A Story to Share

by Nesreen Melek

My office desk separates me from my client. Eighteen years ago, I was sitting in the same chair, puzzled, depressed and not knowing what my options were. How did I make it? How did I move from being a client to an employment counselor? How did I make it? How do I look at those years? Please allow me to share my story with you.


Employability skill – a leading force for promoting clients

By Mohammad Habib Ullah

Promoting Internationally Educated Professionals (IEPs) to Canadian employers is a challenging task. In a not for profit setting, employment counsellors and job developers use various techniques and methods to help IEPs find meaningful employment. Internationally educated professionals bring various employability skills, which include both soft and hard skills. Employment counsellors and job developers need to be able to identify these skills for promoting them to employers.


Solution-focused interviewing and counselling: the answers are inside us.

By Melissa Martin, B.A. B.Ed. TEFL, Bilingual career coach

In my quest to elevate my professional profile and strive to be an expert in the counselling field, I used the six degrees of separation. A colleague recommended that I complete certification in solution-focused interviewing and counselling training, delivered by Dr. Ronald Warner, from the Dept. of Social Work at the University of Toronto.


Twitter for Career Developers

By Christine Gertz

Twitter has been popping up all over lately: the entertainment news regularly sources celebrity tweets—the name for a Twitter posting—and local and national news use Twitter to post news stories and traffic updates. I attended a conference where a presenter ran one screen with slides of the presentation and used another screen to “Twitter jockey” showing tweets from the audience about questions from the presentation, effectively replacing clickers with the cell phones of persons in the audience.


The Imperative of “Creativity” and “Possibility Thinking” in Helping People Become Employed

By Denise Bissonnette

I believe that the core purpose of our work as employment professionals is to assist people in seeing beyond their barriers and limitations in order to enter the more expansive field of their potential and possibility.  To that end, we have to embrace the imperative of creativity in helping people recover the capacity to dream, to reclaim the vitality of their imagination, and to exercise healthy judgment in making important choices.  The ultimate gift we have to offer is hope and belief on behalf of their future and a broadened perspective from which they can perceive their gifts, their potential, and the overcoming of barriers and limitations.  As such, we are called to creativity in much the same way that the engineer is called to precision, the athlete is called to physical exertion, or the painter is called to artistic expression.  From this viewpoint, creativity is not just an “extra” that we can contribute when we feel inspired to do so, but as the very essence of our work.  What that means in everyday terms is applying “possibility thinking” as the lens through which we perceive every part of the process which culminates in the illumination of a person’s potential and the expansion of their choices.


Building Tomorrows Transformational Leaders

By Psychometrics Canada

The Other Side of the Front Line

There are few positions that demand a more complex set of skills than managing staff on the nursing front lines. Nursing is part of a complex health care system. Constantly evolving, like an ecosystem, it is under pressure from economics, science, and human relations. To be successful in this field, you have to make tough decisions, but demonstrate caring. You have to be cognizant of strict guidelines, procedures and rules, but still be flexible. You must communicate well within your team, and also across diverse levels of the organization—doctors, front line nurses, clerical and other professional staff. Personal insight is critical to successful management in these kinds of dynamic work environments.


Meeting to Meet: Adaptive Career Counselling Techniques for Marginalized Clients

By Vivian Hansen

My Career Development practicum setting was at the Mustard Seed Street Ministry in Calgary, an agency that is mandated to provide service to homeless and marginalized people.  The organization operates from a Christian-based spiritual practice.  The Mustard Seed provides a multitude of services, including meals and shelter at the most basic level.  A Creative Centre where guests can become involved in artistic enterprises including painting, knitting, journaling, and other crafts is also available to guests who are registered in a Seed Program.  Many current and former Seed guests have sold their art in fundraisers and formal shows.


Where to Find “Sustainable” Employment

By Mark Swartz, MBA, M.Ed.

The Opportunities Are Increasing

The idea of employment being sustainable has a lot of appeal in this day and age of job insecurity. Now there’s a whole new meaning to the term. “Sustainability” these days means your job involves green, environmental initiatives, or else falls under the umbrella of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). It’s a great new way for your clients to increase their marketability. They can differentiate themselves as capable employees who can also get profit-enhancing CSR done. But don’t just take it from me.


Yes You Can Get to the Other Side of the Learning Curve

By Anne Ptasznik

What Baby Boomers Need to Know about Social Media to Make it in Today’s Marketplace

Is your LinkedIn profile complete?

How about your Google profile?

Do you have a blog?

If you’re an early adapter to new technologies and have answered yes to all of these questions, congratulations!  (You can probably stop reading now.)


The Alchemy Of Transforming Bad Jobs To Good

By Jeff Garton 

Interested in helping your coaching clients to transform a bad job situation into a better one? Based on a new book published by ASTD, titled Career Contentment: Don’t Settle for Anything Less, this article discusses the transforming power of career contentment when dealing with dissatisfying job conditions.