Conference Sketch: Cannexus 2011

By Maija Wiik

“Book your accommodations now and make them for the conference hotel” was the advice from Jaz to a Cannexus novice from Vancouver in August 2010 while discussing details on the phone. “It will be freezing cold in Ottawa and you will not want to be outside much.”
Arriving at the Westin Hotel, next to the winter wonderland of Rideau Canal and kitty-corner to Parliament Hill peeking from behind snow banks, in a salt covered taxi on the eve of the conference, I was grateful for the guidance!


Green Jobs for Canadians

By Khaled Islaih

As governments, groups and individuals around the world work to ease the impact of climate change on our lives and planet, new environment-friendly policies, products and lifestyles are emerging.  This worldwide environmental awareness is accelerating demand for new jobs, new practices and new skills. In fact, it is creating a new economy driven by an emerging workforce and green technologies.


Social Workers and Non-Traditional Careers: Making the Links

By Marlene Pomrenke and Heather Morris


Results of a recent study completed by the authors indicate that social workers have congruent values and skills that fit for many non-traditional employment opportunities in social work (Pomrenke & Morris, 2010).  To complement and expand on these findings we examined the challenges for social work students in their career journey.


Retirement Re-Visited

By Juanita Hennessey

What if you worked your whole life at a job you disliked? What if you never figured out what you wanted to do with your life? What if you knew, but circumstances prevented you from realizing your dream? Are there opportunities in later life to undo the regrets of your past?


Hot Links

Business Case for Diversity – Diversity Institute in Management & Technology
Ryerson University, Ted Rogers School of Management
Many factors influence where organizations are in their awareness of the importance of managing diversity.