Decent Work on a Changing Planet: Practical Strategies for Developing a More Equitable World for Our Clients


person   Presenters

  • Trevor Lehmann, Career Consultant, University of Manitoba
  • Brian Malott, Indigenous Carer Consultant, Fanshawe College

calendar icon   Original date and time of the simulive series:

  • Wednesday, November 29, 2023
  • Wednesday, December 6, 2023

12:00 pm – 1:00 pm ET (Check your time zone)


  • FREE Simulive* Series


  • This webinar was presented in English

* A simulive session is a pre-recorded session in which presenters join only for a live Q&A session towards the end, interacting with the audience through live chat.


The climate crisis not only creates new environmental, economic and societal problems, but exacerbates  pre-existing inequalities and inequities of our present world. To address this pressing issue, there is a growing demand for a just transition that can effectively tackle the evolving challenges of our changing world while leaving no one behind. 

A just transition requires that all individuals have access to decent work, regardless of their station in life. Presently some jobs are celebrated while others result in physical and emotional harm, leaving those workers disengaged from society and despairing.  

Career development professionals can play a key role in changing this narrative and working collectively towards a more sustainable future and a just transition. By advocating for and empowering clients to pursue decent work from their employers and their society, they can contribute to a more equitable future for all.  

Why Career Practitioners Should Attend

Career development professionals traditionally provide career management and self-exploration skills, helping the client better adapt to the social structures around them. There is also an acknowledgement of equity/diversity/inclusion, but rarely do we discuss how to empower client-centered change in employers.  

In the webinar series, we will discuss the intersections between decent work and climate/sustainability, and explore how these issues disproportionately impact vulnerable groups, including refugees, Indigenous communities and students – often the most affected by the rapidly changing dynamics of our world. This practical two-part webinar series will go through concrete strategies to empower clients through consciousness raising, negotiation skills and awareness of labour law, while fostering a collaboration between employers and employees.

Cross-cultural approaches will be highlighted along with real-life case examples of how CDPs can effectively support their clients to pursue decent work and improve the quality of their lives. This will involve the application of various social justice principles including those from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Calls to Action, in the work of career development professionals. 

By the end of the webinar series, participants will feel better equipped and will leave with a list of resources, strategies and techniques to create positive impacts in your clients’ lives amidst a changing planet.  

Webinar #1: Decent Work – Defining and developing a more equitable world

Wednesday, November 29, 2023 – 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm ET
  • Defining decent work as a justice issue and how it relates to various theories 
  • Raising awareness among clients of inequities in employment 
  • Principles of labour and strategies for creating change within the workplace 
  • Considering a holistic approach to decent work from Heart, Mind, Body, Spirit 
  • Case studies in cross-cultural and Indigenous contexts 

Webinar #2: Decent Work - Practical tools for advancing equitable work for our clients

Wednesday, December 6, 2023 – 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm ET
  • Framing our position and responsibilities as career practitioners 
  • Applying career theories to the TRCs Calls to Action  
  • Ideas and conversational reframes to explore with clients 
  • Additional case studies in cross-cultural and Indigenous contexts 

CERIC webinars are hosted on the Zoom Events platform! Learn about it in our FAQ.

Trevor Lehmann (MEd, CCC) is President of the Climate-Informed Counsellors Chapter of the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association (CCPA) and a Career Consultant with the University of Manitoba. You can read his open-access Imperfect Guide to Career and Climate and other writings at 

Brian Malott (CHRL, BGS) is the Indigenous Carer Consultant with Fanshawe College and a Designing Your Life Certified Coach.  You can learn more at


Meet CERIC’s Board and Committee Members for 2023/2024

CERIC is delighted to welcome the members of its Board of Directors and Advisory Committees for the upcoming year. The volunteer Board guides CERIC in its mission as a national charitable organization to advance career development in Canada. Award-winning career development leader Candy Ho, returns for her second year as Chair of the Board. 

Reflecting a broad cross-section of leaders, the complete list of Board members for 2023/2024 includes: 

  • Candy Ho, University of the Fraser Valley, Abbotsford, BC (Chair)  
  • Meghan Lavallee, Manitoba Institute of Trades and Technology, Winnipeg, MB (Vice-chair)  
  • André Raymond, Laval University, Quebec City, QC (Past Chair)  
  • Sue Watts, Employment + Education Centre (EEC), Brockville, ON (Secretary/Treasurer)  
  • Tony Botelho, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC  
  • Keka DasGupta, Precision Marketing Group Inc, Toronto, ON  
  • Dinuka Gunaratne, Northeastern University, Vancouver, BC 
  • Darlene Hnatchuk, McGill University, Montreal, QC  
  • Valérie Roy, AXTRA, l’Alliance des centres-conseils en emploi, Montreal, QC
  • Rob Shea, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John’s, NL  
  • Lisa Taylor, Challenge Factory, Toronto, ON  
  • Donald G. Lawson, The Counselling Foundation of Canada, Toronto, ON (Honorary Director – Ex-officio)  
  • Riz Ibrahim, The Counselling Foundation of Canada, Toronto, ON (Executive Officer – Ex-officio)  

Members of CERIC’s three Advisory Committees – Practical & Academic Research; Content & Learning; and Advocacy & Community Engagement – have been appointed by the Board for the next year. Members of these committees play an important role in implementing CERIC’s two strategic mandates: promoting career development as a priority for the public good, and building career development knowledge, mindsets and competencies. 

The focus of CERIC’s work is education and research in career counselling and career development that increases the economic and social well-being of people in Canada. This includes funding projects that produce innovative career development resources. CERIC also annually hosts Cannexus, Canada’s largest bilingual career development conference, publishes the country’s only peer-reviewed journal, Canadian Journal of Career Development, and runs the CareerWise / OrientAction content hubs.  


Four incredible keynotes to headline Cannexus conference

A bestselling futurist, a Paralympic champion, a renowned career theorist and an award-winning Indigenous researcher will deliver keynotes at the hybrid Cannexus24 conference. Cannexus, Canada’s Career Development Conference, will take place Jan. 29-31, 2024, both online and in Ottawa. The largest bilingual conference in the country focused on innovative approaches in career and workforce development, the conference draws more than 2,000 attendees. 

Attendees at Cannexus24 will hear empowering talks from these four outstanding keynotes: 

Hamza Khan
Future of Work and People-first Leadership Expert | Bestselling Author
Brave New Work: The Change-Friendly Playbook for Navigating Non-Stop Transformation  

Khan is on a mission to help organizations achieve inclusive and sustainable growth by rehumanizing the workplace. He will help attendees navigate a fast-approaching future of work, an always-on “new abnormal” characterized by hybrid work, persistent technological disruption, and constantly shifting behaviours and expectations.  

Chantal Petitclerc
Paralympic Champion | World Record Holder
Sharing My Story 

The epitome of determination, perseverance and discipline, Petticlerc is the most successful wheelchair racer of all time, boasting multiple medals from all three of the world’s top athletic competitions. She uses her own story to illustrate the importance of perseverance, ambitious goals, vision and, especially, dreams.   

Dr. Nancy Arthur
Professor and Dean Research for UniSA Business, University of South Australia and Professor Emeritus, University of Calgary

Business as (Un)usual: Staying on Course During Turbulence and Trends 

Dr. Arthur’s teaching and research has focused on culture-infused career counselling, social justice advocacy, and career development for international students and workers. She will discuss the need for career development services to be proactive in shaping policies and practices in ways that support people to navigate new ways of working.  

Dr. Sean Lessard
Award-winning Professor, Writer and Researcher in Indigenous Youth
Bubbling Up: Empowering Indigenous Youth Through “Radical Advocacy” 

Dr. Lessard is Woodland Cree and is from Montreal Lake Cree Nation in Northern Saskatchewan Treaty 6 territory. In this keynote, he will reflect on his work alongside Indigenous youth both in and outside of schools. He is especially known for his design of graduation coach models, transition/career planning and “school at any place and at any time” approaches.  

Super Saver rates for the virtual conference start at $210 with special $50 rates for students. The in-person rates start at $390. Members of more than 30 supporting organizations receive 25% off of their registration. The 25% discount is also available for groups of 5 or more.  All delegates get access to the virtual recordings after the conference for three months. The Super Saver deadline is Sept. 8. 

Cannexus is presented by CERIC and supported by The Counselling Foundation of Canada and a broad network of partners. For more information on the conference and to register, visit  


Announcing Fall Webinars: Indigenous career development, unconscious bias, refugee integration and much more

CERIC, along with its partner associations, will be offering a variety of webinar series in the next few months to support the career development community on a range of timely topics. Take a look at our comprehensive list – and take advantage of the Zoom AI-generated live captions available in multiple languages, including English and French for each webinar series.

Indigenous peoples represent about 5% of the world’s population but make up 15% of the world’s poor. Indigenous peoples are also more likely to face obstacles to workforce entry due to racism, unconscious bias and discrimination. This leaves well-meaning career practitioners at a loss for how to best support their clients.

This free webinar series will provide an opportunity to learn from inspiring Indigenous career professionals from New Zealand and Canada, who will share their journey in the career development field and their perspectives on cultural approaches to Indigenous career development.

As career practitioners, whether in individual or group sessions, we interact with various clients, including those with multiple barriers or diverse needs. These clients or students may require additional strategies and techniques for empowering them and helping them succeed in their careers and educational paths. The Change It Up (CiU) approach, based on decades of research, incorporates the Fab 5 principles: hands-on, learner-centred, holistic, strength-based and trauma-aware.

This free webinar will introduce you to the CiU approach to counselling and teaching and will offer you the opportunity to explore the “how” of working in the field of career counselling.

Career development entrepreneurship, often approached as a solopreneur, can be seen as a seemingly impossible dream. How does one go about launching a private practice? What types of options are available to advisors? What challenges do people face? What are the essential tools and resources for preserving mental health? How do you combine your role as a practitioner with that of an entrepreneur?

The four sessions in this series will serve as a guide to private practice, covering key elements such as the myths and realities of self-employment, effective client recruitment, ethics and obligations, marketing and communications strategies, and essential work tools. This French webinar series aims to prepare and raise awareness among career development professionals who dream of entering private practice.

Despite the growing number of diversity hiring plans across various sectors, jobseekers still have concerns about hiring bias. Moreover, hiring bias has proven to have a negative impact on the well-being and mental health of workers. This creates greater roadblocks to career success, especially for underrepresented groups.

This new webinar series will explore the profound impacts that implicit bias has on job search and worker well-being. It will also provide career development practitioners with the tools and knowledge to strengthen their multicultural competency. Participants will leave the series equipped to effectively advocate for their clients and provide better support throughout their career journeys.

Many individuals who seek career counselling services experience psychological distress, particularly in relation to decision-making difficulties. Their fears, doubts, stress and sometimes anxiety tend to block their ability to mobilize and make choices. Faced with this, the professionals whose role it is to help them may themselves feel powerless, lacking concrete, effective tools to mobilize and support their clients.

The Acceptance and Commitment Approach (ACT) is a scientifically rigorous, evidence-based approach with proven effectiveness. This approach offers concrete interventions that career counsellors can apply both to their clients – to guide and support them in achieving their life and career goals – and to themselves, to take care of their role as counsellors and overcome the challenges specific to our practice, particularly with difficult clients.

Note that OCCOQ recognizes the full series for 3 hours of credits.

The number of refugees admitted in Canada (and specifically Quebec) is set to increase over the next few years. To effectively support their social and professional integration, it’s crucial for career practitioners to grasp the actual circumstances of these individuals. Unfortunately, counsellors often encounter challenges, as prevailing research in this domain primarily focuses on skilled immigrants, leaving a gap in understanding for other groups.

In response, this free French webinar aims to equip career professionals to work with refugees, offering practical tools and an intervention guide for individual and group counselling.

CERIC’s webinars are now hosted via the Zoom events platform to provide more interactive learning and networking opportunities. Participants will have access to a lobby where they can interact with other participants before, between and after the sessions, as well as many interaction options during the live webinars. An FAQ answers any technical questions. Paid webinars will be recorded and individual certificates of attendance will be provided to all registered participants who attend the webinars live.

CERIC partners with associations and organizations across Canada and beyond to present webinars that offer affordable professional development. Previously, CERIC has also worked with the Association of Service Providers for Employability and Career Training BC, BC Career Development AssociationCanadian Association of Career Educators and Employers, Canadian Association for Supported Employment, Career Development Association of Alberta, Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association, Career Professionals of Canada, Co-operative Education and Work-Integrated Learning CanadaExperiential and Work-Integrated Learning OntarioFirst WorkLabour Market Information CouncilNew Brunswick Career Development AssociationNova Scotia Career Development AssociationOntario Association of Career Management, Ontario School Counsellors’ Association, Vocational Rehabilitation Association (Canada), and the US-based National Career Development Association.




(IN FRENCH) Intégrer la matrice de l’ACT (approche d’acceptation et d’engagement) pour mobiliser et soutenir vos clients vers l’atteinte de leurs objectifs de vie et de carrière


person    Présentateur : Frédéric Piot, Conseiller en orientation en pratiquée privée, chargé de cours (UQAM)

calendar icon   Dates et horaires :

  • Jeudi 16 novembre 2023
  • Jeudi 23 novembre 2023
  • Jeudi 30 novembre 2023

12h00 à 13h00 HE (Vérifiez votre fuseau horaire)

Prix :

  • Série de webinaires PAYANTE

Langue :

  • Ce webinaire est présenté en français

Accessibilité :

  • Cette série de webinaires propose des sous-titres en direct générés par IA, disponibles dans plusieurs langues.

Cette série de webinaires est offerte en partenariat avec l’Ordre des Conseillers et Conseillères du Québec (OCCOQ). L’Ordre soutient ses membres dans le développement et la consolidation de leurs compétences, dans le respect de leurs obligations.

L’Ordre des Conseillers et Conseillères du Québec reconnaît cette série de webinaires comme trois heures de formation continue.

Les dates/heures ne vous conviennent pas? En plus des webinaires en direct, les participants inscrits auront accès aux enregistrements vidéo et au matériel de chaque session disponibles dans le lobby de Zoom Event afin que vous puissiez rattraper ce que vous avez manqué ! Les enregistrements resteront disponibles pour une durée d’un mois après le dernier webinaire de la série.

Vue d’ensemble de la série :

Bon nombre d’individus qui consultent pour des services en counseling de carrière vivent de la détresse sur le plan psychologique en relation avec, notamment, des difficultés de prise de décision. Ils ressentent de l’impuissance et perdent souvent confiance en eux, ne sachant plus dans quelle voie s’engager ni quelle décision prendre. Les craintes, les doutes, le stress et parfois l’anxiété qui les envahissent tendent à les bloquer dans leur capacité à se mobiliser et à faire des choix.

Face à cela, les intervenants qui ont pour rôle de les aider peuvent eux-mêmes se sentir impuissants et en manque d’outils concrets et efficaces pour mobiliser et soutenir leurs clients. L’approche d’acceptation et d’engagement (ACT) représente une approche scientifique rigoureuse dont l’efficacité, avérée, est fondée sur des données probantes. Cette approche offre des pistes d’interventions concrètes (par exemple à travers la matrice) que les intervenants du counseling de carrière peuvent aussi bien appliquer auprès de leurs clients afin de les orienter et de les soutenir dans l’atteinte de leurs objectifs de vie et de carrière, que pour eux-mêmes afin de prendre soin de leur rôle d’intervenant et surmonter les défis propres à notre pratique, notamment auprès de clientèles difficiles.

Pourquoi les professionnels de carrière devraient participer :

Cette série de trois webinaires fait suite à la série de webinaires à succès réalisée en 2021 avec Frédéric Piot. Cette nouvelle édition offrira aux participants l’opportunité de mettre concrètement en pratique la matrice ACT auprès de leurs clients en découvrant de nouveaux outils de conceptualisation et techniques issus du counseling de carrière. Ainsi, cette nouvelle série s’adresse autant à des participants néophytes qui souhaitent découvrir, intégrer des stratégies et outils issus de l’ACT qu’à celles et ceux qui souhaitent approfondir leur connaissance de cette approche par l’acquisition d’outils pratiques axés sur le counseling de carrière.

La série permettra aux participants, dans un premier temps, de comprendre les fondements de l’ACT, ce qu’elle cible (en l’occurrence la souplesse comportementale) et les différents leviers d’intervention qu’elle propose, cela à travers la mise en lumière de situations et comportements néfastes au développement professionnel ou scolaire des individus.
Puis, durant les 2 webinaires suivants, les participants auront l’occasion de découvrir et de mettre en pratique des outils concrets (métaphores, questions puissantes) à travers la mise en application d’un outil d’analyse et de conceptualisation d’intervention : la matrice de carrière.
Enfin, les participants auront l’occasion de découvrir comment appliquer la matrice et les techniques ACT pour eux-mêmes afin de continuer à soutenir efficacement leurs clients tout en prenant soin de leur rôle d’intervenant.

À la fin de la série, les participants seront en mesure de mettre en place la matrice de carrière auprès de leurs clients afin de les aider à se mobiliser dans l’atteindre des objectifs de carrière ou d’étude qu’ils se sont fixés.

NOTE : cette série de 3 webinaires constitue une première approche de l’ACT en contexte de counseling de carrière et ne saurait se substituer à une formation exhaustive sur le sujet

Webinaire N°1 : Assises, objectif et leviers d’intervention de l’ACT

Jeudi 16 novembre, de 12h à 13h, HE
  • Cerner les enjeux sous-jacents à la démobilisation de nos clients
  • Saisir la pertinence de les aider à cultiver leur souplesse comportementale
  • Prendre connaissance du paradigme cognitif & comportemental et des deux principaux fondements de l’ACT
  • Survoler les 6 leviers d’intervention de cette approche
  • Découvrir un outil d’analyse et de conceptualisation : la matrice

Webinaire N°2 : Prise en main de la matrice de carrière

Jeudi 23 novembre, de 12h à 13h, HE
  • Comprendre comment contextualiser cette matrice aux enjeux du counseling de carrière et selon des étapes organisées et progressives
  • Favoriser la connaissance de soi de nos clients à travers la mise en lumière du dialogue intérieur et de son influence sur les comportements qui en découlent
  • Prendre conscience du rôle et de l’impact des comportements d’évitement sur la capacité d’adaptation et de mobilisation
  • Comprendre comment soutenir les clients et les amener à persévérer dans leurs actions engagées
  • Découvrir comment cultiver la souplesse de l’observateur de soi en action

Webinaire N°3 : Application de la matrice sur les intervenants en counseling de carrière

Jeudi 30 novembre, de 12h à 13h, HE
  • Cerner comment la matrice de carrière peut aussi être utile pour prendre soin de son rôle d’intervenant en relation d’aide
  • Saisir l’importance de renforcer le savoir-être en cultivant le développement du soi authentique et réflexif en intervention
  • Intégrer la matrice de carrière à ses propres défis et en particulier auprès des clients les plus difficiles
  • Apprendre à se décoincer en testant des actions valorisées

Des certificats individuels de participation seront fournis pour chaque webinaire de la série. Veuillez noter que les certificats sont fournis UNIQUEMENT aux participants inscrits qui assistent aux webinaires EN DIRECT.

TARIFS Non-membres de l’OCCOQ

Membres de l’OCCOQ

Tarif individuel

159 $

119 $

Tarif de groupe*

119,25$ par personne

89,25$ par personne

*Si vous inscrivez 5 participants ou plus de la même organisation en même temps, vous êtes éligible au tarif de groupe avec une réduction de 25% sur les frais d’inscription.

Les webinaires PAYANTS du CERIC sont hébergés sur la plateforme Zoom Event! Découvrez ce que cela signifie dans notre FAQ.

Frédéric Piot

Conseiller en orientation en pratique privée, chargé de cours (UQAM), formateur et superviseur professionnel, Frédéric Piot a complété un doctorat (UQAM, 2022) portant sur l’élaboration et l’évaluation d’un programme de counseling de carrière (programme OREKA) fondé sur l’approche d’acceptation et d’engagement (ACT). Aujourd’hui, les formations qu’il offre en milieu de travail et à distance sont destinées aux intervenant du counseling de carrière puisqu’elles portent sur l’adoption, par ces derniers, de l’ACT dans leurs pratiques d’interventions, tant pour le bénéfice des clients qu’ils accompagnent que pour prendre soin de leur propre santé mentale en relation d’aide.

Dans ce cadre, il est l’auteur du programme EXPLORA qui représente une démarche guidée de counseling de carrière fondée sur l’ACT et destinée aux personnes en transition de carrière.

Que nous disent les participants du webinaire de Frédéric?

Pascale Poulin, Conseillère d'orientation, Intro-Travail et Carrefour jeunesse-emploi du Granit

J’ai apprécié que ce soient contextualisés et adaptés à un contexte de développement de carrière. L’ACT peut à première vue avoir l’air d’appartenir à la psychothérapie, mais je trouve valorisant que les c.o. reconnaissent et utilisent leurs compétences en s’intéressant et en appliquant « haut et fort » une approche qui demande une compréhension poussée de la psychologie humaine.

Sandra Rainville, Conseillère en évaluation du potentiel et psychométrique, AtmanCo

Merci. Belle présentation, claire et pertinente. Bon dosage théorie vs pratique.

René Olivier, Conseiller dorientation, UQTR

Une très bonne introduction à l’approche ACT en orientation avec des exemples d’applications dans la pratique.

Isabella Putignano, Conseillère en orientation, Connexion emploi ressources femmes

Un gros merci à monsieur Piot pour cette formation. Vous m’avez donné le goût d’aller chercher plus d’information au sujet de cette approche.

Mélanie Mercier-Duquette, Intervenante psychosociale, College Jean-de-Brebeuf

Belle présentation, les exemples et les capsules aident à bien concrétiser la théorie. merci, très clair et fluide.


(IN FRENCH) L’entrepreneuriat en tant que praticien de carrière : se lancer, incarner, stabiliser et vivre de sa pratique privée


person    Présentateur

Maxime Dumais, coach transformatif certifié ACC, conseiller d’orientation organisationnel et entrepreneur

calendar icon   Dates et horaires

  • Mercredi 1er novembre 2023
  • Mercredi 8 novembre 2023
  • Mercredi 15 novembre 2023
  • Mercredi 22 novembre 2023

12h00 à 13h00 HE (Vérifiez votre fuseau horaire)


  • Série de webinaires PAYANTE


  • Ce webinaire est présenté en français


  • Cette série de webinaires propose des sous-titres en direct générés par IA, disponibles dans plusieurs langues

Cette série de webinaires est offerte en partenariat avec l’Association québécoise des professionnels du développement de carrière (AQPDDC).

L’AQPDDC a pour mission d’unir les professionnels du développement de carrière, promouvoir leurs rôles et expertises, favoriser le développement professionnel et encourager les collaborations avec d’autres associations du domaine.

Vue d’ensemble de la série :

L’entrepreneuriat en développement de carrière, souvent abordé en tant que solopreneur, peut être perçu comme un rêve aux apparences innacessibles. L’attrait d’un horaire flexible, la possibilité d’exprimer sa créativité et la perspective d’une rémunération intéressante peuvent constituer des incitatifs puissants qui peuvent faire oublier les défis et particularités propres – souvent méconnus – de cette aventure entrepreneuriale. 

Alors, comment fait-on pour se lancer en pratique privée? Quels sont les types de mandats que les conseillers peuvent avoir? Quels sont les enjeux que les gens rencontrent? Quels sont les outils et ressources incontournables afin de préserver sa santé mentale? Comment conjuguer son rôle d’intervenant et celui d’entrepreneur?  

Cette série de webinaire vise à préparer et sensibiliser les professionnel.les du développement de carrière qui rêvent de se lancer en pratique privée (à temps plein/partiel) ou qui pratiquent depuis peu afin de les aider à mettre en place une pratique à la fois agréable, éthique et fleurissante. 

Les quatre sessions de cette série serviront de guide à la pratique privée et aborderont des éléments clefs tels que les mythes et réalité du travail autonome, le recrutement efficace de client.e.s, les règles éthiques et déontologiques, les stratégies de marketing et de communications et les outils de travail incontournable.  

Pourquoi les professionnels de carrière devraient participer :

Les professionnels du développement de carrière sont d’abord et avant tout des professionnels de la relation d’aide et peu d’entre-deux semblent avoir étudié en gestion ou en entrepreneuriat. Cela peut donc entrainer un vrai casse-tête quand vient le temps de se lancer en affaires avec un risque de désœuvrement et de découragement important, et ce malgré une grande motivation. 

À travers le partage de leurs propres expériences dans le lancement de leur pratique privée, des points saillants à connaître et des différents obstacles qu’ils ont rencontrés, les présentateurs seront d’une aide précieuse pour tout professionnel du développement de carrière qui songe à l’entrepreneuriat et rêve d’avoir une pratique autonome.  

À la fin de la série, les participants repartiront avec une meilleure vue d’ensemble des éléments à mettre en perspective avant de se lancer en pratique privée. Ils seront en mesure de mieux jongler avec les différents enjeux qui découlent d’une pratique autonome et seront plus à même de mettre en place une pratique privée éthique et émancipatrice.

Webinaire N°1 : Se lancer en pratique privée : enjeux et premières étapes

Mercredi 1er novembre, de 12h à 13h, HE
  • S’initier aux mythes et réalité du statut d’entrepreneur ou de travailleur autonome
  • Regard sur les grands enjeux et principes de la pratique privée en contexte de développement de carrière
  • Explorer les premières étapes du lancement d’une pratique privée

Webinaire N°2 : Incarner sa pratique privée : fondements et structure

Mercredi 8 novembre, de 12h à 13h, HE
  • Identifier la mission, la vision et les valeurs de votre projet entrepreneurial  
  • Créer une image de marque reflétant l’identité unique de votre pratique et qui interpelle votre public cible
  • Établir le fondement de l’Offre de services 
  • Apprendre à jongler avec différents chapeaux : planification et organisation de son temps

Webinaire N°3 : Stabiliser sa pratique privée : aspects financiers et marketing

Mercredi 15 novembre, de 12h à 13h, HE
  • Explorer les aspects financiers et administratifs de la pratique privée 
  • S’initier aux aspects marketings et communications essentiels pour promouvoir vos services  
  • Appliquer des stratégies pratique pour agrandir son réseau et manifester son influence 
  • Acquérir une clientèle en cohérence avec le modèle de pratique privée choisie 

Webinaire N°4 : Vivre de sa pratique privée : éthique, ressources et planification

Mercredi 22 novembre, de 12h à 13h, HE
  • Respecter la déontologie et l’éthique propres au métier du développement de carrière en pratique privée 
  • Planifier la croissance de la pratique dans le temps : l’importance d’un plan stratégique   
  • S’initier aux outils administratifs et cliniques incontournables en contexte de pratique privée

Des certificats individuels de participation seront fournis pour chaque webinaire de la série. Veuillez noter que les certificats sont fournis UNIQUEMENT aux participants inscrits qui assistent aux webinaires EN DIRECT.

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159 $

119 $

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119,25$ par personne

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Maxime Dumais

Maxime Dumais, conseiller d’orientation membre de l’OCCOQ et coach certifié ACC, baigne dans le monde de l’entrepreneuriat depuis les 15 dernières années. D’intraprenant, il est aujourd’hui un entrepreneur passionné, propriétaire et fondateur de Création Carrière, un cabinet-conseil en orientation, coaching et développement de carrière. Sa startup compte actuellement une équipe de 8 personnes et elle est en nomination par la Chambre de commerce et d’industrie de Laval (CCIL) comme meilleure entreprise, catégorie Startup moins de 5 ans. Travailleur autonome et un multientrepreneur, 2024 verra naître sa deuxième compagnie : une entreprise dans le monde du coaching.


CERIC re-opens its innovative graduate program to foster career development excellence

CERIC has recently re-opened the applications for its highly anticipated Graduate Student Engagement Program (GSEP) to equip members with advanced knowledge and skills in career development practices. The GSEP is designed to empower participants with the expertise required to excel in their graduate studies and careers while positively impacting the field.

Through a dynamic and comprehensive package of opportunities, participants can engage in interactive learning experiences, gain insights from industry experts, and build a strong network of like-minded professionals.

Open to full-time graduate students enrolled in a Canadian university seeking to advance their careers in the field of career development, the GSEP creates unique opportunities:

Enrollment for the Graduate Student Engagement Program is now open. Secure your spot and embark on a transformative journey in career development excellence before October 19, 2023. Visit the GSEP page for more information and application details.


Global Perspectives in Career Development: Empowering Your Inclusive Practice through Indigenous Knowledge and Worldviews


person   Presenters

  • Victoria Grant, President and owner of Moving Red Canoe, Canada
  • TrinaMaher, President, Bridging Concepts, Canada
  • Lynette Reid, Career Specialist, New Zealand
  • Peter Apulu, Pacific Career Practitioner, New Zealand

calendar icon   Original date and time of the webinar series:

  • Monday, September 18, 2023 (Tuesday, September 19 NZDT)
  • Monday, September 25, 2023 (Tuesday, September 19 NZDT)

5:00 pm – 6:00 pm ET (9:00 am to 10:00 am NZDT) (Check your time zone)


  • FREE Webinar Series


  • This webinar was presented in English


  • This webinar series offered AI-generated live captions available in multiple languages


Indigenous peoples represent about 5% of the world’s population but make up 15% of the world’s poor. Indigenous peoples are also more likely to face obstacles to workforce entry due to racism, unconscious bias and discrimination. This leaves well-meaning career practitioners at a loss for how to best support their clients. It also provides an urgent challenge to the field of career development, governments and employers to create and sustain inclusive policies, strategies and practices that enable access to power and support decision making for Indigenous peoples.  

Since the United Nations Declaration on Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) was adopted in 2007 by the General Assembly of the United Nations, countries and industries have been grappling with how to implement this universal framework for the survival of dignity and well-being of the Indigenous peoples of the world. Career practitioners are a key component to the career journey and can contribute to bringing UNDRIP and other countries’ founding documents to life by undertaking to learn, unlearn and relearn what we know about Indigenous peoples around the world. Furthermore, Indigenous career practitioners must also feel able to claim and reclaim sovereignty of their knowledges and the impact of colonization on their worldviews. 

This webinar series will provide an opportunity to learn from inspiring Indigenous career professionals from New Zealand and Canada, who will share their journey in the career development field and their perspectives on cultural approaches to Indigenous career development. The conversation will help participants understand how Indigenous peoples and Indigenous career practitioners’ worldviews of work and holistic approaches to self-development and self-determination are key aspects of cultural knowledge that inform workforce development today.   

Why Career Practitioners Should Attend

Through a deeper understanding of their clients’ values and aspirations, career development practitioners can play a decisive role in empowering their clients and guiding them toward purposeful career decisions. This webinar series will offer participants the opportunity to understand and resonate with the connection of the historical context of Indigenous peoples and the disconnection from workforce development. Participants will get inspired by how the resilience of Indigenous people, with deep connections to Indigenous teachings and worldviews, helps individuals find ways to overcome adversity to thrive in today’s economy. 

By the end of the series, participants will feel more equipped to understand their clients’ values and unique strengths that will help them succeed in their careers. Moreover, participants will gain valuable insights into how Indigenous perspectives about career pathing can build authentic and reciprocal relationships with clients and Indigenous communities, and contribute to a better future together. This webinar series presents an exceptional opportunity for both Indigenous and non-Indigenous career practitioners to learn together and collaborate in promoting inclusive and respectful career development practices on a global scale. 

Webinar #1: Understanding Historical Context and Indigenous Perspectives

Monday, September 18, 2023 – 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm ET (Tuesday, September 19, 2023 – 9:00 am to 10:00 am NZDT)
  • Understand how Indigenous worldviews and cultural understanding have the potential to overcome the impact of historical policies and practices, and continue to play an important role in Indigenous career development 
  • Listen and learn how Indigenous career practitioners are integrating Indigenous ways of knowing and being into their career practices 
  • Discover how greater knowledge of Indigenous perspectives can assist non-Indigenous career practitioners in better supporting their Indigenous clients 

Webinar #2: Why You Should Nurture Authentic Relationships with Indigenous Communities

Monday, September 25, 2023 – 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm ET (Tuesday, September 26, 2023 – 10:00 am to 11:00 am NZDT)
  • Understand the importance of reciprocity and interconnectedness in mind, body, spirit and emotions when building relationships with your clients 
  • Gain strategies for how you can support Indigenous voices and self-advocacy 
  • Learn how to effectively engage in responsible dialogue and relationships to promote an inclusive practice 

Peter Apulu is a Pacific Career Practitioner, whose ancestral Indigeneous lineage hails from SamoaFounder of BrownTale a career practice in South Auckland, New Zealand, steeped in Pacific Indigeneous frameworks that build scaffoldings of grace and gratitude to have courageous dialogue that advance career development for Pacific communities.   

Victoria Grant OC., ICD.d: Loon Clan, Teme-Augama Anishnabai Qwai, (Women of the Deep Water People) The most important roles in her life are a wife, mother and grandmother. Throughout her career, always with a passionate voice, in her work and in her volunteer activities, she has always been and continues to be an advocate for more robust Indigenous engagement. 

Victoria is also the Chair of Community Foundations of Canada and past Chair of The Circle on Philanthropy and Aboriginal Peoples in Canada.

Trina Maher, President, Bridging Concepts. Trina is a member of Mattagami First Nation, who started her career helping corporations and Indigenous communities connect about employment in 1999 She enjoyssharingher thought leadershipaboutIndigenous workforce development approaches andcareer pathinggained from her experiences working across Canada with multiple organizations as an Indigenous inclusion workplace strategist.

Ko Pukehāpopo te maunga. Ko Waiomoko te awa. Ko Whitirēia te whare. Ko Ngāti Konohi te iwi. Ko Lynette Reid ahau. Nō reira, tenā koutou katoa!”

This introduction shares who I am and has a significant influence on my understanding of the world, and the kinship value I live.” 

Lynette Reid is a Career Specialist and has over 20 years experience in the New Zealand career field where she has supervised career professionals and worked with a range of client groups. She has completed a Master’s of Commerce and a PhD with both focusing on careers from a Māori perspective. Her current research program includes successful career transitions of secondary students and wāhine Māori in accounting.

More panellists are to be announced!


Registration now open for Cannexus24, Canada’s Career Development Conference

Cannexus24, Canada’s largest bilingual career development conference, is now open for registration with Super Saver rates available until Sept. 8. The Cannexus24 conference will take place from January 29-31, 2024, both virtually and in Ottawa, Canada. Whatever the format, Cannexus24 will leave you feeling empowered to enact change and to build our future together through career development. More than 2,000 professionals combined attended the last hybrid Cannexus.  

As a delegate, you can choose to Experience Cannexus Your Way.” The virtual and in-person portions have largely separate programs but shared keynotes and main stage sessions for all delegates to interact. In both experiences, you can expect an impactful gathering where you will explore innovative approaches in career and workforce development, and connect with peers from across Canada and around the world. 

Super Saver rates for the virtual conference start at $210 with special $50 rates for students. The in-person rates start at $390. Members of more than 30 supporting organizations receive 25% off either virtual or in-person registration. The 25% discount is also available for groups of 5 or more.  All delegates get access to the virtual recordings after the conference for three months. 

This year two pre-conference workshops will be offered in Ottawa to enrich the conference experience. Strengthening Practice Through Career Theories and Models: New & Creative Approaches is based on the forthcoming sequel to the popular Career Theories and Models at Work book and will be delivered by co-authors Dr. Nancy Arthur, Dr. Roberta Borgen (Neault) and Dr. Mary McMahon. Cannexus will also present the powerful Indigenous Blanket Exercise, which explores the historic and contemporary relationship between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples in Canada. 

Bursaries are available to support career development professionals in attending the virtual portion of Cannexus. The Marilyn Van Norman Bursary will be awarded to 13 community-based career development or employment practitioners, one from each province and territory. The Young Professionals Bursary will go to 12 individuals aged 30 or younger and engaged with career development or employment work. Preference goes to individuals from equity-deserving groups. The application deadline for bursaries is September 29, 2023 

Additional information is available on: 

  • Discounted hotels near the Shaw Centre where Cannexus is hosted 
  • Reduced fares to travel to Ottawa by plane or train 
  • The conference schedule (full program to be posted by October 4) 
  • Opportunities to become a Cannexus partner or exhibitor (note last year’s in-person Exhibitor Showcase sold out) 
  • Testimonials from past attendees about the conference 

Cannexus is presented by CERIC and supported by The Counselling Foundation of Canada and a broad network of partners. For more information on the conference and to register, visit