Let Your Strengths Be Your Guide

By Patricia Rawson

Most people struggle when asked the question, “What are your strengths?” This is a conventional question asked at interviews and often one that can make a difference whether an individual gets the job offer.
Strengths are what employers are seeking. Employers want to know what separates you from the other candidates, how you might strengthen their organization and ultimately their bottom line.


Back to Work: Mom’s Work/Life Balance Tips

By Diana Jolly

Being a new mom and getting back in the workforce can be challenging to say the least. Some mornings, it’s hard to make it to the office on time when my two-year old insists on eating his breakfast in slow motion and wants to change his clothes three times before we get out the door.
What are ways you can ease into the workforce and keep your family-life balanced? Here are some tips that have worked for me and other parents I’ve talked to:


Lose Your Stress in Just Ten Minutes?

By Lynn Fraser

Have you seen the L’Oreal Ten Minute Crème Colorant ads? The slogan – “Ten Minutes to Rich, Radiant Color” – grabbed me. What else could I do in just ten minutes?  Could I lose that pile of laundry in ten?  Prep for a meal?  File those papers piling up on my desk?