Panel of experts to dissect CERIC’s Survey of Career Service Professionals at Cannexus

CERIC is pleased to announce that a panel of experts will discuss the results of the 2015 Survey of Career Service Professionals at the Cannexus16 conference in Ottawa. The breakfast discussion will take place on Wednesday, January 27 where panellists will gaze into their crystal balls to interpret what the survey results mean for the future of career development in Canada.

Pen and NotepadCareering

Editor’s note

By Catherine Ducharme

Working in the career development sector, we face an odd situation. Our clients with post-secondary education have a lower unemployment rate and they tend to earn more over the span of their careers. However, we also know people rarely stay their whole life in the same kind of work, and often end up in careers that have little connection with their degree. So why do their degrees matter?


Career Briefs

Cannexus National Career Development Conference turns 10

From January 25-27, 2016 CERIC will host the Cannexus 10th anniversary conference in Ottawa. Canada’s largest bilingual National Career Development Conference, Cannexus explores innovative approaches in career counselling and career development. Cannexus16 is expected to welcome 800 professionals from education, community, government and private sectors.


Virtual Cannexus videos now available for free online

A selection of top-rated presentations from past Cannexus conferences (a “Virtual Cannexus”) are now available for free viewing online, offering high-quality, no-cost learning for career professionals and their teams. Virtual Cannexus consists of videos from 37 education sessions at the 2012 and 2013 Cannexus National Career Development conferences.