by Jan Bottomer What attracted me to career counselling in the first place was the stories; specifically, those of my Czech and German students, professionals in […]
Cannexus 2011 is designed to promote the exchange of information and explore innovative approaches in the areas of career counselling and career development. Presenters and delegates […]
TalentEgg: Hatching Graduate Careers A national hub for students and new graduates who are looking for entry level careers, summer jobs or internships, and co-op […]
by Tom Fairbairn In the presentations that I deliver to university students, I still get a kick out of hearing that sharp, communal intake of breath […]
by Janet Kimmel In this shifting, new world of work, a term that is frequently used is “lifelong learning.” In fact, having an attitude that embraces […]
by Susan Qadeer Among “therapists”, career counselling may be the poor cousin of personal counselling. It is often seen as less interesting and less important, perhaps […]