Career Briefs

Career development for young children

It is widely recognized that the roots of career development begin early in a young person’s life but, in practice, career development in childhood is often downplayed. The Early Years: Career Development for Young Children Guides – one for Parents and one for Educators – are the result of new Memorial University research examining the influence that teachers and parents/guardians have on the career development process of children, aged 3 to 8.

The CERIC-funded research outlines how through play young children explore their environment, learn to problem solve, make decisions, and adjust to change. From a young age, children envision themselves in possible roles for their future. During these formative years, children are influenced by family, school and media – and need to be supported in their career development, according to researchers Dr Mildred Cahill and Dr Edith Furey.

The guides seek to empower educators and parents to become more aware of children’s career development during this critical period of fun and fantasy. They provide practical tips, activities and examples to be used in daily interactions with children.

Download the guides for free: and Or contact for bulk orders.


Most popular degrees not where the jobs are

The most popular college and university programs are business, administration and law – but the biggest labour market opportunities are in engineering and information technology, says a new OECD report on education.

Aligned with trends in 30+ other developed nations only 29% of Canadian post-secondary students are taking business and law, and about 11% engineering, manufacturing and construction.

While overall, university graduates still have much higher employment rates and earn more, engineering and information and computer technology sectors have the highest employment rates, according to the 2017 Education at a Glance report.

View the full report:


Meeting the career needs of newcomer and refugee students

A new University of Winnipeg report examines how career development can make school more meaningful for newcomer and refugee youth. The report provides details of a three-year CERIC-supported research program led by Dr Jan Stewart that investigated schools and communities in Calgary, Winnipeg and St John’s. It contains recommendations for creating culturally responsive career development programs that address the unique needs of children who may be experiencing the effects of trauma, interrupted learning and acquiring a new language.

The research findings are intended to prepare counsellors and teachers who provide student career development, and to help create stronger networks between community partners, universities, organizations and schools throughout Canada. The major output of the research will be a curriculum guide entitled Bridging Two Worlds: Culturally Responsive Career Development Programs and Services to Meet the Needs of Newcomer and Refugee Children in Canada: A Guide to Curriculum Integration and Implementation.

Read the full report:


Canada Career Month 2017: What’s Next?

In November 2017, Canadians across the country will come together to advance the agenda on connections to the labour force. This initiative of the Canadian Council for Career Development (3D) offers an opportunity for a national celebration of meaningful work and a discussion of “What’s Next.”

At a time when traditional career paths are being challenged, technology is disrupting traditional industries, and segments of the population like millennials and baby boomers are making challenging transitions, Canada Career Month will host a national conversation about the future of employment in our country.

Learn how you can get involved:


What is the state of ‘seniorpreneurship’ in Canada?

A new CERIC-funded research study led by the Sheridan Centre for Elder Research will investigate the experiences, needs and interests of individuals who have either launched or would like to start their own business after age 50. With the country’s demographic shift to an aging workforce well underway, increasing numbers of older Canadians are turning to entrepreneurship.

In 2011, an estimated five million Canadians were 65+; that number is expected to double to reach 10.4 million by 2036. By 2051, about one in four Canadians is expected to be 65+. A 2012 CIBC study found that individuals 50+ made up the fastest growing age group for start-ups in Canada, accounting for approximately 30% of the total number of start-ups in the country.

While the number of older adults starting their own businesses grows, very little is known about them and what kind of career guidance and support they require. Under the direction of Pat Spadafora, this research project, “A Study on the Status of Senior Entrepreneurship in Canada: Training Implications for Career Counsellors,” will seek to address the knowledge gap. Findings are expected in early 2018.

Learn more:


CanCode program to develop digital skills of Canadian youth

The federal government announced that it will spend $50 million over the next two years with a goal of providing 500,000 young Canadians from kindergarten to grade 12 with the coding and digital skills they need for the well-paying jobs of the future.

The program also aims to encourage more young women, Indigenous Canadians and other under-represented groups to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering and math. In addition, it seeks to equip 500 teachers across the country with the training and tools to teach digital skills and coding.

Further details:

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Poor Children Donation

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Poor Children Donation

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Creative Green Solutions

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New Mantra for Education: Career Readiness

By Phillip S. Jarvis


Student success is every educator’s highest priority, but the interpretation of success is ambiguous. With only 44% of students still fully engaged in high school, down from 76% in Grade 1 (Gallup) [1], and half of out-of-school 16-25 year-olds unemployed or in precarious, low-wage, no-benefits jobs [2], it’s clear that despite best intentions education is not fully succeeding in preparing our youth for success beyond school.

Career readiness is emerging as the new standard of success, the new mantra for education. Career-ready students are prepared for success in life after high school, including postsecondary education and modern jobs and career paths. Advocates of career readiness contend that the purpose of public education is to look beyond test scores or graduation rates—success in school—to the knowledge, skills, and aptitudes (competencies) students actually need to succeed in adult life—success after school. A high school diploma, in this view, should certify readiness for post-graduation jobs and learning experiences, rather than merely the completion of secondary school [3].

This new success standard is causing in a paradigm shift to personalized, project-based, real-world learning that helps students explore and test career pathways [4] at all levels. The Harvard Graduate School of Education’s 2011 paper, “Pathways to Prosperity: Meeting the Challenge of Preparing Young Americans for the 21st Century [5] made a compelling case for encouraging students to explore multiple pathways. Their claim that the “college for all” mantra harms students and the economy sent shockwaves through the education world. It ignited many new pathways initiatives and focused attention on the Swiss and other national models that offer more cost-effective and direct pathways to career readiness.

Pathways to Prosperity co-author Dr. William Symonds presented the report’s findings in over 40 states before founding the Global Pathways Institute [6] (GPI) at Arizona State University. GPI has since convened thousands of education, business and government leaders in Washington, DC and Regional Pathways Conferences.[7] With 12 national partner organizations [8], GPI formed the Coalition for Career Development [9] to make career readiness a central priority in education and workforce systems.

The US Chamber of Commerce Foundation (USCCF) is a GPI Coalition partner. Its Making Youth Employment Work [10] series is fueling employer engagement in pathways models. USCCF has urged States to measure career readiness [11], and challenged America’s 3 million employers to provide and fund industry ‘account managers’ in school systems. Just as account managers in the private sector are responsible for ensuring customer satisfaction, USCCF recommends that businesses, as the largest consumers of the product of the education system, provide industry liaison agents to deliver quality career development services to local educators that meet workforce needs.

With Harvard Graduate School of Education’s Dr Robert Schwartz, co-author of Pathways to Prosperity, Jobs For the Future [12] is growing the Pathways to Prosperity Partnership Network [13]. It now includes eight states (AZ, CA, DE, IL, IN, MA, TN, TX); three Metro regions (Columbus/Central Ohio; Twin Cities; and Metro Madison); and two urbans (New York City; Philadelphia). Their common goal is to build and enhance members’ capacity to design, implement, improve and scale state and regional pathways systems enhance students’ career readiness by increasing the number of youth who complete high school and attain an in-demand post-secondary credential or industry certification.

The Linked Learning Alliance [14] in California believes students work harder and dream bigger if their education is relevant to them. Their approach [15] integrates rigorous academics with sequenced, high-quality career-technical education, work-based learning and supports to help students stay on track. Industry themes are woven into lessons taught by teachers who collaborate across subject areas with input from working professionals, and reinforced by work-based learning with real employers. This makes learning more like the real world of work, and helps students answer the question, “Why do I need to know this?” The result: career ready graduates.

Advance CTE [16], the national network of State Directors of career and technical education, is promoting “Putting Learner Success First: A Shared Vision for the Future of CTE.” The vision calls for systemic transformation of the education system to ensure students are career ready when they finish high school. It challenges career and technical educators to provide leadership in transforming education to truly prepare all students for a lifetime of success. Advance CTE’s vision is supported by 12 [17] national organizations representing education, business and industry, and policy.

The Ontario Ministry of Education’s Pathways to Success [18] policy requires that all students from Kindergarten to Grade 12 develop an Individual Pathway Plan. The Council of Atlantic Ministers of Education and Training is implementing Future in Focus [19], a new career readiness framework for K-12 schools in Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island and New Brunswick. The Council of Ministers of Education Canada is developing a Youth Transitions Framework to provide guidelines for education systems across the country to enhance students’ career readiness.

JPMorgan Chase & Co. launched New Skills for Youth in 2016, a $75 million, 5-year initiative [20]  to strengthen career-focused education. With the Council of Chief State School Officers [21], Advance CTE, and the Education Strategy Group [22] they challenged states to: a) dramatically increase the number of students in career pathways from secondary school to in-demand diplomas/degrees and/or industry credentials; and b) catalyze transformational programs and policies to increase students’ career readiness. In phase one, 24 states [23] and Washington, DC received $100,000 grants. In phase two, announced in January 2017, 10 states [24] are receiving $2 million over three years to expand and improve career pathways for all high school students.

The National Center for College and Career Transitions [25] mantra is: Every learner with a dream and a plan, and every community with a capable, career ready workforce.” NC3T connects schools, post-secondary institutions, and employers to introduce students to the array of options available to them, and prepare them for pathways for which they are best suited. President and founder Hans Meeder recently authored The Power and Promise of Pathways, [26] a step-by-step guide to building a sustainable pathways system that leads students to career readiness.

WE Schools [27], a division of the WE movement founded by Craig and Marc Kielburger, is delivered in over 12,000 schools across North America and the UK. The program challenges young people to identify local and global issues that spark their passion then empowers them to take action. It provides educators and students with curriculum, educational resources and a full calendar of action campaign ideas. Through WE Schools, [28] students see school in the context of “real world” local and global issues they’re passionate about. As a result, they become more engaged in school, see the relevance of school to career pathways they are considering, and become more career ready.

The co-ed Exploring program [29] of the Boy Scouts of America teaches professional and life skills through immersive career experiences and mentorship. Businesses and community organizations initiate Explorer posts by matching their employees and organizational resources to career interests of students. The result is a program of experiential activities [30] that help students and young adults explore and pursue their career interests, thus becoming more career ready. US Chamber of Commerce President [31] Thomas J. Donohue Sr. recently challenged employers across the US to sponsor Explorer posts.

Cloud-based career exploration and pathway planning systems are now ubiquitous. Some allow students to connect with career coaches, employers, and work-based learning and help employers connect with potential future talent. Career Network of Vermilion County [32], the digital backbone of Vermilion Advantage in Illinois, is an example. It’s a US Chamber of Commerce Foundation Talent Pipeline Management pilot site. Other examples are MIBrightFUTURE [33] in Southeast Michigan and InspireNB [34] in New Brunswick, Canada. These inititatives help youth become career ready, and help employers develop talent pipelines.

The Government of Canada convened an Expert Panel on Youth Employment [35] in mid-2016 to help it understand the challenges that youth face in finding and keeping jobs and to identify promising and innovative approaches to helping all youth transition successfully into the workforce. Panelists met in-person with hundreds of young people, workforce experts, employers, community organizations and service providers. The panel’s recommendations to enhance young Canadaians career readiness will soon be public.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s Youth Council, [36] the federal Youth Employment Strategy Directorate [37], the Council of Ministers of Education Canada, [38] the Forum of Labour Market Ministers, [39] and the Canadian Council for Career Development [40], among others, have youth employment and career readiness squarely on their radar screens. A coalition of provincial, territorial, and federal governments, with First Nations, youth groups, employers, community organizations, etc. – Coalition Transitions Canada – is being discussed to foster collaboration on innovations to better prepare students across the country become career ready and find their personal pathway to prosperity.

Personalized, real-world, project-based, and work-based career pathways initiatives is expanding exponentially in K-12 and postsecondary settings globally. Helping students find themselves, find relevance in their education, and find their own personal pathways to success, happiness, and prosperity – career readiness – is becoming the new mantra of education. The implications for career professionals as leaders, coaches and facilitators in this movement are exciting and profound.  



Phil Jarvis is Director of Global Partnerships at Career Cruising. He has led national and international initiatives to help students become career-ready, including: CHOICES, The Real Game Series, the Blueprint for Life/Work Designs, and Career Cruising. His chapter in Career Development Practice in Canada (CERIC, 2014) links career readiness to economic prosperity. He advocates for whole community commitment and collaboration (‘it takes a village’) to help all students become career-ready and transition from school to success.










[8] ACT, Inc., Advance CTE: State Leaders Connecting Learning to Work Association for Career and Technical Education, America’s Promise Alliance, Boston University School of Education, Council of Chief State School Officers, Manufacturing Skill Standards Council, National Career Development Association, National Collaborative on Workforce and Disability for Youth, National Governors Association, SME, U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation
















[24] Delaware, Kentucky, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Nevada, Ohio, Oklahoma, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Wisconsin.


















What’s Next for Older Workers?

Counsellors and employers alike are facing unique challenges as work patterns becoming increasingly non-traditional

By Adele Robertson


Baby boomers are generally defined as those people born between 1946 and 1964. Boomers have just about reinvented most life stages, succeeding in breaking down many social and cultural boundaries. They have challenged both the concepts and behaviours of youth norms, sexual freedoms, marriage and, how to parent. The process of “aging,” for this cohort, and all that surrounds the inevitable march of time, is not going to resemble anything experienced by their parents. It is not surprising that the boomers’ approach to third life transition and the end of work, can represent a challenge to career counsellors. The heretofore normative notion of “retirement” does not play well with many of this generation.

We are reminded by the classic “Sound of Music” song: “How are we going to solve the problem of Maria?” How are Canadian businesses ─ small, medium and large ─ going to solve the problems of our Marios and Marias who are seeking solid advice, and specific guidance on the issue of “retirement.” Or, as York University’s Dr Suzanne Cook calls it: “Redirection.”


A growing senior population willing to continue to work

According to Boston College Sloan Center of Aging and Work, seven in 10 American workers plan to continue to work past the age of 65 [1]. Jean-Marc MacKenzie, Senior Vice President of Canada’s Morneau Shepell Human Resource Consulting Company, reports: “We are finding more and more of our clients have very diverse workplace demographics. For instance, one of our major national clients has more individuals over the age of 75 currently employed with them than under the age of 25. The emerging and flexible work demands seem to be more attractive for older workers and it may not provide as many traditional full-time opportunities for younger workers.”

There are as many mature employee considerations as there are varieties of personalities within that demographic age, never mind their levels of career experience. According to Chris Farrell’s book, Unretirement, even those individuals who are considering packing in their jobs are closer to the age of 70 as opposed to the traditional 65.

There are many reasons why even a 70-year-old may dread leaving their workplace. With this in mind, it might be useful to revisit and reaffirm why “work” is so critical. Most individuals identify themselves by their work. Their self-image is inextricably tied in to their job. Their identity is often indistinguishable from their job description. Experts inform us that this identity and sense of self-worth emanates from both the work content and, the work environment. When the job has evaporated from one’s life, many individuals express the feeling of being useless. Author Victor Frankel writes that “being useless is equated with having a meaningless life.” Over decades, work defined everything from a person’s status, to gender, even in some cultures, morality. Author James Livingston’s book No More Work, Why Full Employment is a Bad Idea submits that when work disappears we feel less secure in our personal definition of ourselves.


An extended life expectancy and financial reality

Beyond the emotional need and understanding of why we work, there is the other reality and that is the financial. We all need an income. A great percentage of Canadians will not enjoy an employer-covered pension in the next decade. Since life expectancy now is approximately 82 to 85, the idea of having no pay cheque for several decades is untenable. It is certain that many individuals, thanks to legislation, who are no longer forced to retire at age 65, will hang on to their jobs as they require both the money and the psychic income. They do not wish to depart from the work environment, the routine, the collegiality and, perhaps most importantly, their sense of purpose.

MacKenzie of Morneau Shepell notes that “most employee benefit designs have been around since 1960 and are geared towards younger workers with young families. Obviously, the time is right for employers to challenge their thinking of their relationship with employees and how they will support them in and out of the workplace.” The question of benefit packages and compensation, and changes in pension plans have caught the attention of Canada’s Finance Minister who recently suggested that Ottawa might encourage seniors to stay in the workforce and perhaps businesses can consider offering incentives to those seniors who delay retirement. While older workers are looking at many options, employers as well as governments are seeking practical solutions.
If the new mantra, for many workers sounds more like “unretirement,” what are some possible solutions and ideas on how to deal with the mature worker who wants and needs to continue in the workforce?

The President of the Milken Institute, Paul H. Irving, suggests that we stop focusing on problems and perceived weaknesses with workers of advancing ages. Younger workers may “learn faster but older staffers have a lifetime of experience and wisdom; they know more.”


Ageism: a barrier for senior workers

Visionary organizations will also begin to recognize the facts surrounding ageism. In 2016, the US Economic Research bureau found “robust” evidence that age discrimination starts even earlier for women (at the amazing age of 32) and, rarely relents.

Ageist attitudes may often challenge an individual’s ability and willingness to continue to work. These attitudes are non-hierarchical in that the more mature worker can be considered a liability by his manager as well as by his peers. Individuals need to be judged and valued by their competence and production, not by their physical age. Businesses who understand the value of older workers will set the tone with progressive employment practises as well as encouraging the more mature workers to act as mentors for their younger colleagues.

The knowledge drain does not have to be inevitable; there can be reverse mentoring which allows for the mature worker to absorb new technologies and assistance from the millennials who follow their careers. An article by Sarah Franklin published in The Globe and Mail in January 2017 [2] reported that by 2019 there will be almost 200,000 jobs in IT and communications in Canada left unfilled due to a lack of people with the necessary skills. Why not consider retraining older workers to fill some of those jobs. Retraining would be an investment, but with an ever-increasing demand, there is absolutely no reason why senior workers cannot fill some of this void. Many senior workers would be keen for upgrading their jobs and learning technologies. This is another scenario where multigenerational interaction can be integrated – a win-win situation for all.

AGEWORKS™, a Canadian organization whose vision is to make ageism as intolerable as racism or sexism, has surveyed global research which dispels myths about mature workers. Older workers do not have diminished production or inconsistent performances nor do they cost more in wages, hours or benefits; the return on investment for the senior worker remains healthy. Many studies demonstrate the wealth of benefits which accrue when a functioning multigenerational workforce is encouraged [3]. Often employee relations improve, in addition to having less turnover, lower absenteeism and increased productivity. It is encouraging that MacKenzie finds that “more employers are focusing on attracting and retaining ‘older’ workers with a flexible approach to scheduling, providing attractive non-traditional benefits, and creating a culture that places a premium value on the diversity of the workplace”.


Advising on alternative options for retirement

Of course, there are various issues that are inherent in dealing with an aging workforce. For example, the increasing remote and office-less workplace environment may be a jolt to many older jobholders. It behooves human resource and other managers to provide a coherent rationale and context for these dramatic workplace adjustments. The results may be that an increasing number of mature workers will welcome the flexibility of working from home more frequently. These adjustments will also allow for the important dress rehearsal for the employee as to what their life resembles when they are not expected at an office location on a daily basis. Flexibility on the part of the employer will encourage more thoughtful and realistic pre-retirement conversations which may result in earlier retirement or, job rotation, or a variety of solutions which mesh with the nature and form of the particular business.

If leave-taking or retirement seems inevitable and/or desirable for staff, how best can career professionals advise these senior workers? What are some ideas which will instigate policy decisions and solutions that will be adaptable both to an efficient business operation and, relevant to their valued, often long-term, staffer?

Early discussions, preferably up to five years before an employee is expected to retire is a first step. Counselling on what to anticipate after the full-time wage work is completed is critical. Retirement is not an event; it is long known as a process with several stages. Exploring a menu of work/life options can bring significant returns. After all, the recruitment and retention of staff is a major investment on the part of any business; why not consider the counselling of the mature worker an integral part of the program. There exists today a dazzling potpourri of ideas about approaching retirement. Some examples include staged retirement, providing flexibility for the worker to dip a toe in the water to experience what life might resemble when they are not at work full-time. Continued training and learning should continue despite the age of a worker. AT&T in the US, understanding that those age 50 plus are not always as adept in new technology, provides payments of up to $30,000 over time for staff who take online courses. They provide as an incentive, that no worker, of any age can anticipate promotion without taking advantage of new training opportunities.Another innovation comes from San Francisco-based This new program is called the “Fellowship Year.” Visionary companies are helping their older workers by matching them to jobs in not-for-profits. These retirement-age employees are slowly eased out of their career jobs and transitioned into community service, providing the individuals with purpose and satisfaction, and the knowledge that they are making an impact on society. This is often an organic, natural evolution of a Corporate Social Responsibility program, already embedded in most business models.

Retirement coaches are becoming more of the norm. Personalized coaching workshops such as THE V GENERATION (“V” for value, vision and volunteer) was inspired by the understanding that individuals will stay healthier, both cognitively and physically, when they envision and plan their future beyond full-time work, and that, cost-benefit reductions will accrue to the enlightened employer who provides staff with training on how to better “retire,” finding a work/life balance which can include a number of options.


Prioritizing senior workers’ career management to unlock their potential

Most individuals of a certain age desire that basketful of activities which will provide them with a balanced life. Human capital will continue to provide an enormous boost and abundant advantage to social problems in Canada. Community service or volunteerism offers the opportunity to translate wisdom, experience and ideas to the charitable sector. Billions of dollars of labour, and a wealth of skills can pour forth from our boomer population, but the not-for-profits have a responsibility to ensure that the boomer volunteers are placed in jobs that suit them, not simply one the charity needs to fill. Businesses need to prioritize the counselling of senior workers to ensure their workforce is better equipped for life once they disengage from the job. Coaches, human resource professionals and career management staff can encourage career management by identifying the training tools and resources in a timely fashion, not just prior to the employee heading out the door.

Unlocking the potential of this boomer generation while a challenge, also represents a real opportunity. And for those organizations who are undergoing restructuring and the inevitable layoffs, investments in a workshop for ongoing career management can often be a gift for the employee which will ease these difficult transition periods.

Boomers have re-invented lifestyles and turned around cultural mores. Now they are bringing energy and fresh ideas about life’s third stage to the fore with their employers and, with society as a whole. This is a remarkable turnabout from previous years. Many businesses will wish to resist these demands and hearken back to the good old days when pretty much every one was content to retire at age 65. Indeed, it is quite possible that in the near future the word “retire” will be retired.



Adele Robertson is the CEO and Founder of THE V GENERATION, a personalized coaching workshop designed to help organizations provide their employees with self knowledge and tools to embark on new pathways as they transition through work and to help them to experience a successful aging cycle.


[1] 17th Annual Transamerica Retirement Survey: Influences of Generation on Retirement Readiness, December 2016, p. 40

[2] How to successfully close the skills gap:

[3] Met Life Mature Market Institute:  “ Generations in the Workplace Engaging the Best Talent of All Ages” USA.   &   KPMG,  UK:  “The Silver Lining;  How Forward Thinking Companies Benefit from the Ageing Workforce).


Pursuing the Canadian Dream

How US immigration changes could drive international students North

By Chantal Moore


Earlier this year, American President Donald Trump signed a revised travel ban blocking the issuance of visas to people from Libya, Syria, Iran, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen, and suspending the refugee program. This ban could impact roughly 15,000 of the 1,000,000 international students in the US. [1]

Given the normal application-admission-registration cycle, it is premature to gauge the impact the Trump administration will have on international student numbers in Canada, but post-secondary institutions are reporting large increases in applications and web hits. According to The Globe and Mail, the University of Toronto had an 80% increase in US applicants this year; mid-to-small size institutions are reporting similar increases. [2]

Populist sentiments being expressed from high levels towards specific ethnic and immigrant populations may be enough to drive some international students North to Canada.

Complicating this, proposed H1-B Visa reforms could limit work visas for foreign workers and graduates. Legislation, actions and rhetoric that reinforces “America first” and “Us vs. Them” will be detrimental to attracting international students into the US.

Canada has been open and welcoming in reaction to US immigration changes. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau tweeted a welcome message to those escaping terror and persecution and Universities Canada issued a statement warning against the effects of a travel ban on International Education.


The appeal of a Canadian degree

Political factors aside, a Canadian degree is economical. The relative value of the Canadian dollar has made a Canadian education more affordable for many. For example, first-year international student tuition at University of British Columbia is roughly $34,000 CAD, the same as an American student might spend on domestic out-of-state tuition.

Canadian post-secondary institutions are known globally for high standards of quality and perform well in world rankings, with the University of Toronto, McGill and the University of British Columbia landing in the top 50 of the World University Rankings results.

Then there is the draw of safety and liveability. Canadian cities are known for their peaceful nature. Vancouver has been ranked the #3 most liveable city in the world by The Economist magazine due to factors such as health care and education.


Removing barriers to residency and employment

In a competitive market for international students, the world’s top education destinations must put more on the table than just attractive schools. Students are asking: “Will I fit in here?” “What are my long-term career prospects?” and “Can I become a permanent resident?”


As one American graduate who studied in Canada writes:

“When I was looking for graduate school, Canada seemed like a great option for many reasons. I liked the idea of being an international student given my research was looking at international student experience, I liked that there was an option to stay and work after graduation on a post-graduation work permit, and I will admit, the lower tuition (due to the exchange rate and my program choice) was a draw as well. Plus, I could take out US government loans to attend if I needed.

I am now going on my 8th year here and still loving BC. I have been working since the second year of my graduate program and received my permanent residency just over a year ago. For me, my decision to move here for further education was a win-win. I could receive a world recognized degree, gain international work experience, not go in to copious amounts of debt, meanwhile, knowing that my experiences and education here would easily translate back to the US should I decide to return”.

Canada offers exciting career opportunities. Vancouver, for example, is known as “Hollywood North” for its thriving film and entertainment sector. According to the Seattle Times, employment of highly skilled tech workers in Vancouver has grown 27% over the past decade. Many US tech companies have set up shop in Canada due to more flexible policies on foreign workers. Microsoft, Amazon and Facebook now have outposts in Vancouver and more are expected to come. [3]

Canada has recognized the need to do more for its international students and is opening doors to recruit the best and the brightest. With a dwindling workforce and rising skills gap, attracting strong students who can contribute to Canada’s workforce is important. At the institution level, more universities and colleges are recognizing the need to help international students transition into the local job market. At the community level, organizations such as the Immigration Services Society of BC are supporting newcomers.

Canada offers full-time international students at designated learning institutions the chance to work up to 20 hours per week, easing their entry into work. Post-secondary advisors might also encourage international students to enrol in cooperative education (co-op) placements that introduce them to the BC workforce. The Province recently invested $1.3 million in co-op and has been promoting its benefits to students and employers. [4]

Finally, recent changes for Canada’s Express Entry immigration process have made it easier for international degree holders to become permanent residents. In 2016, the Express Entry program was updated to award more points for international students who complete degrees in Canada. Canada also lifted the Visa requirements for travellers from Mexico. Post-secondary advisors are staying up-to-date on Visa changes and how this may affect students.

While there is no guarantee that a Canadian education is a golden ticket to citizenship and a lucrative career, there is reason to be optimistic. Political, economical and social factors are combining to create the ripest conditions for Canada as an education destination.




Chantal Moore is the Manager, Communications at the British Columbia Council for International Education. She is a believer in the value of intercultural experiences, having lived abroad and travelled to over 25 countries. She has post-secondary degrees from Queen’s University and Acadia University and now lives in Vancouver, BC.



[1] (13/03/2017). A pause in international students. URL:

[2] (23/01/2017). Canadian universities see rise in US applicants. URL:

[3] (21/03/2017). Trump’s immigration policies give Vancouver’s tech sector an extra bump. URL:

[4] (7/04/2017). Students and employers both benefit from co-op education opportunities. URL:


Why Non-Linear is the Only Career Path Forward

The new and true reality of the millennial generation

By Matthew Thomas

Imagine, you’re 22-years-old.

You’re native to the world of constant information, social media, fake news and precarious work. You’re staring down 1,000 job postings in a sea of what feels like none at all. The famed linear career ladders of your parents and grandparents just don’t appeal. But they still want you to find one.

You have an average student loan debt of $25,000 [1].

Getting a “foot in the door” will likely require you to work for free, like more than 300,000 unpaid Canadian interns [2].

You’re living with your parents, just like 40 per cent of adults between 20-29, compared to just 27 per cent 30 years ago [3].

The eye-rolling response of the world?

“You’re part of the most entitled generation in history.”
There’s a certain comfort in labelling generations

It helps mark eras. It creates camaraderie. It also helps distinguish ourselves from our parents and our children.

Millennials will cultivate their careers in a world that is more culturally, politically and economically complex and unstable than at any other time in decades.

No motivated, university-educated person wants to live with mom and dad at 27-years-old. No one. Not 30 years ago. Not now. These aren’t choices.

Unprecedented student debt. Working for free. Living at home. An unstable economy and the certainty of job churn. This is the millennial reality.

The generation is also, officially, the most anxious, stressed and depression-addled generation…ever [4].
Unheard-of uncertainty

It’s well known that for the first time in modern history, we have three generations sharing the workplace – the boomers, Generation X, and the millennial boomer offspring. For these millennials, competition for jobs is fierce, while expectations for employment security, benefits, retirement and pension plans have been dramatically lowered – almost to the point of being accepted as the status quo.

And though all of us are feeling a bit out of sorts these days, it’s the millennials that will be tasked with finding a way out of the economic, environmental, political and overall global mess we’ve found ourselves in. It’s the millennials that will be paying for our healthcare, stewarding our environment, and supporting our quality of life as we age.

But only if they are working and fulfilled.

That’s why it’s so urgent to help this generation get their careers back on track.


Career paths just aren’t the same anymore

But the career paths and advice that worked for prior generations just doesn’t work for today’s young workers.

Millennials aren’t interested in locking into a job or even an industry for a generation. Compared to 20 years ago, today’s recent graduates jump from company to company at nearly twice the rate during their first five years of working [5].

Moreover, the next 20 years will see unprecedented levels of automation. This new reality won’t just affect low-skilled or precarious workers. A detailed analysis by McKinsey & Company of 2,000-plus work activities for more than 800 occupations found that automation and artificial intelligence will transform knowledge-intensive career paths too, such as medicine, law and finance [6]. Currently demonstrated technologies are already capable of automating medical image analysis [7], basic legal research [8], and financial reporting [9].


Preparing for non-linear careers

Gone are the days of linear career paths.

Instead, having a multi-pronged approach to career building is an absolute necessity today: where you build the resiliency to switch careers when you’re forced to, and the confidence to switch when you want to.

It’s time to leverage job churn instead of being victimized by it.

After interviewing over 200 professionals who successfully switched careers across sectors, disciplines, and functions, I discovered a set of habits that millennials will need to succeed in a non-linear career [10]. They include:

● Transferable Skills. Build a skillset that can be used across many careers, like problem solving, relationship building, project management, etc.

● Intellectual Thead. Have a core issue at the centre your career, and spend time understanding it from a variety of differing perspectives.

● Contextual Intelligence. Learn to notice and adapt to different working cultures, goals and jargon quickly. That’s critical to fitting in.

● Balanced Motivations. Understand your career motivations (e.g., doing good, making money, improving self), and make moves that satisfy them.

● Integrated Network. Build a network that cuts across many industries and sectors. A diverse network will help you switch careers later in life.

● Prepared Mind. Take on new challenges when they are presented, not just when you feel ready. There may never be a perfect time for a career move.

We need to change the nature of career education to prepare young people for the new, non-linear career paths ahead of them, and embrace modern-day technology tools to reach more students, and change more lives.

Let’s work together to turn this new reality into a strategic advantage.



Matthew Thomas is the Co-Founder and CEO of Paddle, a career discovery platform for millennials. His research on non-linear careers was published by Harvard Business Review and Oxford University Press, and influenced White House staffing during President Obama’s second term. Matthew previously worked across the public, private and non-profit sectors with McKinsey & Co., Department of Finance Canada, Morgan Stanley, and The Intersector Project.










[8] and


[10] Thomas, M., & Lovegrove, N. The Gifts of Breadth. Re-imagining Capitalism. Oxford University Press (2016).


Work Ethic in the Age of Career Uncertainty

Workplace values and ethics as a defense against the ever-evolving labour market landscape

By Kah Hock (Danny) Koh


When we discuss career pathways and labour market trends, is it appropriate for us to sum up the discussion using the phrase “change is the only constant”? Current realities seem to indicate that technology, healthcare careers and “green jobs” are the thriving industries where jobs are aplenty. Where are we getting all this labour market information from? Information on local, regional and national labour market conditions come to us via a variety of sources which include government; media; industry leaders; recruitment agencies; educators and career counsellors (not to mention the friendly advice from family and loved ones!).

How are we making sense of all this information in an era of increasing uncertainty and risk? Bland & Roberts-Pittman (2014) proposed a closer look at “existential theory” and the “chaos theory” of career decision-making to help both career counsellors and clients navigate career decision-making in the current era of uncertainty. While both theories will benefit from more practice-based research, they both seem to tell us one thing: an individual’s career identity is a fluid, ongoing process of self-discovery and engagement with surrounding environments.

In the age of information overload, how we interpret and make use of all career-related information is crucial. It is not surprising that many of us can get overwhelmed and confused, developing short-term views on careers which focus on “what is trending,” what new skills to acquire and where we can get them so we can land those elusive “good middle-class jobs.” The long-term view of career however – the real key to building a lasting, meaningful career – involves a great deal of introspection so we can bring unique value to any employer no matter which workplace we find ourselves in.

During my outreach to various local employers as part of job development efforts, I have heard from many who lament that workers want “work” but do not want “to work.” Some employers even directly ask me if I have “recent immigrants who are not locally born.” These employers stress that the work ethic of new hires leaves much to be desired. “Lack of punctuality” and “not calling in sick” are frequently mentioned examples.


Wanted: Work ethic

Recently, the Financial Post reported that a survey conducted by the Canadian Federation of Independent Business (CFIB) in September 2016 revealed that 75% of small business owners were not impressed with the work ethic of new employees. Years before, renowned writer, speaker and entrepreneur Bill Taylor wrote an article for Harvard Business Review in which he expounded on why it makes strategic sense for organizations to hire first for attitude, then skill. These readings, employer feedback and further reflection has led me to realize that there is a key factor that distinguishes those who can find work, retain work and build a career from others who cannot. That factor is work ethic.

Individuals lacking work ethic will have a hard time finding meaning in their work. As jobseekers, they will have difficulty landing jobs and will probably find more than a few people to blame in the job hunt process. When they do find jobs, they will never add real value to the employer and, as a result, the employment relationship will be inevitably doomed. Whether or not a person shows up “for work” obviously matters – however, whether they show up “to work” is far more significant.

Work ethic does not translate into X number of hours you work for any employer but rather work ethic encompasses a combination of underlying values. These core values include: Accountability for One’s Own Actions; Integrity; Commitment to Organizational Objectives, Personal Leadership and Respect for Others. Being able to consistently embody these values with any employer gives one a strong work ethic which can withstand the shifting winds of labour market conditions. A strong work ethic is fundamental to nurturing an individual to be a contributing team member in any situation. It draws focus from “Me” to “Us” and allows the employee to focus on the larger picture of contributing to the organizational goals. A strong work ethic also facilitates an understanding that we are connected to one another through the work we do. We are more than self-serving individuals working for compensation benefits and prestige.


Providing real value to the employer

As staff at any organization, we are obligated to fulfill our responsibility to help our employers solve problems. For those in management, there is an added social and moral responsibility to make organizational decisions that can benefit society. In my opinion, work ethic is work ethic. We must not differentiate work ethic into “immigrant work ethic” because that risks stereotyping of immigrants and the perpetuation of precarious workplace situations if we only associate recent immigrants with work ethic. A strong work ethic must be nurtured at a young age. The role of caregivers, family members, educators, mentors and even peers during childhood is crucial. Later on, guidance counsellors, career counsellors and industry mentors can serve as facilitators but it is in the early years that the foundation for work ethic is established. There needs to be congruence between “work in theory” and “work in practice” and all stakeholders have a role to play. Potential strategies include:

• Parents and caregivers can nurture work ethic at a young age;
• Educators can nurture work ethic in school-age children through accountability and self-directed learning that is formally assessed at regular intervals;
• Mature staff at the workplace can impart a lessons on “maturity” and work ethic to new staff;
• Aside from formal supervision, employers can be mentors and allies in helping employees who are new or underachieving;
• Skills refresher sessions can be offered by employers to ensure all team members are adequately competent to carry out their responsibilities so the whole unit can function seamlessly;
• Individuals can take personal leadership in identifying continuous learning opportunities

We must not be so caught up in the hype of chasing new career opportunities or finding ways to acquire “in-demand” positions in the current economy. These are naturally important but we cannot lose sight of what is fundamental: the boundless promise of a strong work ethic. If as career practitioners we do our part and become active mentors, we can be optimistic that we are giving our future generation of workers the best defense against the ever-evolving labour market landscape.



Kah Hock (Danny) Koh first arrived in Canada as an international student from Singapore. He had worked with clients as an Employment Specialist at The Career Foundation in Toronto and currently holds a role as Job Developer at Wesley Urban Ministries in Hamilton, ON focusing on young adult jobseekers. Koh is a Certified Career & Résumé Strategist through Career Professional of Canada.



Bland, A. M., & Roberts-Pittman, B. J. (2014). Existential and Chaos Theory: “Calling” for Adaptability and Responsibility in Career Decision Making. Journal of Career Development, 41 (5), 382-401.

Taylor, B. (2011, February 1). Hire for Attitude, Train for Skill. Harvard Business Review. Retrieved from

Toneguzzi, M. (2015, September 3). ‘A worrisome trend’ for Canada’s workforce as work ethic, quality of new hires deteriorate. Financial Post. Retrieved from


The Episodic Career: How to Thrive at Work in the Age of Disruption

By Farai Chideya
Atria Books, 2016

Book Review by Alyson Nyiri


No one gets a free ride in life or work writes Chideya. Whether you call it resilience, grit or optimism, in the world of jobs we must learn to evolve into a different form, tapping into what we have done, finding a new focus, and leveraging aspects of ourselves previously dormant.

The Great Recession of 2007-2009 took the guts out of many of us. Employers too. Jobs were lost, benefits cut to the bone, as employers started to realize the savings and benefits of moving employees to contract status. In 2017, it seems little has changed. Many employers still favour contract work and lean benefit packages leaving workers with much less security. For some, this new “gig” economy has created new opportunities while for others, it has not.

Despite the temptation to favour candidates with steady employment histories, Chideya argues that candidates with episodic careers, including breaks, transitions and repositions are becoming the norm, often bringing with them a greater variety of skills. Writing reflectively on the devastating effects of unemployment, Chideya looks for solutions. Central to her book is the focus on integrating our work within the larger framework of our lives.

A successful episodic career, writes Chideya, stands on three pillars:

  • Self-knowledge. Start with your heart, and you will find which kinds of workplaces and workstyles give you the best shot at success.
  • Understanding the job market. Know your field(s) and how the market is locally, nationally, and globally – as well as how it’s evolving.
  • Emotional resilience. No one, not even billionaires, has lived a life without setbacks. And no one, not even the long-term unemployed or people with life, family, or health challenges, is shut out of meaningful life.


Mastering and integrating these three pillars allows us to “work freely” to be aware of our belief systems and what we want from life.

Based on results from a large national survey that her company conducted, she developed the Work/Life Matrix to help individuals formulate career goals, lifestyle and personality into one of 16 archetypes. The difference in this archetypical matrix is that each archetype gauges how flexible individuals are to ups and downs of the labour market rather than to personality preferences. The promise of the Work/Life Matrix is to help individuals set their trajectory in the era of episodic careers and understand the power of intention we bring to our work.

The Matrix centres around four core questions designed to help move past uncertainty and stress. The first question asks whether you build your career with care and caution (C) or take significant risks (R). The second question asks whether you want to have a high impact (H) with your work or a sense of accomplishment (P). The third question asks if you are happiest as an innovator (I) or an executor (E). The final question asks whether you are mainly a solo decision-maker (S) or a team-oriented decision-maker (T).

Using four letters, not unlike MBTI, the Life/Work Matrix has 16 archetypes.

2017-06-02_1413The CH types are cautious careerists who do high-social-impact work. RH types combine risk taking and high social impact, creating change with high autonomy but within existing systems. CP types are cautious careerists who don’t see their work as having inherently high social impact, but who make social impact through volunteering or other methods. RP types are higher risk-taking individuals who choose passive social impact work.

While the Matrix isn’t grounded in a specific career development theory nor is it a psychometric instrument by definition, it does provide another way for both counsellors and clients to view their work style and preferences. Chideya provides details about each of the 16 “types” and brings each to life through the descriptions of individual work/life stories.

In succeeding chapters, Chideya provides tips and suggestions on how to find work in this new landscape, including helpful advice on tackling the impact of race, gender and religion on job search. One of the points she makes that has significant impact is “knowing your own value, not just monetarily, but also emotionally, spiritually, or in terms of self-worth, is key to surviving hostile or indifferent workplaces.”

Resilience, simply stated, is the ability to bounce back after adversity. Dr Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, a Hungarian psychologist, is best known for his work on flow, the psychology of optimal experience. His work examined the critical aspects of what is needed in work and play for us to fully engage. Flow occurs when our skill level is matched in incremental and increasing order, with challenge. The more time we spend in flow, the more time we learn how to have good experiences. Bad experiences are opportunities for growth. In collaboration with Dr Martin Seligman, positive psychology blossomed. Our capacity for resilience is a key feature of positive psychology and helped to build optimism. Their work is the foundation of much of the recent writing on resilience.

Chideya’s chapter on resilience is no exception. She writes that recovering from layoffs, termination, and other career disasters requires resilience. No one gets a free ride in life or work, writes Chideya. The survivors and thrivers in the current marketplace will be those who can recover from setbacks big and small; learn from their mistakes; and not become bitter when they lose a job through no fault of their own. Resilience will enable a client to build allies critical to their job search, improvise when things get tough, and build a narrative that positively reflects their episodic career.

The Episodic Career is a good read, filled with sharp-eyed analysis and tender and tragic stories of individuals reflecting on their work lives. Chideya offers career practitioners an easy to use matrix to assist clients with their ongoing efforts of building a personal and work life.



Alyson Nyiri, BA, CDP, CHRL, is a freelance writer and researcher specializing in the areas of women’s career development, human resources, leadership and community economic development. She spent over 12 years as a career counsellor followed by the last 12 years in human resources and community economic development. She is a regular contributor to HRPA’s HR Professional magazine where she has reviewed hundreds of books in the past six years. You can reach her at or through her blog.