Career Practitioner Supervision Training: For Your Current or Prospective Role

By Cheri Butler

The Career Practitioner Supervision curriculum was developed by the National Career Development Association (NCDA) with Sandy Manoogian as the lead author and Judy Hoppin serving as consulting editor at the request of the Japan Career Development Association (JCDA). The intent of this professional supervision training, to be released in the fall of 2011, is to introduce the practice of clinical supervision to career practitioners.


One Stride Closer: Psychological Considerations of the Immigrant Career Transition

By Basak Yanar

Each year Canada welcomes some 200,000 immigrants – over half of which are “skilled” – eager to develop successful careers in their new country.1 Government initiatives and settlement agencies provide a wide array of programs designed to facilitate their entrance into the Canadian labour market. Although 80% of Canada’s immigrants succeed in finding full-time employment after two years of arrival2, this career transition is often defined by underemployment, casual and part-time positions, forced occupational change, and/or lower levels of income.


Parental Involvement in Children’s Career Exploration: A Cannexus12 Session

By Gilles Paquette

Parents have a significant influence on their children from a very young age. Keeping parents engaged early on is important. If you are planning to attend Cannexus12 January 23-25, 2012 in Ottawa, you will have over 100 concurrent sessions to choose from. I wanted to point out this particular session which is in line with our theme in this Fall issue of our Bulletin. Allow me to start with this great quote:


Parenting and Social Media Systems With Job Search

By Chris Kulbaba

As I was sitting with one of my six children the other day, inevitably we started to discuss the fact of her going back to school to start Grade 11. “How can I figure out what I want to do?” I started to answer with some directions, and then thought better of it – I took off my parenting hat, and put on my facilitator visor instead – and asked her to let me think it through with her – can we just have some dialogue? What we came up with was a few ideas and points that I would like to share with you – I have highlighted the four best we came up with.


Career Advancement: Do You Know How to Get Ahead? Most Canadians Don’t

Few Canadians are aware of the specific steps they need to take to advance in their organizations, although they nevertheless think they are given equal (or more) opportunities to advance when compared to others.

The Canadian Education and Research Institute for Counselling (CERIC) has released findings of a survey conducted by Environics Research Group asking Canadians about their job satisfaction, their perceptions about their workplaces and performance management, and the tools and resources they turn to when looking for a job or building a career. This project is a follow-up to a benchmark initiative completed in 2007 that asked similar questions. This article is an excerpt from the 2011 survey report. For methodological information, please see below.

Canadian workers are not entirely clear on what they need to do to advance in their organizations. With the exception of two in ten who strongly agree (19%) that they know what they need to do, most Canadians either have only some idea (49% somewhat agree they know what to do) or little at all (19% disagree somewhat/6% disagree strongly). Quebec workers are disproportionately more likely to better understand what they need to do to advance in their organization (86% versus 68% of Canadians overall).

Notably, those satisfied with their jobs are much more likely than those who are not to feel they know what they need to do to advance (75% versus 38%). Indeed, knowledge of how to advance produces a larger gap between canadians satisfied with their job and those who are not than remuneration or recognition received on the job.

Notwithstanding that slightly more non-visible than visible minority workers strongly agree they know what to do to advance (20% versus 10%), both groups of Canadians generally display a similar sense, or lack thereof, of what they need to do to advance in their organization. As well, men and women express a similar level of understanding.

Q.5p Please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with the following statements

Subsample: Those who are employed full-time or part-time

Do Others Have Better Opportunities To Advance?

Canadians diverge more when asked if they feel others have better opportunities for advancement. Overall, Canadians are less likely to agree (35%) than disagree (60%) with the statement “I feel others have better opportunities for advancement” (4% are unable or unwilling to offer a response).

Demographically, a similar minority of Canadians across age, gender and household and education levels feel others have better opportunities. Regionally, consistent with their greater knowledge of how to advance in their organizations, Quebecers (21%) are least likely to feel others have better opportunities for advancement.

However, visible minority Canadians and those born outside Canada are more likely to agree others have better opportunities for advancement. Half of visible minority Canadians agree others have better opportunities for advancement (16% agree strongly, 37% agree somewhat), compared to one-third of non-visible minority Canadians. As well, those born outside Canada, albeit a minority, are three times as likely as those born in Canada to strongly agree others have better opportunities for advancement (23% versus 8%).

In short, visible minority Canadians and immigrants share a similar level of understanding as the Canadian population-at-large of what they need to do to advance, but they are much less convinced there’s a level playing field to do so.

Furthermore, when posed directly with the statement “I feel my ethnic or cultural background has hindered my career advancement,” visible minority Canadians are five times as likely as non-visible minority Canadians to agree (37% versus 7%). Among those who disagree, visible minority Canadians are far less certain than others (28% strongly disagree their ethnic or cultural background has hindered their advancement, compared to 69% of non-visible minority Canadians).


Findings from the Environics Research Group survey were released in January 2011. A total of 1,202 Canadians aged 18 years or older provided their input to the on-line survey conducted between November 3 and 11, 2010. Age, gender, and regional quotas were placed to ensure that this sample reflects the Canadian population. Data gathered can therefore be extrapolated to the full population with a reasonable degree of confidence, and permitting analysis by important subgroups. Furthermore, this sample size was chosen as it can provide meaningful and statistically reliable results for important segments of the population, whether this is by region, community size, household type or relevant demographic characteristics such as education level and family size.

Read the full report, “On-line survey on public perceptions about career development and the workplace”, on the CERIC website.


Success and Growth in Aboriginal-Owned Businesses

by Sharon Ferriss

The first in-depth research in a decade shows that Aboriginal small business owners across Canada are growing in numbers and experiencing widespread success in terms of profitability and growth, but also in ways that go beyond the bottom line. And, despite the challenges of business ownership, 70% of Aboriginal business owners are clearly optimistic about future revenue growth, finds a new report from the Canadian Council for Aboriginal Business (CCAB).


Regional Economic Development Boards in Southern Labrador

by Joshua Fleming

Labrador is approximately 294,000 square kilometres with a population of 26,364. As hydroelectric and mineral resource extraction initiatives are underway in this sparsely populated region, firms are identifying challenges pertaining to recruitment and skills development. Regional Economic Development Boards play a key role in building and strengthening the local workforce.


Working in My Pyjamas

by Paul D. Smith

There is revelation in the small comments people make when they encounter behaviour outside of their experience. They reveal their pre-conceptions about the activity in question and their opinions based on those pre-conceptions.