New reference guide for career development counsellors working with Inuit clients

A reference guide – Pinasuutitsaq – ᐱᓇᓲᑎᑦᓴᖅ – which aims to improve career development interventions with Inuit clients, in urban and northern settings, is now available for free download. The guide was developed by Regroupement québécois des organismes pour le développement de l’employabilité (RQuODE) with project funding support from CERIC and the Kativik Regional Government. It is published in both English and French.


Editor’s Note

By Karolina Grzeszczuk

In a society that values the imagined virtues of being youthful – limitless possibilities and the energy with which to tackle any project – the reality of being part of today’s youth and entering the changing world of work is a very different ballgame.