Pen and NotepadCareering

Editor’s Note

In 2013, mental health is being put at the top of the agenda in Canada. Last January, the Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) released its National Standard for Psychological Health and Safety, to promote good mental health practices in the workplace; May 6-12 was Mental Health week, CMHA’s annual national awareness and education week; CMHA and Partners for Mental Health (PFMH) organized the Not Myself Today workplace mental health campaign across Canada, which ran from May 9 to June 6, culminating with a national Not Myself Day @ Work on June 6.

Team ideasCareering

Career Briefs

National Challenge seeks ideas to promote career development in Canada

In recognition of CERIC’s 10th anniversary, The Counselling Foundation of Canada is launching an online competition this summer to solicit ideas and create a national dialogue that can enhance and promote the image of career development in Canada.

Hand shakeCareering

Being a Mindful Employer

By Richard Frost

Helping employers to support staff with psychological and mental health conditions

“The vision for a psychologically healthy and safe workplace is one that actively works to prevent harm to worker psychological health, including in negligent, reckless, or intentional ways, and promotes psychological well-being.” Such is the ambition of a new National Standard of Canada: Psychological health and safety in the workplace1 published in January 2013.


10 Questions for Jennifer

Jennifer Browne is the Director of Career Development & Experiential Learning at Memorial University of Newfoundland. She has worked in the area of career development in both community/non-profit and post-secondary settings.


Jennifer Browne - picture

mental healthCareering

Career Counselling & Mental Health: Bridging the Gap

By Tara Shuster

As career professionals, we encounter a large number of people with some kind of mental health issue, yet most of us do not have any specific training in the mental health field. This can lead to feelings of ineffectiveness and frustration. A well-publicized statistic is that one in five people experience some form of mental health issue in their life. As such, it’s not surprising that many of our clients may be struggling with something – especially when you consider the stress they’re under.


The Job Search Cookbook: A Recipe for Strategic Job Search Management

moore_bookreview_imageBy Dianne Moore and John-Paul Hatala

For experienced employment counsellors, the job search process can seem fairly transparent, based on clear, easy-to-grasp principles and steps.  But for jobseekers, the process can appear complicated, confusing and full of pitfalls that can derail their efforts to find work. The Job Search Cookbook: A Recipe for Strategic Job Search Management (Get in the Flow Publishing, 2012) by John-Paul Hatala, PhD provides an easy-to-follow, step-by-step “recipe” for an efficient job search.


Hot Sites: Mental Health

Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) / Association canadienne pour la santé mentale (ACSM)

This bilingual association offers a diverse and comprehensive array of resources in the field on mental health, from fact sheets to policy papers to research reports.