Norman Valdez

November 18, 2013

Looking for the best detours to roadblocks in international professional transitions

By Jon Woodend (Cannexus14 GSEP Award Winner) Take a walk in the major Canadian cities and you will undoubtedly notice the burgeoning diversity. It is a trend that has been covered in the media, politics, and beyond. What is interesting is that this diversity is now increasing outside the traditional top destinations of Toronto, Montreal, and Vancouver, and into…
November 18, 2013

The importance of understanding cultural and familial influences on career development: Through a Chinese-Canadian’s experience

By Danni Lei (Cannexus14 GSEP Award Winner) Canada is well known throughout the world as a country of multiculturalism with a diverse population. Within the counselling context, it is important to explore and understand an individual’s unique cultural influences. A cultural lens is important for understanding people’s career development, including career planning and decision-making. Within an economically and status…
November 18, 2013

The power of mentorship – a personal reflection

By Angela Katsamakis (Cannexus14 GSEP Award Winner) Four years of all-consuming post-secondary study, student debt, a baccalaureate degree in hand, and unemployment staring you in the face. Three years related experience needed to apply for work in ones field of study is a daunting reality for most new graduates. Having dedicated ones former years to earning good grades and…