The Future of the Employment Support System

A job matching system is just a Band-Aid. We need to move to an integrated workforce development model that supports youth facing multiple barriers

By Fabio Crespin


I believe the solution comprises two main pillars: acknowledging specific barriers and targeting them accordingly (moving away from generic approaches), and investing heavily in meaningful and lasting interventions (moving away from Band-Aid, superficial programs and activities).

For almost three years, I have been managing a portfolio of workforce development initiatives in Toronto and York Region that aim to transition youth (in our case, 17-29) facing multiple barriers (YFMB) into the labour market.


And who are YFMB?

According to a recent study from the Conference Board of Canada, more than one in seven Canadian children live in poverty. To put that into perspective, that’s 1,334,930 Canadian children in need.

In 2011, youth 15-24 represented 13% of the total population in Toronto and 26.1%[i] of them (a bit more than one in four) lived in poverty / low-income households (a low-income household yearly income is $35.500 or less – half of the Canadian $71,000 annual median income).

YFMB are primarily from this economic extract of our society.

It is also true that although poverty and its associated barriers to employment could indeed impact any youth in our country, some youth populations are far more affected by barriers then others including[ii]: youth from low-income backgrounds and living in poverty, Indigenous youth, racialized youth, youth in conflict with the law, newcomer youth, youth in and leaving the care system, LGBTTQ2 (Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, two-spirit and queer) youth, and youth with disabilities or special needs.

Several indicators support the fact above including higher (than average) unemployment rates for youth from these populations, lower levels of educational attainment, higher levels of incarceration rates, higher levels of young age pregnancy, higher incidence of substance abuse and mental health challenges and others.

There is no doubt that some of the barriers faced by these populations are systemic and, for some people, a trap that it is very difficult to overcome.

I believe the solution comprises two main pillars: acknowledging specific barriers and targeting them accordingly (moving away from generic approaches), and investing heavily in meaningful and lasting interventions (moving away from Band-Aid, superficial programs and activities).

During these past years, I had the privilege of learning from different sources that included brilliant colleagues, conferences and training opportunities (courtesy of an extremely supportive workplace), directly from field experts, researchers and practitioners and especially from our own portfolio of initiatives and experiences.

And what are some of the most valuable learnings that I could share?


The full spectrum of youth facing barriers

It is fundamental that we keep paying attention and supporting the transition of those youth completing post-secondary education as some of them are facing relevant barriers to entering the labour market such as lack of work-related networks, disconnect from what was learned in school and the reality of the industry, poorly developed soft skills and a far more competitive job market in general.

That said, it is also fundamental that we start investing much more strongly in equipping and supporting those youth who are even further from the shore and who in most cases, are not pursuing any form of post-secondary education (in 2011, 29.1% of Toronto District School Board high school graduates did not apply to any form of post-secondary education).

Low educational attainment is increasingly becoming the largest barrier to employment.

Although there are certainly trends that impact all youth populations (such as employment precarity, automation and late retirement), if we don’t differentiate needs and develop interventions accordingly, we perpetuate a system that primarily serves those who are closer to the labour market leaving those who are further away, bouncing from one program to another.

It is also fundamental that our society becomes even more supportive and conscious of the need for interventions that will not necessarily lead to employment in the short run.

Some youth require other more intense interventions (before employment / training preparation) that will help them advance their « employability status » but this process will take time and deep investments.

Some individuals who have experienced foundational challenges including food and house insecurity, dysfunctional families, history of mental health and substance abuse, lack of at least one caring adult in their lives and other severe life circumstances (fleeing a war zone, experiencing challenges with the justice system and others), may require longer and more intense interventions in order to become « job ready ».

Very doable but it must have the correct and right dosage of supports.

We need to continue evolving our collective vision for even better supporting, equipping and transitioning to the labour market those young people who are not finding success in the existing model; from those who are completing post-secondary education and still struggling, all the way to those who are leaving the prison system.


The employment support system

We need to continue evolving our model from a job matching system (helping jobseekers to find jobs) to an integrated workforce development model (supporting jobseekers in their career development process).

This would include:

  1. Adopting a sector-based approach where service providers become even more specialized in economic sectors and occupations (rather than serving all sectors) allowing them to apply perhaps the most important shift of all: to work much more directly with employers, from better identifying labour market gaps and opportunities to equipping young jobseekers accordingly. The agents preparing the future workforce (schools, colleges and universities) and supporting the current jobseekers (the employment support system) need to start working with employers more closely, much earlier and much beyond the hiring process itself. In my opinion, we need to adopt a dual clientele service model where our clients are the students and jobseekers but, equally important, the employers.



  1. A co-ordinated system that better defines industry-recognized competencies and credentials that have real value for students, workers and employers. A system that more clearly identifies and articulates the knowledge, skills, abilities, behaviours and credentials that lead to career success.
  2. A comprehensive retention and advancement support system. As hard as it is to land a job, it is even harder to retain the one and advance accordingly.
  3. Evaluation tools and metrics that encourage greater collaboration between service providers could monitor long-term outcomes (long-term job retention and income / career advancement).


Impact of artificial intelligence and automation

Articles and studies about automation, artificial intelligence (AI) and disruptive businesses are in general not conclusive about the « net impact » (jobs created minus jobs eliminated) of such new technologies and innovations.

The fact is that the exact impact of such novelties in the workforce, is indeed unknown.

But one thing for sure, as a result of AI and automation, most entry-level positions that require minimum or no technical skills will continue to disappear.

The gap between those who have poorly developed / no technical skills and the labour market itself will continue to widen.


Capacity building and training

We need far more « learn and earn » type of workforce development initiatives.

We need to continue developing, diversifying and strengthening other more accessible, compact and faster avenues for capacity building and training other than the college, university and trades training options.

There is a need for a radical increase in the number of capacity building and training pathways that could more efficiently equip and integrate youth into the labour market and this would include:

  1. Adapting existing curriculums to different learning styles, making the ones more dynamic, concise and relevant to specific occupations.
  2. Developing more experiential learning opportunities, which are in several cases the best way for some to learn. When “in-class” technical training is also needed, a hybrid between faster “in-class” training and “hands-on” experiences is proving to be very efficient in providing those who are further from the labour market with good jobs.
  3. Increasing career laddering opportunities when training and work is interposed creates a system that allows a steady, monitored and supported career growth path. It also speaks to a relatively new concept of micro credentialing when credentials are obtained slowly and are carried on after the jobseeker transition into the first job is completed.
  4. Introducing / strengthening workforce development pathways that are sensitive and responsive to more specific needs, that is to say training models that are gender-conscious and also more sensitive to different populations (youth with disabilities, LGBTTQ2 youth, Indigenous youth, racialized youth and others).


The use of technology

Although technology can play a big role in increasing access to education and training, evidence shows that animated online training (by an instructor / trainer) in a modified classroom (community setting for example) can be far more effective for those who are experiencing barriers than studying in isolation.

Animating online curriculum allows instructors to create group dynamics and activities that facilitate learning and nurture peer support and healthy competition.

Technology can indeed be a great ally but can’t substitute a dedicated and invested instructor / teacher, the possibility of using classroom’s activities to « mimic the real world » and our need to develop connections and caring relationships, even while learning.


The collective approach

All the successful workforce development interventions (that measure the transition and long-term retention into the labour market) for young people facing barriers are multi-sectoral partnerships that involve different levels of governments, employers, the community services sector, educational institutions, workforce development agents and funders.

Unquestionably, the size and complexity of the youth unemployment issue deeply depends on a collaborative approach to gathering and applying evidence.

To summarize, we need to continue evolving towards a workforce development approach that challenges a system that relies on subsidies and other incentives for youth employment to a system that closes the gap between employers with real labour market opportunities and talented youth equipped with the skills and training required by job providers and ready to thrive in an ever-competitive labour market.

I would also like to acknowledge that although this article covers the issue of youth unemployment only, the same subject for adults in general is equally a critical challenge for our society.



Fabio Crespin is the Manager of Youth Initiatives at United Way Toronto & York Region. With a business administration degree, Crespin initially worked for an Austrian / Brazilian investment bank. Since 2001, he has been working in various capacities related to public and privately funded socio-economic development programs in areas such as entrepreneurship and business education, employment, immigrant and youth services.


[i] Toronto Community Data Program, 2011, National Household Survey City of Toronto.

[ii] As described in the Ontario Ministry of Children and Youth Services’ strategic framework on youth and includes the populations who are most impacted by the barriers.


Obvious and Unexpected: The Benefits of Volunteering for Youth

Research shows that volunteering helps improve employability and acts as a route to employment – among other positive outcomes

By Melanie Hientz


Weeding an organic farm in Costa Rica with a machete. Fertilizing the soil with cow dung. Eating dinner on a mountaintop with strangers from around the world.

All things I never thought I’d experience – and all of which took place on a single volunteer trip after graduating high school almost 15 years ago.

At the time, I thought the whole thing was just an amazing experience in a neat place. So I was amused when I found myself drawing on that story in a job interview – with Volunteer Canada.

Those days in rural South America had more of an impact on me than I had thought.


Why would a young person volunteer in the first place?

In 2010, Volunteer Canada undertook a pan-Canadian study, Bridging the Gap: Enriching the Volunteer Experience to Build a Better Future for Our Communities.[i] I helped co-ordinate the research component of the study, and guide the roll-out of a series of subsequent Building the Bridge tools for volunteers and volunteer-involving organizations. Bridging the Gap explored the key motivations for volunteering among a number of Canadian cohorts, including youth. It revealed what Canadians are looking for in a volunteer experience today, and how organizations are engaging volunteers. The findings? There are a number of reasons why young people volunteer: professional, social and personal in nature.

The professional benefits are likely obvious to you – young people can improve their skills, network, maybe even make connections with an organization, or in an area, where they could one day work.

The social benefits are also deep and impactful. People become close with one another by going through things together – and volunteer experiences can be some of the best shared experiences, full of challenges and successes. Plus, it can grant you access to worlds you might never otherwise see.

The personal benefits, meanwhile, are some of the most profound – and often overlooked. A young person can really learn about themselves, and figure out what they want – and don’t want – out of life, by taking on volunteer opportunities. It builds character. It shows you your strengths and weaknesses.

A national study in England found that youth volunteered for reasons that were altruistic first, then instrumental, in this order: to help someone in their community; to learn new skills; to respond to their needs or skills; to help gain experience to benefit their future career.[ii]

It makes sense that a lot of young people would volunteer simply because it helps later in life with job security and networking – but it has a ream of other hidden benefits too.


Have a dream job in mind? Start today

A relative of mine took business administration in undergrad and went on to start a landscaping business with a friend. A couple of years earlier, during university, he had become curious about firefighting – a childhood dream of his – so he signed on as a volunteer firefighter. Today, he’s 10 years into an amazing career with a fire department near Vancouver.

Studies have even shown that volunteering contributes to feelings of great confidence in youth, making them feel more employable. Plus, employers have highlighted that volunteering is looked upon favourably on a CV, and that positive work ethic such as self-motivation is modelled in employees that have volunteered.[iii] An American study recently tracked 70,000 jobless people for 10 years (between 2002 and 2012), and found that those who volunteered had a 27% better chance of finding a job than those that didn’t.[iv] There is considerable other research showing that volunteering helps improve employability and acts as a route to employment.

Literature also shows that the effects of volunteering on gaining employment vary according to a number of factors (demographics, frequency of engagement, duration of unemployment, motivations for volunteering and the type of volunteer role), many of which have a combined effect.[v] In other words, it is not a clear link to employment. However, several studies suggest that volunteering does, in the long term, contribute to “individual employability” factors, as it can enhance knowledge and skills, build work attitudes and confidence, and improve mental and physical health and well-being.[vi]


Plus, Canadians are good volunteers

We’re polite and friendly, sure, but did you know Canadians are also some of the most engaged volunteers in the world? In 2013, more than 12.7 million Canadians volunteered – that’s 44% of the entire population. The federal government’s 2013 General Social Survey – Giving, Volunteering and Participating found that Canadian youth stand apart, volunteering more than any other age group at 53% of Canadians aged 15-24 volunteering.[vii]

That said, in many of these studies – as is the case with most academic research – context matters. Canadian youth have the highest volunteer rate among cohorts, for instance, while British youth (aged 16 to 25) volunteer less than most other age groups.[viii] Why? In Canada, there is a requirement in some school districts to perform community service to graduate from high school. The same Canadian youth also had a below average contribution of annual volunteer hours (126, compared to the national average of 154).[ix] Mandatory volunteering in high school might partially explain this coupling of high youth volunteer rates and low hours contributed.

So we’re not off the hook quite yet…


Altruism lives!

In the end, the benefits of volunteering are as diverse as the motivations that get youth involved in the first place.

But let’s consider one last thought: it’s more than fine if young people’s decision to volunteer has nothing to do with them. Our modern society – educated and advanced as it is – is plagued with social justice issues, problems so complex that it’s nearly impossible for the public and non-profit sectors to solve them alone. The environmental crisis, mental health challenges, addiction, homelessness – the list goes on. The world needs volunteers.

In fact, research has found a positive relationship between youth volunteering and increased civic engagement later in life.[x] Volunteering influences peoples’ development, not just their experience. Volunteers are getting out to vote, engaged in community service and contributing to building strong communities.

Another research review of student volunteers highlighted the more frequently a person volunteered, the more likely they were to perceive altruistic motivations and benefits. In other words, the more someone is engaged in volunteering, the greater the impact they feel on personal and social levels.[xi]

Youth may find their reason to volunteer is simply to help people, give their time to something positive and meaningful, or make the world a better place. But they shouldn’t be surprised if they end up helping themselves in the process, too.

I started volunteering because I thought it would be fun – a cool way to meet some interesting people and learn new things. As it turns out, it fundamentally shaped my career path. And today, I’m working at a university I once dreamed of attending, working on projects I believe are making real, important social change – and the future looks just as bright.



Melanie Hientz is the CHEQ/EDI Implementation Lead at the Human Early Learning Partnership, a collaborative, interdisciplinary research unit based at the University of British Columbia. She has worked in research and evaluation in poverty reduction, and as manager of special projects at Volunteer Canada. Hientz has Master in Geography and Environmental Studies from Carleton University.



Collamer, N. (2013). “Proof that volunteering pays off for job hunters”. Retrieved August 21, 2017 from Forbes

Corden, A, Sainsbury, R, 2005. “Volunteering for employment skills: A qualitative research study”, York: Social Policy Research Unit, University of York.

Hart, D., Atkins, R., & Donnelly, T. M. (2006). “Community service and moral development”. In M. Killen & J. Smetana (Eds.), Handbook of moral development (pp. 633-656).

Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum; Metz, E., McLellan, J., & Youniss, J. (2003). “Types of voluntary service and adolescents’ civic development”. Journal of Adolescent Research, 18, 188-203.

Holdsworth, C. (2010). Student volunteers: A national profile. London: Volunteering England/Institute of Volunteering Research

Kamerade, D and Paine, A. (2014). Volunteering and employability: implications for policy and practice. Voluntary Sector Review Vol. 5, no 2, 264-5.

McQuaid, RW, Lindsay, C, 2005. “The concept of employability”, Urban Studies 42, 2, 197–219.

Nichols, G, Ralston, R, 2011. “Social inclusion through volunteering: the legacy potential of the 2012 Olympic Games”, Sociology: The Journal of the British Sociological Association 45, 5, 900–14 in Kamerade, D and Paine, A. (2014).

Paine, Angela, et al. (2013). “Does volunteering improve employability? Evidence from the British Household Panel Survey”. Third Sector Research Centre. Retrieved August 21, 2017 from

Smith, et. al (2010). “Motivations and Benefits of Student Volunteering: Comparing Regular, Occasional, and Non-Volunteers in Five Countries”. Canadian Journal of Nonprofit and Social Economy Research. Vol.1, no.1. 77.

Spera, Chris, et al. (2013). Volunteering as a pathway to employment. Corporation for National and Community Service. Retrieved August 21, 2017 from

“The 2013 General Social Survey – Giving, Volunteering and Participating (GSS GVP)”. Table 119-0009. Retrieved August 21, 2017 from;jsessionid=0BA6843B97CF3D31D2B6F99EAC2542E8?lang=eng&retrLang=eng&id=1190009&tabMode=dataTable&p1=-1&p2=31&srchLan=-1

Volunteer Canada (2010). “Bridging the Gap: Enriching the Volunteer Experience to Build a Better Future for Our Communities”. Retrieved August 21, 2017 from




10 Questions for Louisa Jewell

Louisa Jewell is a speaker, author, and well-being expert who has inspired thousands of people from around the world to flourish with confidence. Jewell is the founder of the Canadian Positive Psychology Association and a graduate of the Master of Applied Positive Psychology program at University of Pennsylvania. She is the author of the new book, Wire Your Brain for Confidence: The Science of Conquering Self-Doubt, which guides you from fear to courage and puts you on the fast track to flourishing in every area of your life. To download the first chapter of her book for free, visit:

1. In one sentence, describe why career development matters.

Being able to go to work every day, and make a good living doing what you love, is the absolute best gift you can give to yourself.


2. Which book are you reading right now?

Behave by Robert Sapolsky. Sapolsky, Professor of Neurology and Neurosurgery at Stanford University, demystifies human behaviour in his own brilliant and often hilarious way. Absolutely fascinating.


3. What do you do to relax?

I do either one hour of hot yoga every day or CrossFit. I also love to walk the dog in a nearby forest which always relaxes me and a trip to the farmer’s market on the weekend is wonderful.


4. Name one thing you wouldn’t be able to work without?

Wi-Fi! I find I always need to access something from the cloud.


5. What activity do you usually turn to when procrastinating?

These days, it’s watching Suits on Netflix. I never get sick of watching Harvey do his thing.


6. What song do you listen to for inspiration?

“September” by Earth Wind and Fire. I find it just makes me happy and gets me dancing!


7. Which word do you overuse?



8. Who would you like to work with most?

Brad Pitt, and I would pretty well do any job he had available (just kidding). In all seriousness, I would love to work with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and find a way to introduce positive psychology-based resilience programs to assist our Indigenous communities who are really struggling with mental health issues.


9. Which talent or superpower would you like to have?

I would like to have Wonder Woman’s lasso of truth. It would make life so much easier if people would just tell me honestly what they think. I think I would get a lot more done! I also think dating would be easier too.


10. What do you consider your greatest achievement?

Writing my book, Wire Your Brain for Confidence: The Science of Conquering Self-Doubt. I have been a speaker for a long time and I thought writing would come easily, but it was harder than I thought. Now that it has launched, it feels like such an amazing accomplishment. It was a lifelong goal.


How Can We Understand the Pitfalls of Youth Underemployment in Canada?

A sociologist argues that if we define this as social problem rather than an individual issue, it may be time for career practitioners to advocate for the preservation of the career itself

By Karen Foster

In work, wrote the late journalist Studs Terkel, we search “for daily meaning as well as daily bread, for recognition as well as cash, for astonishment rather than torpor; in short, for a sort of life rather than a Monday through Friday sort of dying.” The meaning we seek, the quality and quantity of recognition and cash, and the particulars that will astonish and enliven us vary over the course of our lives. Young people today bring a diverse but distinct set of expectations about work into workplaces and labour markets that are much different from those of the distant and recent past. And, as Terkel’s words remind us, peoples’ early experiences of work (like all experiences of work) have financial, professional, cultural, biographical and social implications.

Youth and (under)employment

One key social issue for young workers today is underemployment. There are increasing numbers of young people who find themselves in jobs that are, low-wage, non-unionized, temporary and/or part-time positions that rarely offer additional benefits. Many feel they are often overqualified (in terms of education/credentials, training and experience).

A number of trends have coalesced to create this situation. First, there is an overall tendency among employers to rely on short-term, flexible and part-time contracts to reduce their labour costs. Young workers, or anyone new to the labour market, bear the brunt of this change. The most obvious illustration of this is wherever employers have introduced “two-tier” structures, where new hires are denied the wages, benefits and security their existing workforce enjoys. (It is worth noting that some labour unions have refused to accept two-tier proposals.) This trend is confirmed by statistical data that shows the rising incidence of part-time, temporary and flexible employment across the country, and the disproportionate representation of young workers in such jobs.

Second, Canadians are becoming increasingly more well-educated, which means there is more competition for jobs that require post-secondary degrees and diplomas. Interestingly, although there is supposedly increased demand for “highly skilled” workers – which should, in theory, mean more jobs for highly qualified graduates, (and which may have contributed to the normalization of post-secondary enrolment) – there is some evidence to suggest that employers are simply beginning to seek post-secondary credentials for jobs that used to require high school or less.

These trends, and the employment and livelihood challenges they have helped create for young workers, have impacts that extend far beyond a person’s first job. Numerous studies have pointed to the “scarring” effects of unemployment and underemployment. In short, they show that un- and underemployment early in life lead to lower wages and slower career advancement.

But these are just the “daily bread” aspects of work. My research has explored the “daily meaning” aspects as well. This research suggests that young people who face diminished employment prospects (specifically low-wage, temporary and part-time jobs that nevertheless demand a great deal of training, time and energy) become disenchanted with work and do not believe there is a strong connection between work effort and reward. They find it harder to build lasting relationships with colleagues, and end up with fewer people to lean on for mentorship, support and friendship. They do not see a commitment from their employer (in the form of permanent contracts, predictable hours, opportunities for advancement and non-salary benefits) and they do not feel obligated to commit, faithfully, in return (in the form of long hours or job tenure). They do not see work as an important source of identity, at least not to the extent that their elders did. These shifts toward what I have called “disaffected” relationships with paid employment can fundamentally change our social fabric, and they ought to concern everyone – career practitioners included.

More than a generational problem

For sociologists like me, the macro-level causes and consequences of youth underemployment make it a “social problem” or a “public issue” rather than an “individual problem” or “private trouble.” In the words of one of our discipline’s most influential thinkers, C. Wright Mills:

“When, in a city of 100,000, only one man is unemployed, that is his personal trouble, and for its relief we properly look to the character of the man, his skills, and his immediate opportunities. But when in a nation of 50 million employees, 15 million men are unemployed, that is an issue, and we may not hope to find its solution within the range of opportunities open to any one individual. The very structure of opportunities has collapsed.”

If we define youth underemployment as a social problem rather than a private trouble, we can also sketch a distinct role for career practitioners. On the one hand, today’s young workers should be made aware of the long-term risks of underemployment and the degrees and credentials that could help save them. To some extent, they will have no choice but to adapt in order to survive, and will need help navigating the possibilities and contemplating the compromises that will work best for them.

In my research, I found that many young workers benefitted, at least in the short term, by leaving the fields they studied, to pursue unrelated, but stable jobs, or by trading income for autonomy and meaning in self-employment. Career practitioners can help people see options, like these, that they might not otherwise notice. But on the other hand, career practitioners understand the societal importance of careers – jobs that have advancement opportunities, some degree of security, prestige and meaning. It may be time for career practitioners to advocate, publicly, for the preservation of the career itself.



Karen Foster is a sociologist at Dalhousie University in Halifax. She studies economic issues from a sociological perspective: from the history of productivity as a statistic and a concept, to generational divisions at work, to young peoples’ experiences on social assistance. Her current research focuses on these kinds of topics as they play out in rural Atlantic Canada.



Foster, Karen (2013). Generation, Discourse and Social Change. New York: Routledge.

Foster, Karen (2012). ‘Youth Employment and Un(der)employment in Canada’. Ottawa, ON: Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives.

Frenette, Marc. (2004). The overqualified Canadian graduate: the role of the academic program in the incidence, persistence, and economic returns to overqualification. Economics of Education Review, 23(1), 29-45.

Gregg, Paul and Tominey, Emma (2004) ‘The Wage Scar from Youth Unemployment’, CMPO Working Paper Series No. 04/097.

Li, Chris, Ginette Gervais and Aurélie Duval (2006) ‘The Dynamics of Overqualification: Canada’s Underemployed University Graduates’.

McFarland, Janet (2012). ‘Two-tier wage scales on the increase in Canada.’ Globe and Mail, September 24th. Accessed August 3, 2017 at

Mills, C. Wright (2000). The Sociological Imagination (Fortieth Anniversary Edition). New York: Oxford University Press, p. 9 (emphasis added).

Mroz, Thomas and Savage, Timothy (2006). ‘The Long-Term Effects of Youth Unemployment’, The Journal of Human Resources 41(2).

Statistics Canada. Analysis in Brief. Accessed August 3, 2017 at

Statistics Canada (2011). ‘Education in Canada: Attainment, Field of Study and Location of Study’. Accessed August 3, 2017 at

Statistics Canada (2014). ‘Study: Occupational profile and overqualification of young workers in Canada, 1991 to 2011’. The Daily, April 2nd.

Stark, E., & Poppler, P. (2016). What are they thinking? Employers requiring college degrees for low-skilled jobs. SAM Advanced Management Journal, 81(3), 17-27.

Terkel, Studs (1972). Working: People Talk about what they do all day and how they feel about what they do. New York: Random House, p. xi.


A Young Adult’s Guide to Networking

Help new graduates tap into the hidden job market with the best tool at their disposal – the information interview

By Heather Claridge


Career professionals know that 70-80% of jobs are found through networking. This skill is particularly critical for new graduates and early-stage career professionals yet it is something that they typically don’t think about in school. Many young adults mistakenly believe that networking is something that is done once they have launched their careers but nothing could be further from the truth. A strong network allows them to stand out in a crowd of applicants with similar skills and experience levels. It also allows them to tap into the hidden job market.
Here are four important tips to help young adults network like a pro:


Build relationships

When coaching young adults on building their network, ask them to start by reflecting on three questions:

1. What do they want to accomplish?
2. Who might be able to help them?
3. What can they offer in return to build a real relationship with this person?

Young adults often feel that they don’t have much to offer in return but something as simple as showing genuine gratitude for insights they receive and a willingness to learn from the expertise of others is very rewarding to a seasoned professional. Another way they can give back is to reflect on a conversation they had with someone in their network and follow up by sharing an idea or a related article.


Start with people you know

Young adults already have a network of friends, friends’ parents, family, professors and co-workers. Encourage them to look at these relationships from a networking point of view. Is anyone in their network connected with an industry, company or profession that interests them? Do these people know what the young adult is looking for and do they understand the person’s skills, abilities and interests? Another important question for young adults to be clear on is what they want their network to say about them.


Develop a personal brand statement

When someone says, “Tell me about yourself,” every young adult should have a 30-second story ready that addresses who they are, what interests them, what they have done and what they are looking for in the future. This is not a “sales pitch” but an authentic bit of conversation that encourages people to ask more. For example, “I graduated with a psychology degree and I am also fascinated with the relationship between human nature and technology thanks to a summer internship at a software company. My job was to interview customers to get feedback on their experience with the product, which we shared with the software development team. I would love to work in the user experience space where human behaviour meets technology, particularly because technology is increasingly impacting all parts of our day-to-day life.”


Master the art of information interviews

This is the best tool for young adults to start building their professional networks. Information interviews allow them to:

  • Understand a particular industry, company or job.
  • Gain insight from professionals on the skills and abilities required for success.
  • Build relationships with industry professionals.
  • Create a memorable impression.
  • Obtain referrals to other professionals.


Remind young adults that information interviews are NOT job interviews. They are all about gathering information and building relationships. Here is what young adults should do before, during and after the interview to create the best networking result:

  • Make sure they have a professional-looking resume, LinkedIn profile and profile picture before starting the information interview process. When conducting an information interview, young adults should not present their resume but should have it ready in case they are asked for it.
  • Research the company and the person they are meeting.
  • Prepare three to four specific questions in advance and have a notebook to write down responses. Plan for a 30-minute meeting.
  • Listen carefully to responses and ask some smart follow-up questions.
  • At the end of the interview, the young adult should ask, “Is there anyone else you suggest I speak with?” This question allows them to gather referrals to broaden their network.
  • Send a thank you note and include one or two key insights they gained from the interview.
  • Follow up with a request to connect on LinkedIn and make sure that the LinkedIn invitation is personalized.


How to use your networking skills to get the interview

How can young adults get the attention and time of busy professionals? Encourage them to flex their new networking skills to help them stand out and create a personal connection. This will significantly increase their chances of gaining that all-important information interview.

Step 1: What do they want to know? Do they want to know more about a company, an industry, a type of job or the career path of a specific person? Answering these questions will help determine who they should be reaching out to.

Step 2: Encourage young adults to tap into their existing network of family, friends, colleagues, professors, coaches and neighbours. Based on what they want to find out in an information interview, who in their network might be able to make an introduction and create that initial connection? During this step, it is important for young adults to share what they want to accomplish and how the information interview could provide them with essential information to help with their career discovery process. This will help their network provide a more personalized introduction.

Step 3: Once the introduction has been made, it is imperative that young adults follow up promptly and professionally. Typically email is the preferred communication tool. This is an opportunity for young adults to share their brief personal brand statement as a way of introduction and it also helps to build a relationship. They should also include a brief statement outlining their objectives for the interview and show that they have done their research by referencing something about the company, industry or person that they are meeting with.


“Hello Jane,
Thank you very much for your willingness to meet with me. As Joe had mentioned in his introduction, I have recently graduated with a degree in psychology. In my last internship, I had an opportunity to work for a software company and it really sparked my interest in the user experience field and the relationship between human behaviour and technology. I would really appreciate an opportunity to meet with you to better understand how these two disciplines work together at ABC Technology. I read an article on your recent award for customer satisfaction and it would be really great to understand what it takes to be able to design a product that is so well received by its customers.
What date and time would work best for me to schedule a 30-minute meeting?

Step 4: Remind young adults that how they conduct themselves before, during and after the interview can make or break the opportunity to add this person to their network and build an ongoing relationship.

  • Show up for the interview 10 minutes early. Know the route, where to park, transit routes, how long it will take to get there and if there is a risk of traffic delays. Plan accordingly.
  • Greet the front desk person with a smile and a warm “hello.” Give the person your name and who you are meeting with.
  • While waiting in the reception area, resist the urge to pull out your phone. Observe your surroundings. Are there interesting publications on the table or awards on the wall? Is there an amazing piece of art in the lobby? There are the kind of things that you can reference to open up the conversation and break the ice.
  • Refer to your questions you prepared in advance. Capture key points and manage your time carefully. You should be wrapping up after 25 minutes.
  • Close the interview by thanking the person and asking them if there is anyone else that they would suggest you speak with.
  • Follow up with a thank you note and a request to connect on LinkedIn.
  • Remember to follow up with the person in your network to thank them for the introduction and let them know how the interview went.


There is nothing more powerful for launching and building a career than the ability to grow and nurture a professional network in an authentic way.



Heather Claridge is the Founder and CEO of FUSE Careers, a coaching firm that prepares post-secondary students and new graduates to successfully transition from campus to career. Learn more at


Planting the Seed of Career Exploration in Middle School Students

Providing young people with the tools and knowledge to decide for their future

By Monica Edwards

As a child, many of us remember being asked, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” While always posed with the best of intentions, this question has proven to be both confusing and stressful for young people. Often it pressures them into making a decision about their future before they have the skills or knowledge to properly do so. The answer that children might provide to this question can also have a lasting impact on how they see themselves.

Career decisions, especially those made at a young age, are often based on what the individual perceives as acceptable by his/her family and peers. The majority of children are also only aware of the occupations held by their parents, family members, friends, and the professionals that the child may encounter in everyday life. If youth are being asked to make decisions about their careers with this limited exposure, their options from which to choose are going to be relatively restricted.


A lack of opportunities for career exploration early on

A recent study reported that 39% of millennials are choosing a career based on what they view on television,1 undoubtedly resulting in disappointment for many when they realize the unrealistic portrayal of these occupations. So the question becomes, if children have not had the opportunity to be exposed to a wide range of occupations, along with accurate information about those careers, how can we ask them to make such a significant decision?

Some may respond to this question with the view that children will change their minds about their career many times throughout their youth, and being asked this question is simply part of growing up. However, we know today that children as young as 12 “have a strong sense of their personal futures. »2 More so than ever before, today’s children will have a plethora of job choices available to them, many of which do not presently exist, and the sky won’t even be the limit. New research and developing technology will require the next generation to be some of the most innovative and creative thinkers in history. Considering the uncertainty of the future job market, we must ensure that our young people are prepared.

The middle school years (typically grades 4 to 8, though this varies across Canada) are a crucial period when students can benefit greatly from career exploration activities, self-awareness exercises and learning career planning and goal-setting skills. Career decisions are built over time, with the middle school years creating the optimal opportunity to help students develop an awareness of who they are, their unique strengths and weaknesses, what they enjoy, and equally important, what they do not enjoy. Building a vocabulary in these areas, and becoming able to clearly identify and communicate their own personal characteristics, is a skill that many young people are lacking.

While most Canadian high schools often deliver some form of career guidance for their students, middle schools across the country usually do not provide the same services. Whether it is due to a lack of funding, or being unaware of the importance of this topic, it is uncommon to find career-related programming at this grade level.

At a significant period of emotional development and intellectual growth, middle school students become aware of the world around them. This is also the period when students can become disengaged in their studies and, at this very delicate fork in the road, students must realize that what they are learning in school today will carry forward into the world of work later in life. Enabling young people to connect both the soft skills that they are developing and the curriculum that they are studying to a future of prosperity can have a lasting impact on their school experience.


Implementing career-related activities is crucial

When considering the implementation of a middle school career program, a school or school jurisdiction should not feel overwhelmed with the idea of developing a full-fledged, comprehensive program. While this would provide the ultimate benefit to students, as a relatively new concept for schools, it is likely unrealistic. To begin small, and allow the idea to percolate and develop will be more sustainable and, in the long term, will have a greater impact on students.

Simple ideas such as hosting career days, inviting students to dress up as different occupations and present them to their class, welcoming guest speakers to discuss their careers – all of these activities begin to plant the seed of curiosity and exploration for young people. The ultimate goal is not to coach these children towards choosing a career, but to help them develop a sense of self-awareness, and an appreciation for the career possibilities that the world has to offer them.

There are a multitude of resources available for teachers and school personnel to use when considering a program, many of them free or relatively inexpensive. My Blueprint Educational Planner offers two online career development and self-awareness programs. All About Me is their program specific to elementary and middle school students. Career Cruising (rebranding as Xello) is another online tool that provides a comprehensive system designed for students beginning in kindergarten all the way through high school. Many provinces throughout Canada also have free resources available to residents, providing a wealth of information in the area of career development.

No matter in what capacity a school is able to begin providing career development programming to their middle school students, the importance of doing so is undeniable. Success comes when preparation meets opportunity. Our young people want to be prepared and deserve to be successful, and now is the time to provide them with the opportunity.

A CERIC-funded research report has shown that grade is significant for career exploration
with Grade 5/6 students scoring significantly higher on career planning, interest and curiosity.

Career Trek, in partnership with the University of Winnipeg and the University of Manitoba, conducted the two-year study that involved 500 students in grades 3 to12 from four school districts in Manitoba. The purpose of the project was to examine how children’s career interests change through adolescence and the factors that affect their interests, such as parents. The research identifies how career exploration interventions can meet student needs in a developmentally appropriate manner. Learn more at


Monica Edwards has more than 10 years of experience in the field of career development, focusing primarily on youth. She is a Career Coach with High Prairie School Division in northern Alberta and is also a member of the Alberta Career Development Association. Edwards has a diploma in Business Administration from Northern Alberta Institute of Technology (NAIT), a Bachelor of Management from Athabasca University, and is working towards her Certified Career Development Practitioner designation.



1 Cruse, Toby. « Almost 40% of Millennials are choosing their careers based on TV”, 2017. Retrieved from

2 Phys Org. “Today’s children decide on their school and career path early”, 2009 Retrieved from


Career Briefs

Career development for young children

It is widely recognized that the roots of career development begin early in a young person’s life but, in practice, career development in childhood is often downplayed. The Early Years: Career Development for Young Children Guides – one for Parents and one for Educators – are the result of new Memorial University research examining the influence that teachers and parents/guardians have on the career development process of children, aged 3 to 8.

The CERIC-funded research outlines how through play young children explore their environment, learn to problem solve, make decisions, and adjust to change. From a young age, children envision themselves in possible roles for their future. During these formative years, children are influenced by family, school and media – and need to be supported in their career development, according to researchers Dr Mildred Cahill and Dr Edith Furey.

The guides seek to empower educators and parents to become more aware of children’s career development during this critical period of fun and fantasy. They provide practical tips, activities and examples to be used in daily interactions with children.

Download the guides for free: and Or contact for bulk orders.


Most popular degrees not where the jobs are

The most popular college and university programs are business, administration and law – but the biggest labour market opportunities are in engineering and information technology, says a new OECD report on education.

Aligned with trends in 30+ other developed nations only 29% of Canadian post-secondary students are taking business and law, and about 11% engineering, manufacturing and construction.

While overall, university graduates still have much higher employment rates and earn more, engineering and information and computer technology sectors have the highest employment rates, according to the 2017 Education at a Glance report.

View the full report:


Meeting the career needs of newcomer and refugee students

A new University of Winnipeg report examines how career development can make school more meaningful for newcomer and refugee youth. The report provides details of a three-year CERIC-supported research program led by Dr Jan Stewart that investigated schools and communities in Calgary, Winnipeg and St John’s. It contains recommendations for creating culturally responsive career development programs that address the unique needs of children who may be experiencing the effects of trauma, interrupted learning and acquiring a new language.

The research findings are intended to prepare counsellors and teachers who provide student career development, and to help create stronger networks between community partners, universities, organizations and schools throughout Canada. The major output of the research will be a curriculum guide entitled Bridging Two Worlds: Culturally Responsive Career Development Programs and Services to Meet the Needs of Newcomer and Refugee Children in Canada: A Guide to Curriculum Integration and Implementation.

Read the full report:


Canada Career Month 2017: What’s Next?

In November 2017, Canadians across the country will come together to advance the agenda on connections to the labour force. This initiative of the Canadian Council for Career Development (3D) offers an opportunity for a national celebration of meaningful work and a discussion of “What’s Next.”

At a time when traditional career paths are being challenged, technology is disrupting traditional industries, and segments of the population like millennials and baby boomers are making challenging transitions, Canada Career Month will host a national conversation about the future of employment in our country.

Learn how you can get involved:


What is the state of ‘seniorpreneurship’ in Canada?

A new CERIC-funded research study led by the Sheridan Centre for Elder Research will investigate the experiences, needs and interests of individuals who have either launched or would like to start their own business after age 50. With the country’s demographic shift to an aging workforce well underway, increasing numbers of older Canadians are turning to entrepreneurship.

In 2011, an estimated five million Canadians were 65+; that number is expected to double to reach 10.4 million by 2036. By 2051, about one in four Canadians is expected to be 65+. A 2012 CIBC study found that individuals 50+ made up the fastest growing age group for start-ups in Canada, accounting for approximately 30% of the total number of start-ups in the country.

While the number of older adults starting their own businesses grows, very little is known about them and what kind of career guidance and support they require. Under the direction of Pat Spadafora, this research project, “A Study on the Status of Senior Entrepreneurship in Canada: Training Implications for Career Counsellors,” will seek to address the knowledge gap. Findings are expected in early 2018.

Learn more:


CanCode program to develop digital skills of Canadian youth

The federal government announced that it will spend $50 million over the next two years with a goal of providing 500,000 young Canadians from kindergarten to grade 12 with the coding and digital skills they need for the well-paying jobs of the future.

The program also aims to encourage more young women, Indigenous Canadians and other under-represented groups to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering and math. In addition, it seeks to equip 500 teachers across the country with the training and tools to teach digital skills and coding.

Further details:


Hot Links: Generation Next: Pitfalls, Promise and Potential

Education and Employability: Can We Close the Gap?

Released in August 2017, the CIBC report provides recommendation regarding how post-secondary institutions could improve in helping graduates getting the right set of skills to succeed in the labour market.


A Spotlight on Youth: How Does Canada Compare?

The number of young people who are not in employment, education or training (NEETs) remains elevated in many countries; the report examines the characteristics of those at risk of being NEET along with policies to help meet the challenge.


Millennials and Financial Literacy: A Global Perspective

Conducted by The George Washington University School of Business’ Global Financial Literacy
Excellence Center and released in May 2017, this report sheds light on the relationship between millennials and money.


Young People & Non-Profit Work

Released in May 2017 and published by Imagine Canada, this study examines the early career experiences of young non-profit workers in Ontario and provides significant insight into young people’s

experiences obtaining employment in non-profit organizations.


Career Pathways: Five Ways to Connect College and Careers

Published by Georgetown University’s Center on Education and the Workforce, this report looks at the connection between learning and earning and provides recommendations on the ways we could improve the school-to-work transition.


Council of Ministers of Education, Canada (CMEC) Reference Framework for Successful Student Transitions

The CMEC Reference Framework provides a brief review of the context surrounding student transitions in Canada and articulates a scope, vision, guiding principles, goals, and outcome statements based on proven policies and practices from across Canada and around the world.


13 Ways to Modernize Youth Employment in Canada

Published by Employment and Social Development Canada, this Final Report from the Expert Panel on Youth Employment provides recommendations to improve how youth are prepared for, and transition to, the new labour market.


Canadian Millennials Social Values Study Webinar Series

This series of three webinars recorded in April 2017 explores research on Canadian Millennials Social Values, led by the Environics Institute for Survey Research. Episodes explore millenials’ diverse social values, their career and life aspirations, and their views on political and civic engagement.


Female Entrepreneurs: Fear of Failure and the Restorative Role of Resilience

Helping female entrepreneurs requires an understanding of their unique experiences

By Lori Padley-Lee


Women in Canada are choosing self-employment in record numbers. In 2015 there were over one million self-employed women in Canada, and at last count these women had contributed nearly $150 billion dollars to our economy. Yet while the number of women entrepreneurs is growing at twice the rate of men, this group’s sense of anxiety is also surpassing that of their male counterparts. According to Babson College’s 2012 Global Entrepreneur Monitor, fear of failure is a major concern of women who start their own businesses, spurred in part by lower perceptions of their entrepreneurial abilities than their more confident male peers. The questions for the career practitioner, then, are what is contributing to this fear of failure, and how can we help our female clients reach their entrepreneurial potential?

Fear, of course, can be healthy. It’s fear that keeps us from chasing balls into traffic and petting growling dogs. But fear can also be a detriment, clouding our perceptions of reality and blinding us to our own potential, if we let it. As any career counsellor is aware, fear of failure is often a major factor in a client’s inaction, either in terms of finding a new career or seeking advancement in their current one. For women stepping out into the unknown territory of business ownership, the fear of failure can be especially paralyzing. Why? Because a woman often faces societal barriers that can heighten her sense of being “not good enough”, discouraging her long before she hangs the “Open for Business” sign on her door.

The challenges are many, and this list is not comprehensive. The problem of money is paramount. Several studies cite women’s difficulties in securing loans from banks due to assumed financial incompetency (banks in the studies wanted to see hard numbers as an indicator of probable success, and reacted negatively towards women’s slow-but-steady, relationship-driven approach to growth). Women also struggle with building a support network. If the world of entrepreneurialism seems a “boy’s club” to some, not knowing where (or how) to access female mentorship is partly to blame. Advice, networking, even just “tea and sympathy” from someone who’s been there can make a significant difference in a female entrepreneur’s success and emotional well-being.  Finally, in talking about barriers that lead to fear of failure, we cannot discount the impact of a woman’s work-life balance. In a society that still views women as the primary caregivers of children and keepers of the home, women entrepreneurs who also happen to be parents face additional hurdles. Finding time both for raising children and cultivating a new business is undeniably stressful even with support systems, and in the age of “mommy wars” many self-employed women feel the strain of being judged from both sides.  Stretched thin, they fear failing as businesswomen and failing as mothers.

Fortunately, career counsellors can help women mitigate these clients’ fears of failure. Women embarking on entrepreneurship are often embarking on a career transition unlike any they’ve made before. One of the theories we turn to when helping clients tackle transitions is that of resilience. Nurturing resilience is largely achieved “by placing an emphasis on the already realized positive capacities of [the] individual.” Successful entrepreneurialism is highly dependent on qualities such as creativity, determination, people skills, and the ability to multi-task. The list goes on and on. What better way to alleviate the fear of failure than by helping a female entrepreneur to appreciate the relevant qualities she already has?

When we strive to build resilience in our clients we strive to make them adaptable to change, prepared to overcome challenges and open to creating and finding opportunities for learning and growth. Part of this journey typically includes goal-setting, an essential component of launching a business. Setting attainable, realistic goals helps people feel in control of their situation (Think about a time when you were feeling overwhelmed and you created a to-do list. How satisfying was it to put a checkmark next to each item as you completed it, no matter how small?) From the initial business idea to signing contracts on the dotted line, a woman’s entrepreneurial journey is comprised of many steps. We need to help clients feel they’ve got all their bases covered and can handle each step as it comes along. Empowering women with the resources to draft a successful business plan, to access information about her customer demographics, and to understand her obligations as an employer – these are just some the puzzle pieces that, when put together, can give our clients a clear sense of their own preparedness and competency.

Resilient clients – rather than wait for success to find them – get out and make things happen, even when obstacles make it seem impossible to move forward.  Anyone with entrepreneurial dreams already has that go-getter element to their personality, but for a client fearing failure, the ability to cultivate opportunities can easily get lost in self-doubt. We can help by fostering optimism, self-esteem, intrinsic motivation, and self-efficacy. One strategy to achieve this is narrative therapy, with clients telling us their stories and reflecting upon the successes and dreams that have led them to self-employment goals. Ultimately, this approach can help to re-awaken their belief in themselves and their own potential.

Resilient female entrepreneurs will have more confidence to effectively sell their business ideas to prospective investors, to actively seek out likeminded peers and mentors for support, and to unapologetically balance work and family and ask for help when needed. Slowly, some of the barriers that these women face are being eroded by progressive financial institutions that have taken strides to support them, and by a growing movement towards more equitable approaches to parenting and homemaking. There’s still a long way to go, but in the meantime we can help make the entrepreneurial path a much easier one for women to follow.



Lori Padley-Lee is currently enrolled in the Career Development Practitioner program at Conestoga College. She has worked as an educator, marketing writer and editor, and is interested in assisting disadvantaged youth and adults with job skills development and self-marketing to help them reach their career potential.


Beckton, Clare and Janice McDonald (January, 2016). “A Force to Reckon With: Women, Entrepreneurship and Risk”. Retrieved July 16, 2016, from

Flavelle, Dana (May 3, 2016). “Women Entrepreneurs Embrace Risk Differently: Report Procedures”. The Toronto Star. Retrieved June 1, 2016 from:

Mielach, David (July 31, 2013). “Failure Tops Women’s List of Startup Fears”. Business News Daily. Retrieved July 10, 2016  from:

VanBreda, Adrian DuPlessis. “Resilience Theory: A Literature Review (2001)”. Retrieved July 18, 2016 from