Concepts of Guidance: Value of Theory for Practitioners of Guidance

By Vincent Agorini

In their work, practitioners are faced with all types of scenarios and personalities and their counselling approaches need to be based on a sound knowledge for a successful intervention. Theory provides an insight into the variety of client views and examines the ethical legitimacy and practical implication of each view. It also provides the practitioner with the thinking process necessary to enable an understanding of behaviour outside of their own personal experience.


Taking Command of Your Career Path

By Jack Baranson

Pursuing a new career path is a challenging task; and you need a game plan to move effectively toward your career goal. I will briefly share from my life some of the building blocks and lessons learned that helped me to find my way and take command of my career path.


Gaining Meaningful Employment: A Job Seeker’s Perspective


The employment of persons with disabilities is a very broad and diverse field. Even though there are some common themes in this field such as workplace accommodations, barriers to employment and disclosure, the employment of persons with disabilities is unique. It is most important to remember that persons with disabilities are people first and their differences must be valued by those who assist them to enter the labour market. Each person with a disability will face their own specific set of challenges and the challenges faced by one, may or may not necessarily be the same challenges faced by another person with a similar disability. Even though persons with disabilities have obstacles to overcome in their job search, it is important to remember they also have skills, knowledge and abilities required to find and maintain meaningful employment.


EmployAbilities: Putting Abilities to Work

By Mahenaz Layton

EmployAbilities: Putting Abilities to Work

Life changed for Therese Lehoux six years ago when she came to EmployAbilities. Her husband Jim had heard an ad on the radio about EmployAbilities’ mission to support persons with disabilities through economic independence, and encouraged her to explore the opportunity. “I couldn’t believe it – could they really help to train and get me a real job”, she wondered.


Regional Voices

From Quebec

The New “Projet Personnel d’Orientation” Course

Five years ago, the Quebec Ministry of Education decided to remove the formal course “Career Choice Training” (éducation au choix de carrière) from the secondary school curriculum and to implement the “Guidance Oriented School” (approche orientante), a more flexible approach that involves teachers and professionals who are interested in organizing activities or making links between a school subject, a profession, the job market and career development.


Upcoming Events

Upcoming Canadian Events

Opportunities 2005 Conference, Ontario Network of Employment Skills Training Projects – ONESTEP and Ontario Alliance of Career Development Practitioners – OACDP, Richmond Hill ON. November 21 – 23, 2005

National Supported Employment Conference, National Supported Employment Conference Canadian Association for Supported Employment, Saskatoon SK. November 23 – 25, 2005

NBCDAG Annual Forum: “Making Connections: Energize Your Future! “, New Brunswick Career Development Action Group – NBCDAG, Frederiction, NB. November 29 – 30, 2005

CACEE Ontario Regional Conference: Leading Our Future, Canadian Association of Career Educators and Employers – CACEE, Toronto, ON. December 5 – 6, 2005

NATCON 2006: Career Development for Workplace Skills, Canada Career Consortium – CCC, Ottawa, ON. January 23 – 25, 2006

HRPAO Annual Conference and Exposition, Human Resources Professionals Association of Ontario (HRPAO), Toronto, ON. February 1 – 3, 2006


Upcoming International Events

Phoenix Rising – Exploring Tradition and Change, The Western Association of Colleges and Employers (WACE) Rocky Mountain Association of Colleges and Employers (RMACE), Phoenix, Arizona, US. December 7 – 9, 2005

2005 ACTE Convention and Career Tech Expo, Association for Career & Technical Education, New Orleans, Louisiana US. December 8 – 10, 2005

International Conference on Researching Work and Learning, OVAL Research Faculty of Education, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia. December 11 – 14, 2005

The 4th Annual Hawaii International Conference, East West Council for Education Asia-Pacific Research Institute of Peking University, Honolulu, Hawaii US. January 6 – 9, 2006

Center on Education and Work 2006 Conference , Center on Education and Work, University of Wisconsin-Madison Madison, Wisconsin US. January 30 – February 30, 2006

Other Deadlines:

Call for Presentations

International Conference on Counselling 2006: Creating, Connecting, Celebrating – Center on Education and Work, International Association for Counselling, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.
Deadline: January 31, 2006.