By Lawrence Murphy and Dawn Schell A recent international research report, commissioned by the UK Commission for Employment and Skills, suggests that “changes in technology have the potential […]
By Tannis Goddard Technology offers the potential to transform the way we deliver career development services. Rather than fearing that technology will replace face-to-face services, we […]
By Roberta Neault and Miranda Vande Kuyt Counselling and coaching, even in the traditional face-to-face format, are relatively new “professions.” e-Anything is even newer—it’s not that […]
by Christopher T. Sutton In 2009, The Canadian Hearing Society (CHS) received funding from The Counselling Foundation of Canada to undertake its Transitioning Deaf and Hard […]
Virtual Cannexus You may purchase a single session or a full package. Cannexus12 attendees receive a 15% discount until May 31 on Virtual Cannexus. Please use […]
Back by popular demand, CERIC is pleased to once again offer a series of webinars on Positive Psychology for Career Counsellors and Coaches, starting October 3. […]