From the Discussion Forum…

Recently, the following request appeared in the “Access to Trades and Professions” discussion:

“good morning to any one may read this message, i just want to inquire about something that i found so confusing, we are applying for immigration to canada, and my husband is the dependent immigrant, but his job is a regulated one, (he is an anesthesia & inhalation technician) the canadian terminology for his job is respiratory technician, any way it is so difficult to find out the address of the regulatory body, concerning his job, who to contact, we went to the embassy to get information, they gave us so many addresses, from the almanac & directory, it is really confusing, so till now one year has passed and we are still asking, do have any address that we can contact, by the way we are from lebanon, but we are living and working both me & my husband in kuwait, sorry for sending this message here but i thought that may be someone out there would advice me of what should i do, thank you any way.”



Academic and Career Choice For Lesbian and Gay Young Adults

By Margaret Schneider and Joan McCurdy-Myers

Over the past few decades, gay and lesbian people have become increasingly visible. This has resulted in a growing awareness, particularly among counselling professionals, of the impact of being lesbian or gay on an individual’s life. The influence of sexual orientation on academic and career choices is an area which has only recently received notice.



By Heather Sterling

CAETO – An overview

The Canadian Alliance of Education and Training Organizations (CAETO)/Alliance canadienne des organismes d’éducation et de formation (ACOEF) is an incorporated, not-for-profit, “umbrella” association of national education and training organizations, that provides its members with opportunities to identify and build partnerships related to education and training policies and programs.


Job Ads

Career Development Officer

The University of Toronto at Mississauga is looking for a Career Development Officer. For more information on this position, please visit the Job Board at Contact Point

Apply as soon as possible.

Job Developer

Woodgreen Community Centre of Toronto is looking for a Job Developer responsible for the implementation of the Targeted Wage Subsidy Program, self marketing and job training for unemployed individuals in the community. For more information on this position, please visit the Job Board at Contact Point.

Applications must be received by April 28, 1999

Instructor(s) – Native Community Worker / Early Childhood Education (NECE)

The Anishinabek Educational Institute is seeking Instructor(s) for the delivery Native Community Worker / Early Childhood Education (NECE) at the Munsee-Delaware Nation. For more information on this position, please visit the Job Board at Contact Point.

While applications will be accepted on an ongoing basis, placements start as early as May 26, 1999