Publications + Products

A Fork in the Road: A Career Planning Guide for Young Adults
Susan Maltz
Impact Publications, April 2003
ISBN: 1570231974

The Seasons of Your Career: How to Master the Cycles of Career Change
Kathy Sanborn, Wayne Ricci
McGraw-Hill, April 2003
ISBN: 0071406085

Choice Points: Navigate Your Career Using the Unique PaperRoom Process
Sydney Rice
Davies-Black Publishing, May 2003
ISBN: 0891061738

World Volunteers: The World Guide to Humanitarian and Development Volunteering
Fabio Ausenda
Rizzoli International Publication Inc., May 2003
ISBN: 8890016752

Work With Meaning, Work With Joy: Bringing Your Spirit to Any Job
Pat Mchenry Sullivan, Patrick McHenry Sullivan
Sheed & Ward, June 2003
ISBN: 1580511171


Children and Careers

Children and Careers

CBC 4 Kids – The Lab Best Links


Ocean Link – Careers in Marine Science

Stage Kids

Just for Kids Who Love Books

Yes Mag – Canada’s Science Magazine for Kids

School and Beyond – Connecting Activities: Career Exploration and Development (American)


New Programs and Initiatives

By Deirdre Pickerell, MEd, CHRP

Career Management Professional Program

A new program designed to be the “next phase” in professional development for career/employment counsellors, career practitioners and/or practitioners in related fields. Offered in partnership between Life Strategies Ltd. and Access Institute of Training and Development (A division of Access Employment Services Ltd.), our goal is to serve the needs of practicing professionals who require CEU’s (Continuing Education Units) to keep their status current in their professional associations or who wish to enhance their present skills.


Hot Sites

Telementoring Program for Young Women

Although women make up over half of the population, they are only a small minority of the professionals in math, the sciences and technology. The reasons for the under-representation of women are complex, but one strong factor is that young women lack the necessary role models and the encouragement to pursue the training required.


New Courses for Professional Development

New Courses for Professional Development

Conestoga College and Contact Point are jointly launching in 2003 four New Advanced Online Courses for Career Development Practitioners. These courses will include online content, online individual and group exchange, plus a teleconferencing component.



By Terresa Augustine, Executive Director
Career Management Association of BC

Career Management Association of BC (CMABC)

Formally launched in 1996 as the Labour Market and Career Information Association of BC, today, the Career Management Association of BC exists to identify and move forward the interests and needs of organizations, associations and practitioners impacted by career development, management and information within the Province of British Columbia.


Counselling Transference / CounterTransference Issues

By Kevin C. Jackson

Transference and countertransference are natural projective behaviors and are to be expected in the counselling relationship. “Transference” refers to certain unconsciously redirected feelings, fears, or emotions from a client towards the counsellor that actually stems from past feelings and interactions with others and is transferred into the current counselling relationship. “Countertransference” refers to the projecting of a counsellor’s experiences, values and repressed emotions that are awakened by identification with the client’s experiences, feelings and situation that affect the dynamics of a counselling relationship.


Getting to Value with Career Services

By Mark Venning

Industry Transformation

Now a significant global business, the Career Services industry has been quietly transforming over three decades as workplace career issues have swung the vine through workforce reduction, retention, work-life balance and leadership credibility. The scope of our industry is still largely unknown and if known, often misunderstood.