Distance learningCareering

The Evolution of Distance Learning – My Personal Reflection

By Anu Pala

Technology has played a significant role in the evolution of distance learning and how we access education today. It feels like just yesterday when I received my learning materials for my very first communications course in the mail. I still recall how excited and enthusiastic I was. After all, I loved to learn, and courses offered through correspondence were outside of the regular public school program – kind of outside the box. Some years later, during a career transition, I was once again led towards courses offered through distance learning.


Career Briefs

Discover the new ContactPoint and OrientAction!

In 1997 the contactpoint.ca website was launched as an innovative virtual community dedicated to the needs of career development professionals. ContactPoint has been around ever since, offering free access to job listings, learning opportunities and support.


BOOK REVIEW: The Panic Free Job Search

By Julia Blackstock

Author: Paul Hill
Publisher: Career Press 2012
ISBN: 978-1-60163-203-6

I have a lot of respect for anyone who writes a book, especially on job search. Because I work with university students, many of whom are willing to read a book to develop a strategic approach to looking for work, I am always looking for a book that I can recommend. I would prefer to recommend Canadian books but a comprehensive approach is the priority. So it was with great interest that I read Paul Hill’s book, Panic Free Job Search.


Theory corner: The need for ‘positive uncertainty’ in the globalization era

By Barbara Smith (Cannexus11 GSEP Winner)

Over the past 40 years, there has been a dramatic increase in global connections within technological, economic and cultural spheres, which have in turn affected the production, trade and finance that shape the world of work. Looking closer, globalization is characterized by: the emergence of a single global market for credit and money; growth of strategic international cities where services infrastructure of the global economy is located; establishment of enforceable regional and global trade and a push towards financial deregulation and liberalization that restrict the flexibility of domestic economic, environmental and social policies; development of global bureaucracies and emergence of new political entities; and compression of time and space as a result of technologic developments (Spiegel et al., 2004; Huynen et al., 2005).

Lady with a laptopApril

Back to Work Through Self-Employment

By Polly Smith

Advising clients in self-employment goals can be intimidating to even the most seasoned employment counsellor. This is likely because most of us have little or no experience in business. We think of huge financial start-up costs and giant risks to our clients, but self-employment can simply be about putting the skills you used in previous employment to work for you in a new way. It does take planning, research and time to get started, but so does the traditional job hunt which can be challenging and daunting as well.