October 15, 2020

Marilyn Van Norman Bursary awarded for virtual Cannexus21 conference

In recognition of Marilyn Van Norman’s valuable contribution to the career development field, CERIC is awarding 13 bursaries to community-based counsellors for Cannexus21, courtesy of The Counselling […]
October 6, 2020

Storytelling is the career superpower your clients need to master

Being able to deliver a compelling career story will help jobseekers identify their value and communicate it to employers Alastair MacFadden Contemplating a path through an […]
October 6, 2020

Supporting the careers of individuals who are Black, Indigenous and people of colour

It is vital that career professionals understand how systemic racism affects the career and educational pathways of their clients to help them succeed Jodi Tingling Systemic […]