Practitioner’s Corner

By Agnes Manasan, Settlement Counsellor, Catholic Community Services of York Region

Congratulations on the new additions to the Contact Point Webpage. The Occupational Fact Sheets in the Helping Foreign Trained Professionals section of Contact Point contain important and helpful information on the registration and licensing processes and other steps established by the regulatory bodies which are needed by foreign-trained professionals who would like to work in their field in Ontario.


Upcoming Events

Kindling the Spirit – Career Education in Uncertain Times – Association of Career Centres in Educational Settings (ACCES), Toronto, ON. April 24, 1998

Promoting Excellence in Organizational Career Development, Performance Coaching, Executive Coaching and Career Transition Services – International Association of Career Management Professionals (IACMP), San Francisco, CA, April 24 – 26, 1998

Life Skills Conference – Canadian Alliance of Life Skills Coaches and Associations (CALSCA), Prince Albert, Saskatchewan, May 15 – 18, 1998

Ontario Association of Help Centres (OAHC) Annual Conference, London, ON. May 19 – 21, 1998

Click and Go: Moving at the Speed of Technology Forum – New Brunswick Career Development Action Group, Fredericton, NB, May 28, 1998

Bright Perspectives – Canadian Association of Career Educators and Employers (CACEE), Montreal, Quebec, May 31 – June 3, 1998

Reshaping Career Development for the 21st Century, National Career Development Conference, Drake Hotel, Chicago IL July 1 – 3, 1998



By Paul Kitchin, Executive Director, National Association of Career Colleges (NACC)

NACC is an “umbrella” organization representing private career training institutions from across Canada and companies offering products and services to those institutions. NACC represents, supports and protects the interests of its membership by identifying the issues affecting private career training institutions and by contributing to the decision-making process. It keeps members informed and helps government understand the important role of private training institutions in providing skills training in Canada. It also helps provincial associations and individual members by providing them with relevant information, support and assistance.


Cyber-Counselling: Panacea or Can Of Worms?

By Mark Swartz

My prediction is that an increasing number of ‘traditional’ counsellors (both in the career sphere and other areas as well) will try their hand at cyber-counselling. Thus, we’ll see practitioners experimenting with CHAT groups for instantaneous communication; e-mail to respond to more involved questions; phone sessions to deal with immediate issues; and the use of Web-based resources (e.g. self-assessments, career exploration sites, research areas etc.) to assist in the overall delivery of the counselling process. Affordable video-conferencing is just down the road, and may add a whole new wrinkle of its own.


Publications + Products

Career Counseling: Process, Issues and Techniques, Normal C. Gysber, Mary J. Heppner and Joseph A. Johnston. 1998, Allyn and Bacon, Toronto. ISBN: 0-205-17508-2.

Career Counselling: Applied Concepts of Life Planning (5th ed.), Vernon G. Zunker. 1998, Brooks/Cole Publishing Co. ISBN: 0-534-34668-5.

Essential Interviewing: A Programmed Approach to Effective Communication (5th ed.), David R. Evans, Max R. Uhlemann and Allen E. Ivey. 1998, Brooks/Cole

Publishing Co. ISBN: 0-534-34949-8.


Upcoming Events


The National Consultation on Career Development (NATCON) 1998 will be held in Ottawa, Ontario, January 26-28, 1998.

Sponsored by The Counselling Foundation of Canada, Human Resources Development Canada, and the University of Toronto Career Centre, NATCON is the largest international bilingual conference addressing career development and employment-related issues. Topics include: career counselling and development; future trends; career and work transition; organizational development; occupational information; technological resources; work and well being; partnership initiatives; job search skills; equity issues; training programs; motivation and self-esteem; career and life management issues; career education programs; professional development programs. A more comprehensive program will be available in October.


Hot Sites

Canadian Content

Career Edge:

Career Paths Online:

Government of Saskatchewan’s New Careers OnLine:

Skills For Change:

University of Manitoba’s Career Resource Centre:

The WORK Place


World of Work Directory:


Go Global

American Counseling Association (ACA):

Catapult on Job Web:

European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training:

Kiwi Careers: <span”>

OnLine Career Center:

University of Northumbria at Newcastle:




New Programs and Initiatives

Federal Public Sector Internship Project

The Federal Public Sector Internship Project, a partnership between the Canadian YMCA and Career Edge, will provide 3,000 unemployed or underemployed youth with 12 months of work experience within Federal Departments, agencies and Crown Corporations. Hosted by Treasury Board Secretariat, this initiative will be co-delivered by both Career Edge and the YMCA. It will commence on October 1, 1997 in Vancouver, Edmonton, Toronto, Montreal, and Halifax, and in other communities in January 1998. The program ends on September 30, 2000.


New Programs and Initiatives

By Sharon Kalbfleisch

Career Development Practitioner Program

A new, seamless career development program is being developed as part of an articulation agreement between Conestoga College, University of Guelph, University of Waterloo and Wilfrid Laurier University. The program includes a creative and flexible balance between theory and practice and will build on Conestoga’s existing post-degree, post-diploma Career Development Practitioner Program and the three universities’ undergraduate degrees. The intent of the program is to provide excellent preparation for career development practitioners for their role in developing a nation of lifelong learners able to compete in a global marketplace.


Publications + Products

Applying Career Development Theory to Counseling, Richard S. Sharf. 1997, Brooks/Cole Publishing Co. ISBN – 0-534-34503-4

Assessment Guidelines: Reviewing and Renewing Counselling Services, David Robertson and Rita MacDonald. 1995, Ontario College Counsellors and the Association of Colleges of Applied Arts and Technology of Ontario (ACAATO), Toronto, ON. ISBN – 0-7713-0456-0

Career Cruising, Anaca Technologies. 1997. CD-ROM. (Contact 1-800-965-8541).

Career Information, Career Counseling, and Career Development, Lee E. Isaacson and Diane Brown. 1997, Allyn and Bacon, Toronto, ON. ISBN – 0-205-26252-X

The EDge Post-Secondary School Finder, School Finder Ltd. 1997. CD-ROM. (See

The End of Work, Jeremy Rifkin. 1996, Putnum & Grosset, New York, NY. ISBN -087-477-8247