Regional Voices

From the Atlantic Region

A new interactive board game, called The Career Learning Game, for use with Inuit students in Labrador was recently unveiled in St. John’s. It was developed by the Labrador Inuit Association in partnership with Memorial’s Department of Career Development and Experiential Learning and the Counselling Foundation of Canada. The Career Learning Game helps youth explore and learn about different career paths, and the education requirements needed for different career options

Find out more about the Career Learning Game at:

The Canadian Counselling Association is holding its annual national conference in St. John’s from May 24-27. This year’s theme is “The Roots of Resilience”. Complete details can be accessed at


Lisa Russell is the Seniors Arts Career Development Coordinator at Memorial University of Newfoundland. She is the Atlantic Regional Voices Representative.

From Quebec

Have you heard about the new “Guidance-Oriented Approach to Learning” (GOAL) developed by the Quebec school boards? This new approach follows the Quebec Government’s decision to drop courses in career choices education from the curriculum. Students still have to go through some vocational reflections, but now there is no separate time, nor specific administrator devoted to this exercise. All teachers and other professionals in the school system can participate in some GOAL activities.

Relevant information on the Guidance-Oriented Approach to Learning is available in English at However, because the Guidance-Oriented Approach (“l’approche orientante” as it better known) was initially developed at the French-language school boards, most resources are in French. Francophone readers can read more about l’approche orientante in the Spring Issue of the OrientAction Bulletin, to be released in May.

While Quebec was the first Canadian province to apply the GOAL, over the last couple of years New Brunswick has adapted the program and Ontario is now beginning implementation on an experimental basis. Stay tuned for more developments!


Nathalie Perreault is the Program and Content Manager for OrientAction



By Robb Nickel

The Canadian Centre on Disability Studies (CCDS)

The Canadian Centre on Disability Studies (CCDS) is a consumer-directed, university-affiliated centre dedicated to research, education and information dissemination on disability issues. The Centre promotes full and equal participation of people with disabilities in all aspects of society. CCDS is guided by the philosophies of independent living and community living, emphasizing human rights, self-determination, interdependence, equality, a cross-disability focus, and full and valued participation in the community. Members of the disability community are key participants in directing CCDS policies and activities.


Hot Sites

Access Guide Canada

ARCH: A Legal Resource Centre for Persons with Disabilities

Abilityinfo – Disability Information for Students and Professionals

Disability Online

Enabled Online – Connecting People with Disabilities

The Spinal Cord Injury Peer Information Library on Technology

Tetra Society of North America

The Ties That Bind

Abilities Festival

Looking for More Resources?

Check out These and Other Resources in the Contact Point Resource Library…


Making a Difference: Profiles in Abilities, 2001
By Darryl Rock

Journal Articles:

Career Counseling with Clients who have a Severe Mental Illness, 2004
By Robyn A. Coporoso and Mark S. Kiselica

Reducing Negative Career Thoughts in Adults, 2003
By Kirk Austin, Dennis Dahl and Bruce Wagner

Acquired brain injury and return to work in Australia and New Zealand, 2003
By Athanasou J A.


Having a Learning Disability Can Be a Career Asset, 2002
By Jayne Greene-Black

The Invisible Wall (or career counselling clients with invisible disabilities), 2002
By Lisa Trudel

Say What?: Effectively Communicating with Clients with Speech Disabilities, 2002
By Glenda Watson Hyatt

Counselling Deaf and Hard of Hearing Clients – Perspectives on Deafness, 1998
By Carolyn Cahen

Conference Papers:

Coaching The Job Seeker With Special Needs, 2003
By Freddie Cheek

Enhancing Vocational Preparedness for At Risk Students through Technology Enhanced Learning Using Reading/Writing Technology, 2003
By Kevin Reinhardt and Sherri Parkins


New Programs and Initiatives

By Margaret Hardy

Abilities Plus

Abilities Plus is a unique matching placement service that brokers the skills and abilities of self-employed contractors, who have a disability, to identified outsourcing needs of the business community. The intent is to provide opportunities for successful participation or re-integration into the mainstream of Canadian social and economic life.


Upcoming Events

Upcoming Canadian Events

CDC 2005 – Building a Career Development Highway , Career Management Association of BC – CMABC, Vancouver, BC. March 1 – 4, 2005

Workplace Health and Well-Being: Measurement in Action, Conference Board of Canada, Calgary AB. March 21 – 22, 2005

16th Annual Conference of the Canadian Association of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Canadian Association of Neuro-Linguistic Programming – CANLP, Montreal, QC. April 8 – 10, 2005

CES 25th Annual Conference: Career Development: Showcasing Excellence in Practice, Career Education Society of BC – CES, Vancouver, BC. November 18 – 19, 2004


Upcoming International Events

2005 Michigan Career Education Conference, Michigan Center for Career & Technical Education – MCCTE, Detroit, Michigan. February 13 – 15, 2005

4th Annual PRWRA Convention, Professional Résumé Writing and Research Association, Las Vegas, NV, US. March 3 – 5, 2005

National Association of School Psychologists 37th Annual Convention, National Association of School Psychologists – NASP, Atlanta, GA, US. March 29 – April 2, 2005


Other Deadlines:

Call for Presentations

International Association for Counselling Annual Conference – Expanding the Counselling Profession within a Context of Profound and Ongoing Change – International Association for Counselling, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Deadline: March 31, 2005.

Building Global Learning Communities Conference – BCEdOnline, Richmond BC. Deadline: February 28, 2005.


Publications + Products

How to Develop Essential Hr Policies and Procedures
John H. Mcconnell
Amacom, October 2004
ISBN: 0814408273

Your Identitiy Zones: Who Am I? Who Are Yu? How Do We Get Along?
Mark Williams 
Capital Books Inc, November 2004
ISBN: 1931868905

The Leadership Training Activity Book: 50 Exercises for Building Effective Leaders
Lois Hart
Amacom, November 2004
ISBN: 0814472621

Competency-Based Resumes: How to Bring Your Resume to the Top of the Pile
Linda Strasburg
Career Press, November 2004
ISBN: 156414772X

Pursuit of Passionate Purpose: Success Strategies for a Rewarding Business Life
Theresa M. Szczurek
Wiley, December 2004
ISBN: 0471703249

The New Workforce: Five Trends That Will Shape Your Company’s Future
Harriet Hankin
Amacom, December 2004
ISBN: 081440829X

Organizational Behaviour and Management
John Martin
Thomson Nelson, December 2004
ISBN: 1861529481

Executive Coaching: A Guide for the HR Professional
Anna Marie Valerio 
Philip A. Pfeiffer, December 2004
ISBN: 0787973017

Haldane’s Best Secrets of the Hidden Job Market: Smart Tips for Landing the Perfect Job
Bernard Haldane Associates 
Impact Publications, December 2004
ISBN: 1570232180

E-resumes: A Guide To Successful Online Job Hunting
Criscito Pat, CPRW
Barrons Ednl Series, January 2005
ISBN: 0764128965


Hot Sites

Hiring and Retaining Good Employees

Attracting and Retaining the Best Employees

Creative Ideas for Retaining Employees!rehideas.html

Steps to Developing a Personal Professional Development Plan

RCMP Employee’s Handbook – Developing Your Learning Strategy

Personal Goal Setting

Planning for the Future: Setting Goals

Goal Setting Tips

Relational Leadership

Relational Leadership – Activities & Competencies


Looking for More Resources?

Check out These and Other Resources in the Contact Point Resource Library…


The HR Answer Book, 2004
By Shawn Smith, JD, and Rebecca Mazin

Building a High Morale Workplace, 2003
By Anne Bruce

Whale Done!: The Power of Positive Relationships, 2002
By Ken Blanchard, Thad Lacinak, Chuck Tompkins, Jim Ballard

Journal Articles:

Managing a Career Center with Minimal Staff, 2002
By Melanie Gold

Using Portfolios to Direct Workplace Learning, 2003
By John B. Stewart


Career Development: An Organizational Tool for the Manager’s Tool Box, 2003
By Rob Shea

Getting to Value with Career Services, 2003
By Mark Venning

Conference Papers:

Value-able Portfolios: Wedding Individual and Organizational Career Development, 2000
By David Zinger

Oops, You’re Stepping on My Boundaries!, 2001
By Anne Marshall


Finding and Keeping Great Employees

By Tamara Reis

One of the challenges facing many of us in the Human Resource industry is the lack of good qualified people in the work force. Individuals who have the education, qualifications and good work attitude – often they are sought out and employed immediately.