Good Work! Facilitator’s Guide is now available!

Good Work Facilitator’s Guide is a new resource for career practitioners and teachers to accompany and compliment Good Work! Get A GREAT JOB or BE YOUR OWN BOSS. The guide helps professionals who teach learners and clients to acquire the related skills to find a job or start a business. The Guide is written by Nancy Schaefer, President, Youth Employment Services YES. Click here to purchase this invaluable resource.


Cannexus Pre Conference Workshops Announced

CERIC is pleased to announce 2 pre-conference workshops at Cannexus 2009. The workshops will take place on Sunday April 5, 2009. Registrants have the opportunity to sign up for either CHOICE A: “SHOW ME THE MONIES!” or CHOICE B: “REWRITING ACTIVE ENGAGEMENT”. Each workshop is $150.00 (inclusive of taxes). 


The Decade After High School: A Parent’s Guide

The Decade After High School: A Parent’s Guide is now available for download as an eBook. This publication, authored by Cathy Campbell, Michael Ungar and Peggy Dutton, is a product of the “Stories of Transition: Exploring the Antecedents of Career and Educational Choices among Young Adults” Project – a CERIC Partnership Project in conjunction with Dalhousie University.


The Decade After High School: A Professional’s Guide

The Decade After High School: A Professional’s Guide is now available for download as an eBook. This publication, authored by Cathy Campbell and Michael Ungar, is a product of the “Stories of Transition: Exploring the Antecedents of Career and Educational Choices among Young Adults” Project – a CERIC Partnership Project in conjunction with Dalhousie University.