Choosing the Right Post Secondary Program

By Juliet Wehr Jones, Vice President, Career Key

With education costs going up and more people returning to school, the stakes are higher than ever for making a good program choice. Choosing the wrong major or instructional program is inconvenient, expensive, and increases students’ incompletion rate. Fortunately, we know how to help people make a successful choice, one likely to result in a higher GPA, degree completion, and higher post-graduation earnings.


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The Power of Assessments

by Ken Keis, MBA

True Assessments do not create results; they only document what is already true!

Our entire lives operate around measurement. Without it we simply cannot function. Think about our modern world? Without measurement, our economies and lives would literally collapse. People’s lives around the world have been transformed using this strategy of assessment


Career Social Media Benefits Clients and Agencies

by Mike DeSousa

In 2007, I coined the term career social media to describe my activities in teaching job-seekers how to secure employment through the strategic use of FREE Internet-based programs, e.g.Facebook and LinkedIn, among many others. Your agency management and employment/settlement counsellors will greatly benefit from learning how to best use career social media to help your clients.