How a school counsellor in a small Texas town employs creativity, flexibility and intentionality to promote career readiness Lori Olive This article was also published in […]
Case studies from the US and Canada show rural communities and industries are adopting creative approaches to attract new talent Kristin Kirkpatrick and Scott Fisher This […]
There is a pressing need for greater training of settlement counsellors – those on the front lines of welcoming newcomers to Canada – as their role […]
Engaging with a song that moves your client emotionally can reveal surprising insights about their interests, values and passions Herky Cutler If I asked you to […]
Brock University’s integration of gamification and assessment has helped students discover new insights about themselves Marisa Brown We didn’t start out with a comprehensive plan to […]
Exploring why career practitioners use assessments, as well as how they can select the appropriate tools and effectively interpret client results JoAnn Harris-Bowlsbey A version of […]
Evaluations can offer insights into clients’ satisfaction and success Peggy Shkuda How can we measure our success as career counsellors and educators? No matter where we […]
Discussing clients’ experiences, values, way of being and future possibilities can help deepen activate and deepen their awareness and perspective Britt-Mari Sykes In my career counselling […]