Norman Valdez

September 13, 1998

Upcoming Events

The 25th National Consultation on Career Development* (NATCON) will be held Monday to Wednesday, 25–27 January 1999, in Ottawa, Canada. NATCON is the largest international bilingual […]
September 13, 1998

Publications + Products

Intentional Interviewing and Counseling, Allen E. Ivey and Mary Bradford Ivey, Brooks/Cole, 1999. ISBN – 0-534-35756-3. Group Dynamics – Third Edition, Donelson R. Forsyth, Brooks/Cole, 1999. […]
September 1, 1998

Job Ads

Vocational Rehabilitation Consultants The Occupational Rehabilitation Group of Canada is looking for Vocational Rehabilitation Consultants in the Ottawa/Kingston area to provide case management/vocational rehabilitation services for […]