Norman Valdez

October 23, 2012

The intersection between mental health and career counselling: An ongoing discussion

By Barbara Smith (Cannexus11 GSEP Winner) The relationships between unemployment and mental health are well documented (Herr, 1989). Okasha (2005) notes that the rate of mental health disorders has been closely related to economic, social and cultural conditions. The World Health Organization (2004) states that “economic instability [has] been linked to increased levels of psychiatric symptomatology and psychiatric morbidity”…
October 19, 2012

One stride closer: Psychological considerations of the immigrant career transition

By Basak Yanar (Cannexus12 GSEP Award Winner) Each year Canada welcomes some 200,000 immigrants – over half of which are “skilled” – eager to develop successful careers in their new country.1 Government initiatives and settlement agencies provide a wide array of programs designed to facilitate their entrance into the Canadian labour market. Although 80% of Canada’s immigrants succeed in…