Publications + Products

The Millenium Candidate: How to Realize Your Potential in the New World of Work – A Practical Approach for Job Hunters and Career Changers, Kathy Wilson, 1999 – ISBN 1-86204-3809

Networking is More than Doing Lunch: Big Networking Ideas for Your Small Business, Larry Easto, 1999 – ISBN – 0-07-560544-9

Learning Disabilities and The Workplace, Esther Benezra, Carol Crealock and Christina Fiedorowicz. 1993 – ISBN – 0-919053-31-9. Available from the Learning Disabilities Association of Ontario, (416) 929-4311; Also available in French (ISBN – 0-919053-33-5).

What Works: Career Building Strategies for Special Needs Groups, Alberta Advanced Education and Career Development, 1999 – ISBN – 0-7732-1743-6.


Journally Speaking

Career Counselling for the Academically Gifted Student by John B. Stewart, in the Canadian Journal of Counselling, Vol 33:1, 1999, p 3-12

If you work in a school setting, you are undoubtedly aware that career counselling high academic achievers poses some unique challenges. This article addresses 7 career development/occupational decision-making difficulties frequently experienced by academically gifted students. The problems covered are: Narrowing Occupational Choice, Indecision, Vocational Identity Formation, Lack of Occupation Meaningfulness, Early Occupational Choice, Pressure from Significant Others, and the Need for Occupational Role Models. Stewart discusses each of these challenges and recommends counselling interventions. Social learning theory provides the theoretical framework for this discussion.


A Proactive Strategy for Attracting Women into Engineering Gilbride, Kimberley A., Kennedy, Diane C., Waalen, Judith K., and Zwyno, Malgorzata Canadian Journal of Counselling, Vol 33:1, 1999, p 55-65

Ryerson University (then Polytechnic) initiated the Discover Engineering Summer Camp in 1991. The camp was designed to provide young women with little-known information about engineering: to show women that engineering is a viable career to consider, to increase understanding of what engineers do, and to demonstrate the challenges and rewards of a career in this area. In a follow-up study, sixty percent of camp participants pursued education in engineering, and cited their attendance at the camp as a primary factor in their decision to become engineers. This paper gives more detailed information about the camp as a tool for introducing women to this predominantly male occupation.


Is your University Career Centre up to snuff? Check out the Summer 1999 issue of the Journal of Career Planning and Employment, p 38, for Beyond Surveys: Using Focus Groups to Evaluate University Career Services. Step by step instructions are included for conducting focus groups at your school.


Check your newsstands for the July/August edition of Fast Company magazine. This issue, entitled “How to Design a Life that Works” features articles on the gaps between the techno have and have-nots, ideas for re-designing a too-hectic life, the life of consultants, and a very telling survey: “How Much is Enough”. Features are also available online at The site also features a career centre with lots of interesting articles.


Upcoming Events

Enneagram 99: Making Connections – International Enneagram Association, Toronto, ON., August 5 – 8, 1999.

Partners For Prosperity: Creating Community Wealth – Ontario Municipal Social Services Association, Toronto, ON. September 29 – October 1, 1999.

Transition to Work for the New Millenium – Canadian Vocational Association, Swift Current, Saskatchewan, October 21-24, 1999.

OSCA ’99: Living the New Millenium – Ontario School Counsellors Association (OSCA), Toronto, ON. November 18 – 20, 1999.


Book Club

Straight Jobs, Gay Lives: Gay and Lesbian Professionals, the Harvard Business School, and the American Workplace

By Friskopp, Annette, and Sharon Silverstein, 1995, Scribner.

Interviews with gay and lesbian alumni of the Harvard Business School (HBS) woven into a discussion of the gay and lesbian experience both at the school, and in the world of work after graduation. Chapters on discrimination, being closeted/coming out at work, networking, success, gender, race and ethnicity, HIV/AIDS, and the unique experiences of gay professionals. Excellent reading guide at the end, including books, theses and academic papers. There is also a “gay workplace resource guide” with US listings.



Do you have a book review to share?
E-mail us at


Job Ads

Resume Advisor (Part-time)

The University of Toronto Career Centre is currently seeking a part-time Resume Advisor. For more information on this position, please visit the Job Board at Contact Point

Deadline is August 6, 1999.


Upcoming Events

Building Tomorrow Today – Alberta Regional Consultation for Career Development – Alberta Career Development Action Group, Edmonton, AB, April 28 – 30, 1999

Opportunities – ONESTEP Events Management, Toronto, ON., May 6 – 8, 1999

CALSCA National Meeting – Canadian Alliance of Life Skills Coaches and Associations, Prince George, BC., May 21 – 24, 1999

Careers Exploration Showcase – Skills Canada, Kitchener, ON., June 1 & 3 – 4, 1999

The Second Spirituality in the Workplace Conference – Centre for Spirituality at Work, Toronto, ON., June 2 – 4, 1999

1999 CACEE Recruitment and Career Services Conference – Canadian Association of Career Educators and Employers (CACEE), Thunder Bay, ON., June 6 – 9, 1999

Enneagram 99: Making Connections – International Enneagram Association, Toronto, ON., August 5 – 8, 1999


From the Discussion Forum…

Recently, the following request appeared in the “Access to Trades and Professions” discussion:

“good morning to any one may read this message, i just want to inquire about something that i found so confusing, we are applying for immigration to canada, and my husband is the dependent immigrant, but his job is a regulated one, (he is an anesthesia & inhalation technician) the canadian terminology for his job is respiratory technician, any way it is so difficult to find out the address of the regulatory body, concerning his job, who to contact, we went to the embassy to get information, they gave us so many addresses, from the almanac & directory, it is really confusing, so till now one year has passed and we are still asking, do have any address that we can contact, by the way we are from lebanon, but we are living and working both me & my husband in kuwait, sorry for sending this message here but i thought that may be someone out there would advice me of what should i do, thank you any way.”



Publications + Products

Basic Counseling Responses: A Multimedia Learning System for the Helping Professions (CD-ROM, Video, and workbook) by Hutch Haney and Jacqueline Leibsohn, Brooks/Cole-Wadsworth Publishing, 1999.

Canada’s Best Careers Guide, Frank Feather, Warwick Publishing Inc., 1999. ISBN -1-894020-42-1

Developing a Career Information Centre, Canadian Career Information Association, 1999.

The Guide to Internet Job Searching, Margaret Riley Dikel, Frances Roehm and Steve Oserman, VGM Career Horizons, 1999. ISBN – 0844281999



By Heather Sterling

CAETO – An overview

The Canadian Alliance of Education and Training Organizations (CAETO)/Alliance canadienne des organismes d’éducation et de formation (ACOEF) is an incorporated, not-for-profit, “umbrella” association of national education and training organizations, that provides its members with opportunities to identify and build partnerships related to education and training policies and programs.