CERIC hosts fall roadshows

CERIC is once again hitting the road, travelling to various locations throughout Canada for a series of networking breakfast meetings, where attendees will be introduced to CERIC’s programs and learn about the key findings from CERIC’s recent Environics National


Assessment Guide for Career and Guidance Counselling

L_OCCOQ_CouleurAssessment activities are key components of career and guidance counsellor practice, regardless of their specific area of activity. In view of the modernization of professional practices in the mental health and human relations sectors and the revised scopes of practice, the Ordre des conseillers et conseillères d’orientation du Québec (OCCOQ)


A Model for the Education and Training of Career Practitioners in Canada

cpe_bannerCERIC’s partnership project, A Model for the Education and Training of Career Practitioners in Canada, is a continuation of the Advancement of Career Education in Canada project that was completed in 2005-2006. In the first of these projects, a process was designed to begin to articulate the educational background recommended for entry into, and advancement within, the field of career development. This second project is broken into three phases which will involve: