Norman Valdez

June 8, 2016

Employment Support for Young Clients with Criminal Records

By Pauleen Payne (Editorial Support: Linda Johnson) Youth between the ages of 18-34 are over represented in the Canadian criminal justice system and require unique career […]
June 5, 2016

[Online Exclusive] The Search for Work: Navigating Unemployment and Underemployment Among University Graduates

By April Dyrda  Understanding how recent graduates have navigated the job search process will better equip career professionals when helping students and graduates make informed career […]
April 19, 2016

The path to executive: What’s different for women

By Maxine Clarke (Cannexus17 GSEP Award Winner) and Julie Chesley Presently, while 66% of business undergraduate females (Powell & Butterfield, 2013) and 78% of women in upper-level management roles (Vachon & Lavis, 2013) aspire to senior executive positions, women hold only 32% of senior management positions in Canada (Catalyst, 2014). Unlike their parents, the Millennial generation is showing signs of…
April 8, 2016

Cultural influences on impression management: A focus on internationally educated engineers

By Jelena Radan (Cannexus17 GSEP Award Winner) My tenure as a Mentor at Calgary Catholic Immigration Society exposed me to career counselling in a novel work setting, coaching skilled newcomers. In that role, I assisted newcomer professionals to embrace their strengths and to increase their knowledge about Canadian workplace practices. However, I recognized that an understanding of the obstacles that internationally educated…
March 30, 2016

Working with emerging adults who have cystic fibrosis: Information for practitioners

By Caitie Napodi (Cannexus17 GSEP Award Winner) Research evidence suggests that career development does not progress in a typical way for emerging adults who have cystic fibrosis (CF), a genetic disease affecting mainly the lungs and the digestive system (Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, 2013; Isralsky, Goldberg, & Shwachman, 1979; Maslow, Haydon, McRee, Ford, & Halpern, 2011). The life expectancy among…