
Career Briefs

Help for military to civilian transitions

The Military to Civilian Employment: A Career Practitioner’s Guide is now available, having launched at the Cannexus16 National Career Development Conference. An average of 5,000 Armed Forces personnel exits the military each year, many of whom seek to use their unique skill set in the civilian labour market. The guide will equip career professionals with what they need to know to assist veterans.


Results of CERIC 2015 Survey of Career Service Professionals released

The 2015 CERIC Survey of Career Service Professionals – recently completed by more than 1,000 respondents across Canada – paints a picture of a female-dominated field that is highly educated but only modestly compensated. These career professionals report that the top issue “keeping them up at night” is the public’s lack of understanding of career service interventions although close to 60% state that the perceived value of career professionals has improved in recent years.


French edition of mental health career services guide now available

CERIC is pleased to publish a free French-language version of its popular Career Services Guide Supporting People Affected by Mental Health Issues. The English guide has already been downloaded more than 3,500 times since being released in May 2015. While taking a national perspective, the guide does not necessarily reflect specific provincial regulations, such as those in Quebec. Readers from Quebec should note that some interventions are legally reserved.