New Career Crafting the Decade After High School: Professional’s Guide (2015) now available

Career Crafting the Decade After High School: Professional’s Guide dispels the “Career Myth” that those in their late teens and 20s should follow a linear, predictable route from high school to post-secondary training, and then on to permanent, full-time jobs. Straightforward and accessible, the guide provides practical counsel and effective tools that professionals can use to help reduce young adults’ anxiety and to assist them to take action in the face of uncertainty.


Winter issue of Careering goes Global

The theme of the Winter 2015 issue of Careering magazine is “Global Careers,” and is full of articles that will help you and your clients explore international opportunities:

  • How Can Young Professionals Find International Jobs?, by Jean-Marc Hachey
  • International Careerists: Who works across borders and why?, by Roberta Neault
  • Lessons Learned from Working and Living Abroad, by Gillian Johnston
  • Demystifying the Recruitment Process for International Volunteers, by Benoîte Labrosse
fountain pen on notebookCareering

Editor’s Note

I asked for advice before leaving. I asked family, colleagues and professors (but not my university career counsellor… mea culpa!) whether or not a gap year would damage my chances at graduate studies or a good career, whether or not it was worthwhile. Many tried to discourage me from doing it.