12 mai 2020 avec Michel Turcotte

RECORDING: Free Webinar: Remote Services: Career Development Practice in Unprecedented Times – April 30 & May 7, 2020 with Tannis Goddard

RECORDING: Free Webinar Series: Career Theories and Models at Work – April 20, 24, 27 & May 1, 2020 with authors Jon Woodend (Australia), Louis Cournoyer (Canada), Simon Viviers (Canada) and David L. Blustein (USA)

RECORDING: Free Webinar Series: Thriving Through Chaos: How to Manage Your Mental and Emotional Well-Being and Help Your Clients Do the Same – March 31, April 1, 2 & 9, 2020 with Shellie Deloyer

RECORDING: Free Webinar: Your Impact on Mental Health: How Your Career Development Practice Promotes Client Mental Health – April 3, 2020 with Dave Redekopp & Michael Huston

RECORDING: Free Webinar Series: Career Theories and Models at Work: Oct. 25, Nov. 1 & 4, 2019 with authors Mei Tang (USA), Kimberly A.S. Howard (USA) and Tom Luken (Netherlands)

RECORDING: Free Webinar: Accessibility and Universal Design in Career Transitions Programming and Services with Frank Smith on November 15, 2019

RECORDING: Free Webinar: Redefining the Role of Front-Line Settlement Counsellors: 8 Critical Competencies for Success with Iren Koltermann and Dan Scott on November 22, 2019

RECORDING: Free Webinar Series: Career Theories and Models at Work: July 9, 10 & 11, 2019 with authors Michael Healy (Australia), Debra Osborn (USA) and Reinekke Lengelle (Canada/Netherlands)

RECORDING: Free Webinar: No Time? No Budget? No Problem! Retain and Gain: Career Management for Non-Profits and Charities – November 12, 2018 with Lisa Taylor

RECORDING: Free Webinar: Senior Entrepreneurs Matter: Who Are They, What They Need, and How You Can Help – September 18, 2018 with Pat Spadafora and Lia Tsotsos

RECORDING: Free Webinar: Career Development for Young Children: How Educators Can Make a Difference – May 28, 2018 with Dr Mildred Cahill

RECORDING: Free Webinar: Realizing Potential: How Parents Can Support Their Children’s Early Career Development – June 1, 2018 with Dr Mildred Cahill

RECORDING: Free Webinar: Computing Careers Explained! How Our New Guide Can Help You Advise Students – May 22 2018 with Dr Janet Miller, Randy Connolly and Dr Faith-Michael Uzoka

RECORDING: Free Webinar: A Question of Style: What HR and career professionals need to know about “misunderstood” candidate groups such as veterans – April 27, 2018 with Lisa Taylor

RECORDING: Free Webinar: Bridging Two Worlds: Practical Strategies to Support Educators Working to Meet the Needs of Newcomer Students – April 11, 2018 with Dr Jan Stewart, Kirby Borgardt and Kari McCluskey

RECORDING: Free Webinar: Pinasuutitsaq – An Intervention Guide for Career Development Practitioners Working with Inuit – November 21, 2017 with Sophie Mathers

RECORDING: Free Webinar Series: “Impressive” Post-Secondary Career Service Models: What Have We Learned? – November 13-17, 2017 with Dr Peter Dietsche

RECORDING: Free Webinar: Hope-Centred Career Interventions – June 5, 2017 with Dr Norman Amundson and Tannis Goddard

Looking for the upcoming learning opportunities at CERIC? Check out our live webinars.

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