
Career Briefs

Cannexus15: Early Bird registration ends on November 3

The Cannexus National Career Development Conference is taking place January 26-28, 2015 at the Ottawa Convention Centre. You can get the best rate by registering by Nov. 3 and benefiting from Early Bird pricing.


10 Questions for Nancy Arthur

10 Questions - Nancy ArthurDr Nancy Arthur is a Professor and Associate Dean Research, Werklund School of Education, University of Calgary. She has published more than 80 professional articles and award-winning books. Known internationally as a thought leader and advocate for social justice practices to support people’s career development, Dr Arthur has presented in more than 25 different countries.


Editor’s Note: When is a barrier not a barrier?

I don’t like the words “barriers to employment.” Maybe it’s just me succumbing to the legendary Canadian political correctness, but the term “barrier” just sounds so negative for a concept that touches a majority of people. You live in a disadvantaged neighbourhood? It’s a barrier to employment. Immigrant? That’s a barrier too. Mental health issues? Criminal record? Too young? Too old? In the end, if you don’t have a barrier to employment, you are a member of a minority.