Job Ads

Employment Coach

Youth Literacy and Employability Project, Self-Directed Studies Literacy Program of the West Scarborough Neighbourhood Community Centre is seeking an Employment Coach (one year contract). For more information on this position, please visit the Job Board at Contact Point.

Applications must be received by September 30, 1998 – 12:00 pm

Employment Counsellor

Applications for Employment Counsellors (2) are now being accepted for the Downtown Office of Operation Springboard. These positions involve working with individuals 18-65 years of age with barriers to employment to enhance their opportunities for employment. For more information on this position, please visit the Job Board at Contact Point.

Applications must be received by September 28, 1998


Upcoming Events

The 25th National Consultation on Career Development* (NATCON) will be held Monday to Wednesday, 25-27 January 1999, in Ottawa, Canada. NATCON is the largest international bilingual conference addressing career development and employment-related issues. The National Consultation on Career Development is co-sponsored by The Counselling Foundation of Canada, Human Resources Development Canada, and the Career Centre, University of Toronto.



By Graham Donald, Executive Director, Canadian Association of Career Educators and Employers (CACEE)

The Canadian Association of Career Educators and Employers (CACEE – pronounced Casey) is a national, non-profit association dedicated to facilitating the process of introducing students to employment opportunities. As a partnership of employer recruiters and career educators, CACEE’s mission is to provide authoritative information, advice and services to employers, students, and career centre personnel in the areas of career planning and student recruitment.



By Alene Steinbach, NB Career Development Action Group

The New Brunswick Career Development Action Group (CDAG) is a cross-jurisdictional group (network) of representatives of stakeholders in New Brunswick involved in supporting and educating those who provide some form of career development (including counselling) services to the public. The scope of the CDAG’s work includes: leadership, advocacy, information, training and professional recognition.


Upcoming Events


The 25th National Consultation on Career Development (NATCON) will be held Monday to Wednesday, 25–27 January 1999, in Ottawa, Canada. NATCON is the largest international bilingual conference addressing career development and employment-related issues. The National Consultation on Career Development (NATCON) is co-sponsored by The Counselling Foundation of Canada, Human Resources Development Canada, and the Career Centre, University of Toronto.


Online Resume Course Pilot (August 1997): Summary Report

By Kerry Mahoney

Introduction, Rationale and Staffing:

As with many innovations, a long-time need, coupled with a chance discovery, set the stage for change. Throw into the mix a staff member (me!) with an interest in, and some experience with, online education and what do you get? An online resume course, of course!

New co-op students are overwhelmed when they arrive on campus and are told that resumes are due in just a few short days. In the past, our Department, Co-operative Education & Career Services, has attempted to assist these students through advance resume tips brochures and early face-to-face seminars. However both were lacking from a personal attention and timing perspective.


Publications + Products

CareerBridge’s E-Cruiter 2.0 – Total “E-Cruitment” Solution Intelligent Web-based software.

Pride & Prejudice: Working with Lesbian, Gay & Bisexual Youth Edited by Margaret S. Schneider, Ph.D. C.Psych. Published by Central Toronto Youth Services – 275 pages, soft cover. $19.95 + shipping/handling

Taking Control of Your Career and Your Future, For Nurses By Nurses (ISBN:1-55119-021-4), 1998. By Gail J. Donner RN, PhD and Mary M. Wheeler RN, MEd. Available through The Canadian Nurses Association, Ottawa (800) 385-5881.

The Thirteenth Mental Measurements Yearbook (ISBN: 0-910674-54-x), 1998. Edited by James C. Impara and Barbara S. Plake. Available through the University of Nebraska Press, 312 N. 14th Street, Lincoln, NE 68588-0484 – Tel: (800) 755-1105.