Building Communities through Language Learning

By Khaled A. Islaih

Technology is changing the way we live and learn. Over the last few years, technology has induced many drastic changes in family, workplace and community life. For example, the number of people hired, and even married, through electronic channels rose significantly over the last few years. In our daily life, checking e-mail has become an important habit for most of us. In education, computer assisted learning is now considered as a fundamental requirement for better learning outcomes. Unlike traditional instruction, technology facilitates collective learning, breaks cognitive barriers between learners and educators and opens new learning pathways. It allows educators and learners to explore new learning pathways.


Upcoming Events

Upcoming Canadian Events

ATA Guidance Council Conference 2008, , Banff Park Lodge, Banff, AB. Nov 20 – 22, 2008.

Career Education Society of BC – CES 31st Annual Fall Conference, Vancouver, BC. Nov 20 – 21, 2008.

NATCON 2009: National Consultation on Career Development and Workforce Learning, Toronto, ON. Jan 19 – 21, 2009.

Internationally Educated Professionals (IEPs) Conference 2009, Toronto, ON. Feb 20, 2009.


Upcoming International Events

2008 AUSTRALASIAN FACILITATORS NETWORK (AFN) CONFERENCE: Pushing the Boundaries: Facilitation Frontiers, Bathurst, New South Wales, Australia, Nov. 26 – 28, 2008.

The 4th Annual MPACE Conference: Ride the Wave To Success!, San Diego, California, Dec 10 – 12, 2008.

Center on Education and Work’s Careers Conference 2009: From Inspiration to Application, Madison, Wisconsin, Jan 26 – 28, 2009.

Upcoming Deadlines

Early Bird Registration: Nov. 14, 2008, CANNEXUS 2009 National Career Development Conference, Toronto, Canada (April 6-8, 2009)

Call for Proposals: Nov. 28, 2008 , Building Tomorrow Today 2009: From Good…to Great – Best Practices in Career Development

Call for Proposals: Nov. 30, 2008 , International IAEVG Conference 2009: Coherence, Co-operation and Quality in Guidance and Counselling, Jyväskylä, Finland


Culturally Responsive Career Counselling

By Susan Qadeer

The increasing diversity in our major cities requires that career counsellors develop and continue to acquire competencies in working with a multicultural population. When working with clients who are very different from ourselves, we will want to rethink some counselling practices that may not be useful across cultures and to incorporate more effective ones. For instance, some erosion of traditional barriers between the counsellor and client including a more liberal use of self disclosure may facilitate a working relationship. Here are some things we might keep in mind as we try to help newcomer clients make career and academic decisions and work towards securing employment.


Upcoming Events

Upcoming Canadian Events

Vocational Rehabilitation Association of Canada – Ontario Society 2008 Annual Conference: “Exploring Mental Health, Addiction & Return to Work”, The Canadian Association of Rehabilitation Professionals – Ontario Inc., Vaughan, ON. September 19, 2008


Regional Voices

By Mark Larson

From Nova Scotia

Find Distance/Online Services – Workplace Skills Initiative

Here is a situation you may be familiar with: – as a career practitioner / employment specialist you are faced with a client looking for advice and guidance concerning their need to find employment in their field. Add to this mix, the fact that this client is an immigrant and has unique challenges regarding the integration into not just the Canadian labour market but a new country as well. In addition, this individual has chosen to live in a smaller urban center far removed from your location and cannot take advantage of the face to face services your organization offers.


The Centre for Canadian Language Benchmarks Celebrates its 10th Year

By Anne Senior

The Centre for Canadian Language Benchmarks (CCLB) is celebrating its 10th year as the centre of expertise in support of the national standards – Canadian Language Benchmarks (CLB) and les Niveaux de compétence linguistique canadiens (NCLC). These benchmarks are used for describing, measuring and recognizing the second language proficiency of adult immigrants and prospective immigrants for living and working in Canada.


All About Blogging – Part 1: What is a Blog

By Christine Gertz

You may be surprised to know that most people don’t know what blogs are. It almost floored me when I presented at a conference this summer. There were several people in the room who wanted to know more about them, and I, in my social networking arrogance, thought that blogs were dead.


The Myth of Canadian Work Experience

By Jan Sheppard Kutcher

When the question arises of why skilled newcomers are so often frustrated in their efforts to become employed in their professions – the usual answer is that they do not have Canadian work experience. This apparent “catch 22” of no Canadian experience/no job is inevitably raised in any discussion of the workforce integration of immigrant professionals. I would argue that this is not, in fact, the answer. Instead, I would suggest that the central reason highly qualified newcomers struggle so hard to integrate into the workforce – is that employers do not like to take risks. When faced with a resume which includes education from a university or college in a distant part of the world or work experience in a company they have never heard of in some far away place, many employers don’t trust it.