CERIC updates its brand identity

CERIC has a refreshed brand identity to better reflect who we are and what we do. Recognizing that the scope of career development encompasses counselling and more, the charitable organization will use the name CERIC (to replace Canadian Education and Research Institute for Counselling) and add the descriptor “Advancing Career Development in Canada” to communicate its purpose and impact.


Latest CERIC literature search focuses on career development in K-12

Career development is a lifelong process. It is important for students to understand themselves, explore future options, and build career competencies at an early stage. What are the implications for guidance counsellors and the school system in developing career education programs? CERIC’s new literature search Infusing Career Development into K-12 Curriculum underscores some important aspects.


Fall issue of Careering examines Generation Next: Pitfalls, Promise and Potential

The latest issue of Careering magazine focuses on the theme “Generation Next – Pitfalls, Promise and Potential” and explores current topics including underemployment among young Canadians, the benefits of professional networking, and young people’s expectations of the future job market. It also features two articles based on recent CERIC-funded research, one on impressive Canadian post-secondary career service models, and the other on hope-based interventions to help clients with job search and career planning.