Tools to Support Group Facilitation

By Roberta Neault, PhD, Cassie Saunders, BA, and Fiona Glendinning, BA, Life Strategies Ltd.

It can be tempting for career practitioners and counsellors working with groups to find a comfortable style and stick with it. However, adding new activities, resources, and techniques to your toolkits can help to keep both you and your group members interested and engaged. Here are a few that the Life Strategies team finds particularly helpful, with information about where to order them. If you’re looking for professional development as a group facilitator, we’ve added a few opportunities here as well.


Conference Sketch

by Chris Wright

CDC Conference 2009 Held in Vancouver on March 3, 4 and 5th.

The theme of the latest CDC Conference was Working Local and Shaping Global. This was a tipping of the hat to the Career Development Sector and the influence we exert in shaping the global economy by the work we do every day with our clients and employers in our communities.


Become a Diversity Champion: How to Champion for Change and Create Opportunities for Inclusion

By  Krista Maydew, MA, GCDF, and Roberta Neault, PhD, CCC, RRP, GCDF

When you hear someone talking about diversity in the workplace, people often assume the discussion is about cultural or ethnic diversity. Although programs to increase diversity in the workplace have been used by both public and private sector employers for many years; the main focus has typically been on increasing representation of women, visible minorities, Aboriginals, and sometimes, persons with disabilities.  However, diversity in its broadest sense is inclusive of all people. In our own diversity work, we use the term to describe a wide-range of differences, including but not limited to:


Difficult Clients – A Lawyer’s Advice to Career Counsellors

By Juliet Wehr Jones, Vice President, Career Key Canada

Difficult clients are a part of any professional practice where you are paid to give expert advice. While generally the stakes are higher for lawyers than career counsellors in dealing with difficult clients (the risks and costs of malpractice lawsuits are greater), counsellors can use the same techniques to successfully handle them.


Choosing the Right Post Secondary Program

By Juliet Wehr Jones, Vice President, Career Key

With education costs going up and more people returning to school, the stakes are higher than ever for making a good program choice. Choosing the wrong major or instructional program is inconvenient, expensive, and increases students’ incompletion rate. Fortunately, we know how to help people make a successful choice, one likely to result in a higher GPA, degree completion, and higher post-graduation earnings.


Best Practices in e-Service: Online Communities of Practice

By Krista Maydew, MA, GCDF Cassie Saunders, BA

Increasingly, we are seeing a trend toward the development and delivery of Internet based e-services.  Although e-services are typically provided directly to clients (e.g., online career management services), there also exists the possibility of providing e-services to practitioners and employers via “communities of practice” or practitioner networks. Such communities are “groups that form to share what they know and to learn from one another regarding some aspects of their work” (Nickols, 2003).