Work Trends: Recent and Far

By Neil Baldwin

As Career Development Practitioners, we know clients think we have a magic crystal ball not just into their lives but into the future of the work world. In both respects we have a professional responsibility to provide both knowledge and skills, tempered with the usual disclaimers about their responsibility in the process.


New Programs and Initiatives

By Robert Shea

Announcing The Launch of the Canadian Journal of Career Development

On November 26th, 1999 the first call for papers was announced by the Canadian Journal of Career Development (CJCD). The CJCD is a peer reviewed on line journal which has been designed to be as inclusive of those involved in career development as there are people who practice and research issues of career development. We hope that this journal will provide a vehicle to analyze and assess current practice and theory.


Upcoming Events

27th NATCON Program Call

The 27th National Consultation on Career Development (NATCON) will be held Monday to Wednesday, 22 – 24 January 2001 in Ottawa, Canada. NATCON is the largest international bilingual conference addressing career development and employment related issues.


Publications + Products

Career Counseling Models for Diverse Populations: Hands-On Applications for Practitioners
By Nadene Peterson and Roberto Cortéz González
Wadsworth Publishing, 2000 – ISBN/ISSN: 0-534-34972-2

Clear Speech Works – CD ROM by Royale Software, Toronto. (416) 484-4404

Evolution of a Group: Student Video and Workbook
By Gerald Corey, Marianne Schneider Corey, and Robert Haynes
Wadsworth Publishing, 2000 – ISBN/ISSN: 0-534-36324-5

The Young Entrepreneur’s Guide to Starting and Running a Business
By Steve Mariotti with Debra DeSalvo and Tony Towle
Random House, 2000 – ISBN: 0-8129-3306-0


Emotional Intelligence at Work

By Danniel Star

Emotional Intelligence (EI) has been a buzz word in business and working circles since Daniel Goleman’s book of the same title was published in 1996. In his second book (“Working with Emotional Intelligence”), he has very clearly presented the case for the importance of EI at work to achieve effectiveness and success. Also, EI is becoming an umbrella term under which soft skills are clearly categorized and validates the study and implementation of training in the attitudinal domain. (The other two domains of training are skills and knowledge.)


Conference Sketches

 By Marc Verhoeve

Formatting Our Future …………in Washington, D.C.

The American Counseling Association hosted their Millennial Conference in Washington, D.C. from March 20 to 25. Donna Ford, ACA President, chose the theme, “Formatting Our Future” because of her belief in the need to understand the impact of technology on counseling, specifically, cybercounselling. Thirty-two hundred counselling professionals attended over 400 workshops and meetings sponsored by the 25 sub-associations of ACA. In addition to Canada and United States, delegates represented countries as far-reaching as Israel, Japan and South Korea.


Book Club

Soloing: Realizing Your Life’s Ambitions
By Harriet Rubin, 1999, HarperCollins, ISBN: 0-06-662014-7

This book was written by a former editor and publisher at Doubleday, who left the corporate world to pursue a more creative lifestyle. Currently she is writing, speaking and consulting, and loving every minute of it. This book is for people who are eager to stretch their wings and develop work to suit themselves. It is perfect for people who are trying to make it on their own, and haven’t yet found a good support group. Rubin describes how soloing is different from freelancing – it’s weaving your work (and perhaps different kinds of work) into your life, and using work to pursue your dreams. In addition to practical suggestions, there are plenty of encouraging stories to help readers at every step of this sometimes-scary creative path.



Publications + Products

Taking Charge of Your Career Direction Career Planning Guide, Book 1, 4th Edition, Robert D. Lock, Wadsworth Publishing, 2000 – ISBN/ISSN: 0-534-35617-6

Theory and Practice of Group Counseling, 5th Edition, Gerald Corey, Wadsworth Publishing, 2000 – ISBN/ISSN: 0-534-34821-1


Upcoming Events

26th NATCON – National Consultation on Career Development, Ottawa, Ontario, January 24 – 26, 2000 – 26e CONAT, Colloque national touchant le développement de carrière, Ottawa, Ontario, 24 – 26 janvier 2000

Working With the Best – Labour Market and Career Information Association (LMCIA) Vancouver, BC, March 6 – 7, 2000

Creating Links – International Career Conference 2000 – International Association for Educational and Vocational Guidance, Perth, Australia, April 2 – 5, 2000

Opportunities Career Development Conference – Onestep Events Management, Toronto, ON. April 5 – 7, 2000

Partners 2000 – Linking Education and the Local Economy – , Conference Board of Canada, Halifax, NS. April 29 – May 2, 2000


Book Club

Career Change: Everything You Need to Know to Meet New Challenges and Take Control of Your Career, 2nd Ed. by Dr. David P. Helfand, 1999, VGM Career Horizons
ISBN- 0-8442-4269-1

This book promotes itself as the one and only volume you need at your side to cope with the challenges of career change. After completing a “Work Values Satisfaction Assessment”, and assessing entrepreneurial characteristics, Helfand shows readers just how to go about getting a new career. He applies psychological principles from counselling, like cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) that readers can use to clear up some of their stumbling blocks: low self esteem, overcoming fears of failure and success, perfectionism and procrastination. There are good tips for increasing self-esteem and expanding one’s opportunities. An entire section is devoted to groups with particular needs: women, the disabled, minorities, dual career couples, single parents, and mid-level managers. An extensive reading list and dozens of excellent resources round out the book.

Careers for Non-Conformists: A Practical Guide to Finding and Developing a Career Outside the Mainstream , by Sandra Gurvis, 2000, Marlowe & Co. (NYC)
ISBN: 1-56924-684-X

Are you a nonconformist? What does the term really mean? So starts this book on “non-traditional” work for entrepreneurial types. The book is organized into chapters according to discipline, e.g., Animal Careers, the Law, Physical Fitness, etc., with several jobs listed in each category. Information for each job is grouped under the headings “What it Takes”, “What to Expect”, “What you’ll Need”, and “A Career Sampler”, providing the usual information on training, a typical day, expected earnings, where to get clients and more. A lot of this information is available in other books, but Gurvis writes well and is always on top of trends – the content of this book exemplifies just how much the world of work has changed and provides some interesting options for those ready to go out on their own.

Career Xroads 2000- 500 Best Jobs, Resumes and Career Management Sites on the Web, by Gerry Crispin & Mark Mehler, 1999, MMC Group
ISBN: 0-965223922

This resource is an international directory of the best websites for career-related purposes, including several Canadian sites (most are listed at Contact Point). The sites are listed alphabetically with contact information (snail mail addresses) and the sites are cross-referenced in lists at the back, according to purpose (job site, career information site, etc.), sector of employment, country and more. Also worth a look is the companion website, where you can register for free online updates! This one’s a gem for anyone working in career development.


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