Pen and NotepadCareering

Editor’s note

By Catherine Ducharme

Working in the career development sector, we face an odd situation. Our clients with post-secondary education have a lower unemployment rate and they tend to earn more over the span of their careers. However, we also know people rarely stay their whole life in the same kind of work, and often end up in careers that have little connection with their degree. So why do their degrees matter?


Career Briefs

Cannexus National Career Development Conference turns 10

From January 25-27, 2016 CERIC will host the Cannexus 10th anniversary conference in Ottawa. Canada’s largest bilingual National Career Development Conference, Cannexus explores innovative approaches in career counselling and career development. Cannexus16 is expected to welcome 800 professionals from education, community, government and private sectors.


10 Questions for Ratna Omidvar

10_questions_ratna_omidvar_picRatna Omidvar is the founding Executive Director of the Global Diversity Exchange (GDX) at the Ted Rogers School of Management, Ryerson University and is currently Director of the Centre for Mental Health and Addiction (CAMH), The Environics Institute and Samara. She is Chair of Lifeline Syria, Chair Emerita of the Toronto Region Immigrant Employment Council and Co-Chair of DiverseCity: the Greater Toronto Leadership Project. Omidvar is an internationally recognized expert, speaker and commentator on migration, diversity, integration and inclusion.

Omidvar will be a keynote speaker at the Cannexus16 National Career Development Conference in Ottawa in January.

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