New Programs and Initiatives

By François Demers

Access for Success

As we approach the millennium, technology and the Internet have become essential tools for many job seekers. With increasing traffic on the Internet, more and more social service agencies see the benefits of having a presence on the Web. But for many smaller agencies they’re simply not able to make the technical or financial commitment necessary to participate in this new electronic environment.


Publications + Products

Intentional Interviewing and Counseling, Allen E. Ivey and Mary Bradford Ivey, Brooks/Cole, 1999. ISBN – 0-534-35756-3.

Group Dynamics – Third Edition, Donelson R. Forsyth, Brooks/Cole, 1999. ISBN – 0-534-26148-5.

Using Assessment Results for Career Development – Fifth Edition, Vernon G. Zunker and Debra S.Osborn, Brooks/Cole, 1998. ISBN – 0-534-34669-3.

The Helping Relationship: Process and Skills, Lawrence M. Brammer and Ginger MacDonald, Allyn and Bacon, 1999. ISBN – 0-205-29042-6.

The Career Adventure: Your Guide to Personal Assessment, Career Exploration and Decision Making, Susan Johnston, Allyn and Bacon, 1999. ISBN – 0-13-080188-7.


Counselling Deaf and Hard of Hearing Clients: Part 1, Perspectives on Deafness

By Carolyn Cahen

Career and Employment Counsellors meet with a variety of clientele who have a multitude of strengths and challenges. Whether a client views his or her own characteristics as strengths, challenges or neither will affect the counselling process. This paper is the first of a two part series that summarizes some of the major counselling issues and techniques relevant to deaf clients. The first part outlines two disparate views of deafness in the community, an important distinction to understand before a counsellor can build a relationship with a deaf client. The second part, which will appear in the next issue of the Bulletin, will focus on communication issues with deaf clients, providing some practical applications for the counsellors.


Job Ads

Vocational Rehabilitation Consultants

The Occupational Rehabilitation Group of Canada is looking for Vocational Rehabilitation Consultants in the Ottawa/Kingston area to provide case management/vocational rehabilitation services for STD/LTD policies. For more information on this position, please visit the Job Board at Contact Point.

Applications must be received by December 31, 1998.




Job Ads

Employment Coach

Youth Literacy and Employability Project, Self-Directed Studies Literacy Program of the West Scarborough Neighbourhood Community Centre is seeking an Employment Coach (one year contract). For more information on this position, please visit the Job Board at Contact Point.

Applications must be received by September 30, 1998 – 12:00 pm

Employment Counsellor

Applications for Employment Counsellors (2) are now being accepted for the Downtown Office of Operation Springboard. These positions involve working with individuals 18-65 years of age with barriers to employment to enhance their opportunities for employment. For more information on this position, please visit the Job Board at Contact Point.

Applications must be received by September 28, 1998


Conference Sketches

The first Annual Consultation on Career Development for British Columbia was held in Vancouver, BC in May, 1998. The primary objective of the Consultation was to promote growth, recognition and validation of the vital work being done across the province by career service providers. And, to provide a forum for a two-way exchange of information and ideas to:


The World Wide Web as a Career Resource

By Neil Baldwin


A career counsellor emphasizes client ownership of the career counselling process by requiring participation, whatever the age or life stage of the client. Information gathering is a large part of this participation and, increasingly, Internet technology plays an everyday role in the process. This article describes three ways in which a practitioner gets clients on board to use the World-Wide-Web as a career resource in order to help them get a clear picture of their options and to generate new alternatives.


New Programs and Initiatives

Jobs for Youth

Vocational Pathways is pleased to announce a new Youth Initiative called JOBS FOR YOUTH. It is designed to assist youth between the ages of 16 and 29 years to secure appropriate and meaningful employment which offers long-term potential and the opportunity for growth and skill development. The programme is scheduled to run from September, 1998 to September 1999, with is general focus being in the Greater Toronto Area.


Practitioner’s Corner

By Alfredo Barahona

Wow!! What a site!! That is what I said when I first went into Contact Point. This idea of an “on-line” resource centre is excellent. The opportunities for all those involved in career counselling/development are in my opinion limitless. Networking , professional development, related agencies, job postings, you name it, it’s there. Well, and if it is not there, at least you can get some suggestions on several other places you can go, in other words you won’t come out empty-handed.