CERIC’s Summer Skills Academy meets your need for training that is face-to-face, in-depth and, importantly, fits your budget. The 2014 Summer Skills Academy will be held
Registration rates for the Cannexus15 National Career Development Conference have now been posted, allowing you to budget your attendance. Plan now to join us January 26-28,
CERIC is once again hitting the road, travelling to various locations throughout Canada for a series of networking breakfast meetings, where attendees are introduced to CERIC’s
What region of Canada is being hit hardest by skills shortages? Where are employee referrals the most common recruitment practice? In what part of the country […]
If you are a full-time graduate student whose focus is career development or a faculty member working with full-time grad students in career counselling or a […]
The state of career development in the Canadian workplace was the focus of an interview with Sharon Ferriss, CERIC’s Director of Marketing, Web & New Media, […]
The Canadian Education and Research Institute for Counselling (CERIC) invites individuals or organizations with an interest in presenting at Cannexus15 to submit a brief outline